Month: March 2010

Things to do in an Dental Emergency in Essex

Things to Do in a Dental Emergency

Have you ever passed an ìEmergency Dentistryî sign in your town and chuckled to yourself, unable to imagine what would cause a dental problem to become an emergency? Really, though, there are such things as dental emergencies. Don’t believe me? Think about the last time you had a toothache from a cavity. Now, imagine that the ache you had came on suddenly and that it was ten times worse because the cavity was so bad or because you actually chipped a tooth. That pain would be pretty much unbearable. I think that would constitute a dental emergency, for sure!

So, if you have an emergency, whether it involves a lost tooth, inflamed and sore gums, or a crown or filling that falls out of your mouth, you definitely need to contact a dentist in Essex right away. Because these problems are fairly common, many dentists actually have an emergency section and will be able to get you an appointment to fix the problem right away. Before you try anything on your own, then, get an emergency dentistry office on the phone and get an appointment for the first possible moment so that the problem can get fixed as soon as possible.

Next, you can start doing a few things to help the problem at home. One of the first things you should do if you’re in pain is to gargle and swish warm salt water. It’s an old grandma-style recipe, but it actually does work to dull lots of mouth and throat related pains. You can also take some over-the-counter medications to ease the pain; just be sure that you follow the directions.

If you know that the bottom layer of your tooth is exposed due to a chip, a cavity, or a lost filling or cap, you can actually cover it with a layer of sugar free gum or even wax. This will limit the dentin exposure to air, food, and drinks, which will also help ease the pain and keep you from being totally immobilized by your dental problem.

More serious problems like severe gum pain, swelling, or bleeding and lost teeth will need to be treated immediately. Gum problems might signal other health issues, and you might need antibiotics to keep an infection under control. If you have any of these problems, call a dentist in Essex and describe your symptoms so that the problem can be treated and fixed as soon as possible.


The Mechanics of a Six Month Brace.

The Mechanics of Six Month Braces

Lots of adults who didnít go through the three or four years of the torture parents and orthodontists call braces as children are now left with smiles that are embarrassing. Sometimes they have gaps in their teeth, and other times, their teeth overlap. Either way, though, the situation can be quite embarrassing and can even cause some people to smile tight, close-mouthed smiles even when theyíre happy. Sound like you? Well, six month braces in Essex might be your solution!

When an orthodontist puts braces on a child, the goal isnít really a great smile. The goal is actually to align the bite to where it would be, which can help keep the teeth from wearing down earlier than they should. With an adult who has escaped braces, though, the bite isnít usually the problem. Because itís usually the case that adults just want to be able to show off a row of straight teeth when they smile, six month braces in Essex are possible.

Think itís not possible to get straight teeth in less than a year? It actually is. Many people think that the technique used for these braces is different or that it is painful because things move so much faster. Actually, itís less painful than braces can be for kids because itís a low pressure technique that moves the teeth gradually and slowly without a lot of tugging and pulling. Since youíre mainly focusing on how straight the front teeth are, though, you donít have to undergo as much fine tuning.

If youíve ever seen a kid go through a few months with braces, youíll probably remember that his teeth actually looked fairly straight after less than a year with them on. Why the extra twelve to twenty-four months with a metal mouth, then? Well, when an orthodontist is fixing a childís teeth, her goal is to get the teeth completely and perfectly straight and to align the bite as it should be aligned. This takes lots of time even after the teeth look straight to a non-professional.

As an adult who has never had braces, your bite is probably not a major problem. Instead, you just want to be able to smile with your teeth showing. Straightening just the front teeth takes much less time and effort. All you have to do to get your teeth to stay straight after using six month braces in Essex is to wear a retainer for a while. Whatís a few months when it results in a lifetime of beautiful-looking teeth?


Steps in The Invisalign Braces in Essex

Steps in the Invisalign Process

If youíre looking for Invisalign braces in Essex, you might be wondering how the whole process of bringing your teeth more into line actually works. The process can be complex and a little bit expensive, but if you need your teeth straightened and donít want to deal with the oral hygiene problems or the obvious visibility of traditional braces, it could definitely present an alternative option for you. Hereís how the process of obtaining and using Invisalign braces works.

First, an orthodontist will have to evaluate what your teeth are like and what problems need to be fixed. Donít get your heart totally set on having Invisalign braces, though, because they arenít appropriate for all types of teeth or all orthodontia problems. When you meet with your tooth-alignment specialist, youíll be able to figure out whether or not you can even use this system for your teeth.

If you decide to go ahead with treatment by Invisalign braces in Essex, your orthodontist will contact the Invisalign company with pictures of where your teeth are and where they need to be. Then, the people at Invisalign will create a plan to straighten your teeth. Basically, this plan will show several different aligners that will be used in a particular order to move your teeth from point A to point B. Once you and your specialist confirm that these plans will get you where you need to go, the company will cast all of the aligners you need at once.

When you start treatment, youíll just start going through the series of aligners. Youíll have to wear them for about twenty-two hours a day, which means that youíll only take them out when you eat or brush your teeth. Itís really important that you stay on track and keep wearing your aligners


Painless Root Canal ?

Myth or Fact: The Painless Root Canal

One of the ideas that many people have about dental procedures is that they are painful, and one of the strongest perceptions about a painful dental procedure is the root canal. In fact, having a root canal is used in popular language to describe some of lifeís most painful events! Where does this idea of a painful root canal come from? The past! In the past, the technology for root canals wasnít nearly as effective, so people who had to undergo the procedures were in a great deal of pain, often for several days.

Now, though, you can get a painless root canal in Essex that will actually relieve pain. Basically, sometimes the tissue at the sensitive roots of your teeth can get infected. When this happens, the easiest way to treat the infection is to remove it. A dentist will basically canal near your toothís root to remove some of this infected material, which will take away deep, long-term toothaches that youíve probably been having.

Twenty years ago, the technology just wasnít available that would allow this to be a pain-free procedure, but today, eight out of every ten root canal patients describes the process as totally painless! Thatís a pretty amazing statistic if you think about it. A painless root canal in Essex can be brought about by a variety of pain killers that dentists have available to them right now, and the most painful part of the procedure will likely be the insertion of the local anesthetic, which makes a pinching sensation where the needle goes.

If youíre terrified of needles or of the pain of getting anesthetized, you can always get a root canal with sedation dentistry. Basically, this type of dentistry will put you almost under by use of various sedatives. Youíll still be awake, but youíll feel relaxed and happy and wonít have much idea of whatís going on around you unless the dentist speaks to you directly to ask you to move or open your mouth wider.

So, in fact, root canals can be painless. The key to having a painless root canal in Essex is to find an experienced dentist who will know just what to do to make your visit more comfortable. If you need to, you can also ask about being sedated by happy gas or even an IV, which can make the whole experience of getting a root canal actually somewhat pleasurable!


Are You a Candidate for Porcelain Veneers?

Are You a Candidate for Porcelain Veneers?

As you can probably tell from various commercials that you see every day, the dental industry is definitely not static. Fifteen years ago, all braces were unwieldy, ugly, and huge, but now you can get your teeth aligned using totally invisible braces. Our teeth are becoming straighter, wider, and prettier as the years go by and dentists discover new ways to making teeth look perfect. Porcelain veneers are one of those ways. If youíve been thinking about getting porcelain veneers in Essex, you should put some thought into the procedure, since it is not reversible and since it is not for everyone.

If you have serious tooth problems, such as staining, especially, on your front teeth, you could definitely be a good candidate for porcelain veneers. These veneers are basically super-thin pieces of porcelain that are bonded to the teeth to cover up problems. Before theyíre bonded, some of the tooth enamel is shaved off so that your teeth wonít be thicker than normal. If youíve ever seen a piece of laminate wood with a veneer on it, you can imagine a bit about what these veneers look like.

One problem with these veneers is that they actually have to be bonded to the enamel of healthy teeth. If your tooth problems are caused by more than just decades of drinking coffee and red wine, you might have to go with another option. Your dentist who specializes in porcelain veneers in Essex will be able to help you decide whether or not veneers could be used once some of your more major dental problems are taken care of.

If your teeth are already pretty, then veneers are probably not your best option. In fact, they might cause more harm than good. They canít ever be reversed, and if one of your veneers chips, which can happen fairly easily, you will have to absorb the cost of having a whole new veneer made, which can be pretty expensive. Plus, insurance might cover all or part of the cost of veneers for someone with very bad teeth, but it wonít cover the veneers if your teeth are already in pretty good shape.

Another type of person who might want to steer clear of veneers is the person who grinds his teeth. Tooth grinding is common and usually unconscious, and many people do it in their sleep. Since this problem can wear down or chip veneers, most dentists who specialize in porcelain veneers in Essex will recommend that grinders forego veneers or learn to control their grinding by day and to wear a tooth guard by night.


Dental Phobia in Essex

Dealing With Dental Phobia

If you are looking for a dentist who deals specifically with dental phobia in Essex, you are not far from finding the caring and compassionate personnel who can help you with your fears and get you the care that you need. This is a rather common affliction and is nothing to be ashamed of at all, and there are specialized procedures and environments available through professionals who treat patients with dental phobia in Essex. There is no reason to dodge the very important health issues that come with and from your teeth, so taking a step in that direction toward oral health is a necessary one.

The dentists who treat patients with dental phobia in Essex will be able to help you no matter what the causes for your anxiety or worry. The symptoms that you have experienced are very much akin to those that others face each time they even think about the dentist, so you are certainly not alone in any way. This psychiatric issue is a delicate one, and you are sure to find a very experienced dentist who deals with dental phobia in Essex, no matter the reasons behind the fear. The most common cause for this condition is rooted in one or more bad experiences in the past.

Treating dental phobia in Essex will require the help of your psychiatric professional as well as the dentists who specialize in the kind of delicate and reassuring services that help to alleviate the issues and the trauma which trigger the episodes of anxiety, panic, fear, or phobic discomfort. No matter the definition of your dental phobia, in Essex you can find the health care partners who will help to ensure that your mouth, teeth, and gums get the attention that they deserve in order for you to stay healthy and avoid the pain of toothache or loss later.

To find those professionals who treat dental phobia in Essex, you need only do a tiny bit of research and make some phone calls. It is important that you speak with people at each office personally so that you might get an idea of their expertise and manner of caring before making an appointment. Your choices are your very own when is comes to dental; phobia in Essex, so be sure that you are comfortable with the team that you choose going forward. The pain of not going to the dentist could far outweigh the routine and necessary examinations that you will undergo by keeping up with your oral hygiene with your dentist.
