Month: January 2011

Top Tips for Tooth Whitening in Essex.

When you Smile at someone is it really genuine or do you worry about the colour of your teeth? Are you concerned about what other people think of your teeth? If this is the case, then you may want to think about tooth whitening which is comfortable, affordable and very efficient whether it be at your home or at our dental office in Essex.

There are 3 things you need to consider before whitening your teeth.

1. A study by the American Academy of Cosmetic Dentistry found that 85% of people believe that an unattractive smile is less appealing to the opposite sex. Whiter teeth make you look younger , confident and more assured.

Teeth Whitening Before and After

2. Whiter, Brighter Teeth are so worth it!

You may get a little sensitivity when you start bleaching your teeth but this is only temporary. You could just alternate the days of whitening with just placing senstive tooth paste into your bleaching trays or replace it instead of your regular toothpaste.

3. Tooth whitening will not last indefinately.

Teeth whitening will last anywhere from 6 months to a year depending on the age of the individual and their habits eg . Smoking, Tea or Coffee Drinker, Curries etc..

Home whitening is then an efficient way to keep your pearly Whites , Whiter for longer as you get to keep the custom built trays and can buy the peroxide gels anytime to give your smile a Boost.

Beautify your Smile Now!

Call 01375481000 for special offers on Tooth Whitening.


Snap on Smiles: A new Trend in Cosmetic Dentistry.

Snap on Smiles: A New Trend in Cosmetic Dentistry.

Snap on Smiles UK
Snap on Smiles

The British Public are always looking for constant ways to look younger and better looking, and a perfect smile is likely the first step . Cosmetic Dentistry in the UK is a Multi Billion Pound industry. We at Chafford Hundred Dental Care can alter your smile permanently with a combination of veneers, crowns, bridges or Dental implants.

These dental procedures can cost alot of money and expense to your pocket. They often come with complications as well. If you have cold feet about making a life changing commitment to your dental health and do not want to pay thousands for a Smile Makeover – then the Snap on Smile may be your answer!

How does the Snap on Smile Work?

Would you like to have that Julia Roberts Smile? You could just simply order a set with her look. It really is that easy! The Snap on Smile are removable devices that sit nice and snugly over your existing teeth to correct or reduce any imperfections.

We dont have to give injections or drill any of the teeth and within a month you too can have that perfect smile.

The convience of the Snap on Smile is incredible as well as the price. Where a Single veneer can cost you up to 700 pounds or more, you can order a full row of snap on teeth for just 895 Pounds.

What Else Should i Know?

A Snap on Smile does not affect the postion of your teeth so those who look like the Disney Character Goofy will find that the appliance will accentuates the problem. For most patients, However, Snap on Smiles could instantly provide brighter, whiter and straighter teeth in an instant.

Call Dr J Basrai on 01375481000 for a Free Consultation.

Snap on Smiles

How do 6 month Smiles Work?

How do 6 month Smiles work?

Many dental braces will take more than a year to work. However, with the 6 month Smiles Brace it can take on average from 4 to 9 months to get your teeth cosmetically straight and aligned.

The 6 month Smiles uses Nickel Titanium wire to straighten the front 6 teeth and move them into their correct positions. These special wires have a memory that even when you twist or flex them, they will want to resort back to their original shape and form. Hence, once these wires are placed on tooth coloured brackets which are smaller than standard metal brackets, your front teeth will follow the tooth wire due to its inherent memory.

Because the 6 month Smiles does not work on the entire mouth like conventional metal braces, the time taken to align the teeth is considerably shortened!

With severe cases, it may take up to 9 months to straighten ones’s teeth.

Also. with any type of Brace , a patient’s mouth may get a few ulcers which heal very quickly with special wax that allows healing to take place. Your speech may be affected temporarily as well.

However, the 6 month Smiles brace is a useful tool for anyone who is thinking about getting their teeth straight in the shortest space of time.

Give us a call on 01375481000 to schedule a FREE Consultation.


The Advantages and Disadvantages of the Inman Aligner.

The Advantages and Disadvantages of the Inman Aligner

There have been many new techniques over the last few years which have greatly improved orthodontics to make them more efficient and work even quicker.

They have even replaced conventional metal braces which can be slow and may take up to 2 to 3 times longer than say the Inman Aligner which can straighten your teeth in as little as 12 weeks. The Inman Aligner is more interested in levelling and straightening your front 4 to 6 teeth to give them an enhanced cosmetic look.

The Inman Aligner is less conspicuous and visible than conventional ugly metal braces.
It has a set of springs which are attached to the premolars and the whole device has a single string which is visible around the front of your teeth. There is a translucent piece of plastic attached to the wire which holds the gums and teeth in their correct places.

The Inman Aligner works on Spring like technology. These exert low continous forces on the teeth which naturally then work quicker to move to their idealised postions.

The Inman Aligners are much cheaper compared to Invisalign braces and they are completely removable and can be worn at nights only if the patient should wish to.

You can get on with the rest of your day and life unhindered in any way knowing that at nightime the magical forces of the Inman Aligner can take place.

Give us a Call on 01375481000 for a FREE Consultation with Dr J Basrai
