Month: June 2011

The advantages of using Teosyal in Essex

Aging is a natural process and most importantly, a process that cannot be stopped. This is also a process that can leave visible marks on the face showcasing that one is growing old like frown marks and horizontal marks on the forehead, the most common ones being “crow’s feet”, which are marks around the eyes. However, the necessity for people to look younger with age and the high demand has led to the invention of dermal fillers. Teosyal in Essex is one such dermal filler that has come into existence due to this demand. There are a number of dermal fillers available in the market with specific attributes, advantages and disadvantages. However, Teosyal in Essex is a class apart from the rest. With the advent of dermal fillers the cosmetic industry is moving many steps further in making one look younger with age. This article will look at the qualities of Teosyal and the advantages that it has over its competitors.

Teosyal in Essex has the prime advantage of not having any ingredient from an animal protein and is made only from synthetic proteins. This one quality of the dermal filler plays a major role in people opting for it. Consumers are usually keen to buy dermal fillers that do not have any animal protein as their ingredients as they are skeptical about the side effects that they might cause. At the same time dermal fillers that do not have any animal protein like Teosyal in Essex are considered to be environment friendly as well. When Teosyal in Essex is injected into the skin layer on the face, it provides volume to the skin and ensures that the intensity of wrinkles on the face is reduced to a great extent. This result of reducing the intensity of wrinkles on the face can be seen on the same day when Teosyal is injected into the skin. Another advantage of using Teosyal in Essex is that it has reported very few cases of swelling, redness and inflammation as compared to its peers in the market. It is important to note that this is one of the unique selling points of this product. Another very important aspect about Teosyal in Essex is that it can be stored at room temperature and is very easy to inject. This aspect of being able to store at room temperature is very important as some of the dermal fillers are very unstable and can break down at a cellular level and become unusable for injecting it into the skin. Some dermal fillers also become harmful if not maintained at the required temperature.

All these aspects of Teosyal in Essex have made it the preferred choice of many people who wish to minimize the intensity of wrinkles on the face. At the same time, this product has the unique advantage of minimizing the chances of any side effects on application. Teosyal has won the hearts of a number of patients and is here to stay.

Call us on 01375481000 for a FREE Consultation if you would like the dermal Filler Teosyal to rejuvenate your facial appearance.


The procedures involved in Tooth Whitening in Essex

The procedures involved in Tooth Whitening in Essex

You come to know that one of your friends is in town and you have not seen him for a very long time. You are eager to meet this old buddy of yours and join him over a cup of coffee. That is when you hesitate and start asking your conscience as to how are you going to confront him with your discolored teeth. You are afraid of talking to him and smiling at him, and worst of all, you will not enjoy having a cup of coffee with him. This is the level of discomfort and embarrassment that one would undergo due to discoloration of the teeth. To address these needs you can avail of tooth whitening in Essex that has come as a blessing in disguise. This has helped a lot of people to smile with confidence once again and restored happiness in their lives.

Over the next few minutes we will look at the different existing techniques of tooth whitening in Essex. We will also be looking at any side effects that might be caused due to the tooth whitening in Essex procedure. Predominantly, the tooth whitening in Essex treatment is used for the removal of stains that could be caused either due to the excess consumption of coffee or discoloration that has happened due to age or the use of antibiotics. The discoloration of the teeth can occur to a great degree or extent depending on any one of the reasons mentioned above. The different types of tooth whitening in Essex procedures are the In-Office laser tooth whitening and the At-Home Tooth whitening. In the In-Office laser tooth whitening process a gel is applied on the discolored teeth and laser light of amicable strength is applied to accelerate the process of tooth whitening. It is important to note that this process of whitening should take place only under the supervision of a cosmetic dentist. However, the process of At-Home tooth whitening involves the setting up of a teeth tray according to the alignment of the teeth. Once this is done a whitening gel is placed into the tray and fit back onto the teeth. This process can be done at home however it is much more costly than the process of In-Office laser tooth whitening.

One of the major disadvantages of tooth whitening in Essex treatment is the use of gel. When it comes in contact with the gums it might cause some ill effects. When this gel is applied in excess than what is required it can also result in the excessive bleeding of the gums. It is always important that both the above mentioned procedures are performed by a skilled cosmetic dentist. Cosmetic dentistry has taken the use of technology and medicine to the next level which now ensures that the patients smile with confidence again.


Zoom Teeth Whitening in Essex helps you to flash dazzling smiles

Zoom Teeth Whitening in Essex helps you to flash dazzling smiles

Zoom teeth whitening in Essex
involves a process that lightens the discoloration of enamel and dentin of the teeth. Slowly but surely this procedure is gaining a lot of prominence amongst the community that has an inclination towards teeth whitening. The entire process takes up to 45 minutes, post which you get gleaming white teeth that you have always dreamt of. Teeth Whitening in Essex has gained a lot of importance due to the fact that the one thing that anyone observes the most while talking to others is their teeth. So, having so much exposure and being capable to draw so much attention requires special and specific ways of treating discoloration.

In the procedure involving Zoom teeth whitening in Essex the initial step would involve the placing of plastic braces which would be covering the gums and lips and also separate them from the teeth. It is very important that this is done because the zoom gel that is applied on the teeth contains a very high dose of hydrogen peroxide. If either the lips or the gums come in contact with the gel it can lead to discoloration of the lips and also gum bleeding in some cases. Once this arrangement is made the zoom gel is applied on the teeth, and then advanced zoom light is projected onto the gel that is applied. This light breaks down the hydrogen peroxide and releases oxygen which then acts on removing the discoloration that is present on the teeth. The light used will be of the optimal wavelength which helps in accelerating the oxidization of hydrogen peroxide. This light also ensures that it accelerates the intensity with which it oxidizes the stains and discoloration of the teeth. During this process, the patient can watch TV or listen to music as well. This process is completed three times in the duration of 15 minutes for each sitting. The entire process takes up to 45 minutes to be completed. Once the teeth have undergone the Zoom teeth whitening in Essex treatment, they become sensitive and should not be washed with water or even exposed to air. Another discomfort that can be experienced during the usage of the zoom light is the fact that the light used might cause slight increase in the temperature causing heat to be developed on the front layer of the teeth.

It is also worth noting that the zoom light that is used accelerates the breaking down of hydrogen peroxide and improves the whitening process by approximately 26%. Patients having a strong gag reflex might go through a little bit of discomfort while undergoing this treatment. It is very important to ensure that this treatment is performed by an experienced cosmetic dentist. With the advancement of technology and also the necessity to have the best smile always, the zoom teeth whitening treatment in Essex has proven to be a success and transformed a number of lives. It is a boon for those who want to flash dazzling smiles.


Snap on smiles for ongoing dental treatments

Snap on smiles for ongoing dental treatments

Snap on smiles is a technique that has been in existence for some time now. Originally, it was created as a cover up device for those who required veneers or were in the middle of a procedure. In the past, the shaving and filing of teeth was often done before the custom veneers were made because the technology and bonding agents were not very advanced unlike today. Sometimes patients were made to undergo the shaving and filing procedures for a couple of months before the new teeth made of porcelain were available to be fitted. This could often be an uncomfortable and unsightly issue. This is why dentists created a plate that snapped on to disguise teeth that were being worked on.

This cosmetic device was usually not pretty but hid the teeth from the world during the treatment period. The concept continued growing. Patients who could not afford over one veneer at one go over a period of a number of years used this device to hide the ongoing dental work. A certain doctor decided on using his unique idea for the snap on overlay for creating a patented application that mimicked actual texture, color and shape of the teeth so that the patients under his care could feel good and confident about themselves through the long dental processes. Since then this patent is fulfilling many duties like serving those who are considering veneers made of porcelain but are put off by the cost. Today, Snap on smiles is a rage. It is custom made for nearly all dental conditions. It transforms the lives, confidence and smile of patients costing as much as a single porcelain veneer. You can wear Snap on smiles throughout the day. With regards to maintenance of hygiene, the teeth and device should be cleansed carefully a number of times during use each day. Snap on smiles can be worn for almost all the dental conditions where natural teeth come in contact with them as they are considered safe. The application is not detectable or noticeable. It is vital that Snap on smiles fit securely and snugly always so as to avoid possible chaffing or slippage and damaging the natural teeth. Snap on smiles is a very convenient and cost effective alternative to the invasive, expansive and expensive cosmetic dental surgeries and procedures. However, it is not in any way a permanent fixture. It also cannot be used by everyone.

Snap on smiles are designed for making cosmetic alterations to your smile a little more convenient as compared to having removable trays or braces installed. They essentially work as prosthetics fitting over the teeth and making a discolored or crooked smile attractive. This product has some advantages which is why it is preferred by many, especially those who are not keen on getting dental treatments done. Snap on smiles is also popular among those who are in professions that require making appearances before audiences or are into public speaking.


Six month braces in Essex give you a beautiful smile

Six month braces in Essex give you a beautiful smile

We as human beings have the ability to express sadness and happiness through our facial features. This ability is what makes us different from all the other species around us. One of the most prominent features of the face that comes to light when one feels happy is the teeth. A good set of white teeth add a lot of value to the smile and make the whole conversation pleasant bringing out the best in every individual. But sometimes due to poor alignment of teeth this might be challenging and can remain a dream for many. Dream no further and look no more, the solution is here. Six month braces in Essex are the one stop solution for all the teeth alignment issues that you have always longed to get fixed.

The six month braces in Essex is an excellent treatment which involves the usage of invisible braces that are more cosmetically appealing and do not invite unwanted attention of your friends who would otherwise stare at your braces while you talk to them or when you eat. The six month braces in Essex are also very easy to clean and maintain as opposed to the traditional braces that can be quite a hassle with food particles getting stuck in places that are tough to clean. This treatment which initially originated in the US and which has seen a tremendous growth of popularity has now spread to the UK and is seeing a lot of demand here as well. The usage of less force to realign the teeth to the desired location is also one of the biggest advantages as compared to the traditional braces that can cause a lot of damage to the gums because of high force being applied in the method. To explain this further, the six month braces in Essex involves the application of a very little amount of force on the teeth to direct it towards realignment to the desired location. Through this the orthodontic roots of the teeth do not fall under pressure thereby fostering the movement of the teeth to the desired location as opposed to the traditional braces system wherein a lot of force is applied to the gums of the teeth which can result in the orthodontic roots getting damaged. Once these undergo damage it might take weeks and in some cases even months before it heals which slows down the movement of the teeth.

The six month braces in Essex treatment has been known to clear the teeth alignment issue in a time period of 6 months on average and thus the name. This is a huge leap as compared to the time frame that traditional braces take in getting the tooth aligned which might take up to a year in some cases. The initiation of this treatment is also pretty simple which starts off with a couple of x-rays for the doctor to understand the current teeth profile of the patient. The Six Month Braces in Essex is an orthodontic solution that has proven to be the answer for a number of people who have always dreamt of flashing beautiful smiles.

Call 01375481000 for a FREE Cosmetic Consultation into a 6 Month Brace in Essex.


How does the six month braces work?

One of the most frequent questions that come up in the minds of people who are looking at straightening their teeth is whether this can be done in just 6 months. The answer is quite simple. Yes, if you go for six month braces. This is a concept that has been well documented and practiced for over 60 years in the field of orthodontics. The usage of braces has always given positive results in terms of having the teeth aligned as per desire. One of the key changes to this treatment is the user of hi-tech wires which put less force on the teeth to get them aligned. These wires have the quality of having shape memory. What is shape memory?

In the fixing of six month braces a hi-tech wire is used around the current alignment of one’s teeth. It undergoes a deformation. However due to its attribute of regaining its original shape, it attempts to get back to the desired shape of the teeth that it has been set in. So, if one has an irregular alignment of teeth, the hi-tech wire is actually bent in the same alignment. However, due to the above property it tries to retain its original shape thereby pushing the teeth towards proper realignment. Another question that comes to mind with regards to the use of braces is if it is only the tightening of the braces that causes the alignment of the teeth. The answer to this is a no the reason being that every individual tooth has a shock absorber surrounding it called the periodontal ligament. So, when more force is applied through the braces this ligament gets bruised. And the teeth are not able to move faster for realignment unless the bruise gets healed. This can sometimes take weeks or even months thereby not facilitating the faster movement of the teeth but rather slowing the whole process down. However, if the force is less, which is what exactly happens in the six month braces treatment, the ligament does not get bruised and it facilitates the faster movement of the teeth into the desired location. Another question that would crop up would be the damage that this treatment would do to the roots of the teeth that are being treated. There are two basic reasons why roots would get damaged, one is due to genetics and the other is due to high force. As it is pretty evident that we do not have control on the genetics of any individual when it comes to force that is used to align the teeth, the six month braces treatment uses only low force. So, this treatment does not cause any damage to the roots.

Another advantage of the six month braces treatment is that the braces and the recliner that are used for the alignment of the teeth are customized to be invisible when applied on the teeth. They merge with the color of the teeth. So, no one comes to know that you are undergoing the six month braces treatment but you get the beautiful smile that you longed for.

Call 01375481000 for a FREE Cosmetic Consultationfor a 6 month Brace.


What is the Six Month Smiles Treatment all About?

What the Six Month Smiles treatment all about ?

We often come across people who try covering their mouths when they talk or eat with the fear of being criticized for the alignment of their teeth. We have known of friends who want to have a charming smile but do not rush to cosmetic surgeon thinking about the cost that it would entail. We have encountered others who feel disappointed and depressed with the way their teeth look. And needless to say, the teeth happen to be the most visible part of the face when we talk, eat or converse. Well, the answer for these problems has come and it is the six month smiles treatment. The six month smiles treatment involves the cosmetic alignment of the teeth and ensures that little force is applied in the movement of the teeth to the desired location. This treatment is now widely used across different sections of the society and age groups. A very cost effective way of getting a charming smile that you have always dreamed off is now possible.

One of the key components which make the six month smiles so effective is the usage of nickel titanium wires with the primary focus being on moving your teeth to the desired shape and location. The usage of titanium is important as it has the quality of regaining its original shape irrespective of the deformity of shape that it has undergone thereby fostering the movement of the teeth as desired. Another very interesting and noteworthy fact is that the braces and wires used in the six month smiles treatment come in tooth colored invisible forms which ensure that your colleagues or friends will never come to know that you are using braces and you can flaunt gorgeous teeth that you always wanted. This is possible with the application of braces behind the teeth, wherein it takes the current shape that the setting of the teeth is in following which the inherent property of it being able to push the teeth to retain its original shape results in the alignment of the teeth as desired. The six month smiles treatment focuses on the improving the cosmetic nature of the teeth alignment rather than enhancing the bite of the teeth. So, the force that is applied to align the teeth is not too high but is only moderate. This has been historically proven through a number of orthodontic documentation that it is only with the application of moderate or low force that the movement of the teeth to the desired location is promoted and that is exactly what the Six month smiles treatment does.

For using the six month smiles treatment you should be above the age of 15 and aware of the fact that this treatment focuses on adding a cosmetic touch to your teeth alignment rather than the bite of the teeth. With all the advantages citied above, this treatment is quickly gaining prominence and is enjoying wide spread acceptance across all sections of the society.

Just call us on 01375481000 for a FREE Consultation to straighten your teeth in 6 months with the six month smile brace.


What is Short Term Orthodontics all About?

What is Short term orthodontics all about?

Short term orthodontics is an acceptable and persevering procedure which is now within better reach of people to develop their smiles. The procedure of short term orthodontics is used on your upper and lower front teeth. It takes a minimum of six months. The main aspect of short term orthodontics is to move the front 6 – 8 teeth and not transform your original teeth. This is because within a period of six months you will get a better looking smile. Short term orthodontics is found to be more comfortable by many patients as it gives a better looking smile within six months time.
Short term orthodontics STO is the procedure where bent and twisted teeth are covered by different braces that are tooth-colored and coated with Teflon which in turn gives your teeth the natural shape. They help to pull and rotate the tooth gently when bent. After the completion of treatment the tooth are detained with screws or braces that are connected at the back of the teeth to avoid degeneration. While undertaking this treatment patients are at ease as compared to the other procedures of treatment. The braces that are used in these treatments are not that visible and no food particles get collected between the teeth so maintaining oral hygiene is also a breeze.
Short term orthodontics STO – In just six months
Short term orthodontics applies force in moving the teeth more comfortably. Mostly people think that rapid implies pushing the regular keys for moving the teeth. This is not at all true. Short term orthodontics STO uses regular orthodontic procedures with a focus on aesthetics of the teeth instead of position of the jaw. There is nothing dangerous in the procedure of short term orthodontics rather than those related to conventional orthodontics. The installations used in this procedure are very light and the teeth are not extracted. By this we can say that there is hardly any risk in this procedure.
Short term orthodontics STO is the latest method of treatment used in dentistry. There are some minor disputes in the orthodontic group that is related to the effectiveness of short term orthodontics. This is the most effective and successful treatment that gives patients good alignment of teeth as well as good looking smiles on the face. Short term orthodontics has taken the feature of braces and altered the treatment in such way that they offer patients a better smile on their faces that suits their lifestyle.
Short term orthodontics is a guaranteed treatment of minimum six months. This treatment offers the best final results. Short term orthodontics STO guarantees the patients high-speed treatment without any kind of hassle. It is cheaper than the cost that is incurred on fixed braces, surface coatings and aligner therapy. Short term orthodontics is well known because of its valuable and very effective aesthetic treatment given for adult patients who have broken teeth. The Short term orthodontics procedure requires few dentist visits and is typically less expensive compared to the traditional braces.

Give us a call on 01375481000 for a FREE Consultation to see if the problem of your crooked teeth or misaligned teeth or even unsightly spaces or gaps can be eradicated with the Six month Brace.


Porcelain Veneers in Essex – The most popular cosmetic procedure!

Porcelain Veneers in Essex – The most popular cosmetic procedure

Porcelain veneers in Essex are more helpful to solve many of our teeth problems like teeth whitening, dental bridges, clear step and so on in our dental office in Chafford Hundred Dental Care. Teeth whitening in Essex clinics help to cover stained teeth. Dental bridges can cover the gaps between the two teeth. Clear step helps to straighten your teeth. If you follow the right dental practices and take care of your pearly whites after undergoing the dental porcelain veneers, dental bridges, teeth whitening, etc. they will last for a longer period of time. Having your teeth cleared of imperfections like chipped, broken or crooked teeth will make you confident enough to face the world with a smile and become successful in all your endeavors.
Porcelain veneers are famous the world over. There are many dentists who are practicing the latest procedures having but Dr J Basrai and his team in the heart of Essex have specialised training from some of the worlds Best!. We are interested in creating new smiles and rejuvenating the face via non surgical procedures. If you are seriously looking for installation of porcelain veneers in the heart of Essex, consulting us for all options would be more helpful and make it easier for you to decide whether you can go ahead with this particular procedure or not.

Give us a call on 01375481000 for a FREE Consultation.
