Month: June 2012

How to Have a Perfect Smile with Porcelain Veneers in Essex?

How to Have a Perfect Smile with Porcelain Veneers in Essex?

Stained teeth, crooked, protruding and even rotting teeth do not look good on any person’s teeth. Furthermore, they have been the cause of many people losing their confidence. It is for this reason why porcelain veneers in Essex are today being used to remedy these problems. This is a custom-designed procedure that is highly advanced and one that makes it easy for any individual to say good-bye to bad teeth. With the correct porcelain veneer, you can have the perfect teeth and the best smile you can ever think of. With this procedure, you will have your front teeth covered with a wafer-thin laminate of porcelain that is tooth colored. This functions to improve the appearance of your teeth.
A good dentist will recommend the porcelain veneer in Essex for the fact that this is a quick procedure. Furthermore, you will not feel any pain during the treatment, and it is much straightforward. You will know what to expect and what is being done on your teeth at all times. This procedure has become very popular over the years. One of the reasons for this is the fact that it is one of the most effective treatments. Additionally, currently, there are very many cosmetic dentists who have the skills and experience to offer you the right treatment for your problem.
How do you qualify for a porcelain veneer procedure? Stained teeth, rotten teeth and crooked teeth are merely a few of the reasons why you can have this treatment recommended for you. The fact that veneers are quite versatile there are several other cases where they can be used to restore your teeth and smile back. Damaged and chipped teeth, due to trauma or tooth decay, are conditions that can be made perfect using porcelain veneers. It is no unusual to have worn-out teeth. With the right procedure, you will have your teeth looking as natural as possible.
Although it is possible to use teeth whitening to clean up discolored teeth, there are cases where only the porcelain veneers in Essex can work for you. This is especially true in cases where you have the stains ingrained into the enamel on your teeth. With the help of the porcelain veneers, you can be assured that you will get the prefect white teeth and the most beautiful smile. Veneers are also known to hide any cases of crooked teeth. It is alright to use veneers in cases where you do not want to wear braces or orthodontics to straighten your teeth. You can use the veneers for about 18 months before you can use the braces again. In addition to the crooked teeth, veneers also help correct gaps in your teeth.
Porcelain veneers in Essex are very strong, and they can last for long. These are reasons why they have become popular choice for most people. Moreover, the veneers work on more than one teeth problem making it a versatile procedure that can be used for any teeth problem to bring back that perfect smile and increase a patient’s confidence.


The Benefits of Invisible Dental Braces in Essex

The Benefits of Invisible Dental Braces in Essex

Since the advent of technology a lot has changed with time. Dental braces are the in-thing to many people in the world nowadays. They are very substantial in a way that they help people with teeth problems and especially those who feel uncomfortable smiling in front of a camera or other people. In essence, invisible dental braces in Essex are a great way of correcting tooth alignment and any other dental abnormalities that you may have. If you are ready to get the best invisible dental braces in Essex, you need to make sure that you get them from the best dentist in the market. These dental braces can cure million hearts as they say and you should thus make sure that they are done in the right manner.

Day are gone when people used to go for traditional metal or ceremic braces, you can these days get the best invisible dental braces in Essex. You only need to find the best physician and you will have the best dental braces fixed in your teeth. When you are ready to get the best dental braces, besides looking at the reputation of the orthodontist, you need to make sure that you know the benefits of invisible dental braces in Essex. There are many reasons as to why many people choose dental braces than the traditional types of dental braces.
Firstly, many choose invisible dental braces because, they are barely visible to people. When your dental braces are properly worked on, it is not very easy for people to notice that you have straigtened your teeth. Many people have a misconception that many people think that they smile perfectly because they have the best invisible dental braces in Essex, but this is not possible especially if you get them from the best orthodontist in the region. Hence, the name invisible dental braces.
Another benefit of invisible dental braces in Essex is that they are removable. It is very easy to remove and fix back dental braces. Many people may not want to stain their dental braces with food or drinks and a good number of them usually remove them anytime they are taking their meals. When you are brushing, you can also remove your dental braces if you feel like. Hence, the problems of bad breath, tooth decay and gum diseases are avoided if you have the best invisible dental braces in Essex.
The other reason as to why many people are into dental braces is that, you will always feel comfortable on them. This is mainly because, your invisible dental braces in Essex have no metal or wires that can cause mouth abrasion and make you feel unease. You will not experience any kind of discomfort of wires or braces and so, you can say good bye to metal braces by getting the best invisible dental braces in Essex. Metal braces are known to be very painful and can also cause irritation and inflammation of tissue and gums and that’s why many people are saying no to them these days.

Finally, many go for invisible dental braces in Essex because they will always get free consultation before they get the best dental braces. Our Dentist at Chafford Hundred Dental Care that you will meet will offer free consultation and assess any problem that you may have and also advice you on the best treatment that you should get when or before fixing dental braces.


How to Stop Gum Disease?

Gum Disease can affect more than just our oral health. The American Dental Association states, “There is evidence that bacteria in the mouth which are associated with gum disease may be linked to heart disease, artery blockages and stroke.”

The following tips can help you to prevent gum disease:

Difficulty: Easy
Time Required: Daily Routine
Here’s How:

•Brush your teeth properly twice a day. Brushing your teeth thoroughly removes plaque from the surface before it hardens into calculus.
•Use a fluoride toothpaste. Using a toothpaste with fluoride helps to prevent decay.
•Floss your teeth daily. Flossing is the only way to remove plaque from in between your teeth that a toothbrush can’t reach.
•Use a mouth rinse. An antimicrobial mouth rinse can provide extra help in controlling plaque. Listerine is a good choice and has been
approved by the American Dental Association.
•Visit your dentist for regular check ups. Visiting your dentist on a regular basis is the best way to make sure that your teeth and gums
stay healthy.


Mouth Guard and Sports Guard Protection in Essex

Are Mouth Guards Really Necessary?
According to the American Dental Association, an athlete is 60 times more likely to have an injury to the teeth when not wearing a protective mouth 
guard. A mouth guard is designed to help buffer the mouth and teeth from trauma. It is also an important piece of gear that should not be overlooked during participation in sports.
Wearing a mouth guard is common in contact sports such as football, 
boxing, hockey and basketball, but a protective mouth guard can also be beneficial in non contact sports such as snow skiing, snowboarding, skateboarding, soccer and bicycling.

There are 3 types of mouth guards to choose from:
1. Ready Made
2. Boil and Bite
3. Custom made by a dentist
When choosing a mouth guard, keep in mind that a custom made mouth 
guard from your dentist is designed to offer superior protection.

These guidelines can help you choose the right mouth guard:
Be sure that the mouth guard is comfortable and fits good.
Check for flexibility and resistance to tearing or ripping.
Make sure that the mouth guard doesn’t impair breathing.
Make sure that the mouth guard doesn’t confine speech.
Finally, be sure that it can be easily cleaned.
Taking Care of a Mouth Guard

After investing in a mouth guard, it is important to take care of it by following these tips:
Keep your mouth guard in a vented and sturdy container.
Rinse thoroughly before and after use or brush with a toothpaste and toothbrush.
Replace your mouth guard if it becomes worn out.
Never leave it in the sun or hot water.
On occasion, use cool soapy water to clean, being sure to rinse it 
thoroughly. Since studies have linked almost 1/3 of dental injuries to 
sports related activities, a mouth guard is an important piece of sports gear that should be chosen carefully and taken care of properly.


Oral Cancer in Essex

Facts: According to The Oral Cancer Foundation, someone dies from oral cancer every hour of every day
in the United States alone. Over 300,000 new cases of oral cancer are diagnosed every year, worldwide.
This serious dental disease which pertains to the mouth, lips or throat is often highly curable if diagnosed
and treated in the early stages.

Risk Factors: Tobacco use is the number one risk factor in oral cancer. Studies have shown that at least 75% of those diagnosed were either current or former tobacco users. Heavy use of alcohol among tobacco users has been proven to have a 15% greater risk of developing oral cancer than tobacco users that aren’t heavy alcohol users. Age and prolonged exposure to radiation or sunlight are contributing factors as well.

Signs & Symptoms: Unfortunately, in its early stages, oral cancer can go unnoticed. Oral Cancer could look like a common ulcer, cold sore or a discoloration of tissue. Fortunately, your dentist can see or feel if a lesion looks cancerous. If you have any type of lesion in your mouth, or on your lips, that doesn’t heal within two weeks, or a difficulty in swallowing for a prolonged period of time, it is very important to see your dentist right away.

Treatment: If your dentist does find a suspicious lesion in your mouth, he / she might remove it, but will most likely send you to a specialist for a removal and biopsy, which is a painless procedure. If oral cancer is detected early enough, it could possibly be treated with surgery alone. Radiation combined with surgery would likely be used if the cancer is in its advanced stages.

Prevention: The best preventions of oral cancer are not to use tobacco of any kind and only drink alcohol in moderation. Avoid prolonged exposure to sun or use a sunscreen on your lips. Visit your dentist every 6 months for regular check ups. When your dentist examines your mouth at your routine check up appointments, he/ she is also screening you for oral cancer. This process only takes about 90 seconds and consists of a visual examination for any presence of cancer.

SUMMARY: Although the number of deaths each year from oral cancer is astounding, it is highly curable if diagnosed early. Prevention is a key factor in oral cancer and a 90 second dental examination could save your life.

During all Routine Dental Examinations, The Dentists at our dental office do a 16 point Examination in your mouth to detect any ulcers or white spot lesions in your mouth. Call 01375481000 Now so that we can see if there are any anomalies in your mouth.


All on 4 Dental Implants in Essex

All on 4 Dental Implants in Essex

All on 4Dental Implants in Essex basics

This is a concept which is a revolutionary new technique which was developed in order to minimize the number of implants and steps required to restore a whole jaw

. By reducing the number of implants and steps, the costs in the procedure are reduced too. In the past 6 to10 implants were required so as to restore a whole jaw which is a very different case when on opt for the using modern techniques and views in implant dentistry. However, there are those patients who are ideal for this special kind of treatment. Such patients include:
those who have full or partial dentures or rather those with multiple missing teeth as a result of periodontal disease
those who are just missing many teeth not necessary a resultant of any disease
those with missing crowns and bridges

Which are so of the major benefits of this type of treatment?
There are some of the benefits which are accompanied with this type of treatment. These benefits include;
When one uses this kind of treatment there is no need for them to wear a denture while the implants are on the process of healing as fixed bridge can be provided on the same day as the implant surgery.
The treatment process is very quick compared to other treatment processes.

While using this treatment one can normally avoid costly grafting by placing the implants at clever angles.
In this type of implant one does not need one implant per tooth thereby the treatment helps the patient to save a lot of money as there is a reduced number of steps.
Which are the techniques behind this kind of treatment or rather how does it work?

Each and every kind of treatment has its own specialized mode of operation and even some of the treatments have their specialists who are trained and have advanced knowledge or rather they are experts on those specialized treatments.
As far as this treatment is concerned the logic behind it is the angle at which the implants are placed. Two of the implants must be placed at an angle of approximately 30 to 45 degrees to the centre implants producing a bracing support and spreading out the load from which the bridge transmits along the implants. In this connection, when using this type of treatment they should ensure that the correct measures have been taken to avoid messing up. Some of the things that one should do are;
One should ensure that All on 4 Implants have remained healthy
One should take care of the upper jaw this is because the highest success rates for this type of treatment are in the lower jaw.

One should ensure that the implants are going in firmly to have an immediate bridge as this type of treatment relies on the implants going in firmly to have an immediate bridge.
With the use of all on 4 Dental Implant in Essex, it should not be difficult getting your teeth properly fixed for an enhanced look and general appearance.

Call 01375481000 for a Free Consultation with Mr Prem Nair our Specialist Implantologist.


About Cosmetic Dentistry in Essex

About Cosmetic Dentistry in Essex

Essex is a popular county, east of England. It is one of the best counties that have witnessed a large number of clients seeking cosmetic dentistry. This is a beauty procedure that has given many with poor dental alignment a reason to smile with confidence. Cosmetic Dentistry in Essex is additionally a popular procedure that enhances an individual’s self esteem. This is because it is a large dental field and involves corrective treatments. Today, there are many cosmetic dentists in the region and clients have a wide selection from which, to choose the best dentist for their personal needs.
If you reside in Essex and you feel that your smile is not the best, you can always visit a cosmetic dentist to enhance your looks. A Dentist in our office will analyze your situation and recommend the best option to clean or realign your teeth. Note that the procedures vary depending on the needs of a patient. There is a wide range of orthodontic treatments to choose from including Inman aligner, invisalign and Damon self ligating brackets. A dentist will therefore analyze your needs and recommend a treatment that meet your needs best. Note that the right treatment enables you to get impressive results and a smile that enhances your self esteem. Therefore take time to consult with a medic and settle for an ideal Cosmetic Dentistry in Essex treatment.
Cosmetic Dentistry in Essex is also excellent if you want to replace missing or damaged teeth. This can be done through dentures, bridges, crowns and implants. These are highly recommended for anyone who wishes to fill a gap that causes speech problems as well as discomfort when eating. Note that missing teeth can cause these problems in the future and a dentist will recommend a restorative treatment that works best for you. Therefore, if you have missing teeth, it is imperative to look for the best cosmetic dentist and settle for an ideal treatment to prevent future complications.

Cosmetic dentistry in the county is also an excellent way to enhance your dental health. There are many dentists in Essex who specialize in teeth cleaning. This is a procedure that helps to clear your teeth of any ugly spots thus making your teeth white and shiny. Teeth whitening sessions are incredible and help to enhance your self esteem. This is because you won’t have to hide your smile because of discolored teeth. What’s more, an expert can always recommend the best dental practices to help prevent future teeth discoloration and veneers if you have a cracked or a chipped tooth.
Cosmetic dentistry is an excellent way to enhance your dental health and to achieve a perfect smile. There are many cosmetic dentists in Essex and you can always settle for a dentist that meets your needs best. However, ensure to look for a well trained, highly skilled, well reputed, honest and experienced dentist. Such a dentist is in a better position to deliver quality services. Utilize the internet to learn of the best dentists to settle for in Essex. More importantly, choose a clinic that enables you to go for regular checkups to maintain your dental and oral health.

Call 01375481000 for a FREE Consultation.
