If you want the best experience in having Botox, here are some hints!
1. Do not go to have Botox injected at home parties. This is illegal practice in the United Kingdom.
The price may be very low and inexpensive and convenient and usually packaged along with a night of friends , wine and other spa services. Many of our patients who had their first introduction to Botox have had a bad experience. Poor lighting, Poor cross infection, Little education, Dilute Botox and short lasting effects are some of the complaints that patients have told us. You really get what you pay for!
2. Go to an experienced Botox Injector. Just check out Video Testimonials like ours at http://www.youtube.com/jagmail.
Dont chance it. Get personal recommendations from friends , families and co workers.
3. Remove all makeup and foundation where you want to be injected so as to avoid any complications from skin chemicals from creams .
4. Always make sure you fill out a medical form or questionnaire so that your injector knows if you are a suitable candidate for Botox injections. For example, tell your injector if you are on any asprin or warfarin which may cause extra bleeding and bruising.
5.Ask your injector to use Emla cream – a Local Anaesthetic cream to reduce the effects of pain from injections .
Give us a call on 01375481000 for a FREE Consultation!