Author: Dr Basrai

Dr J Basrai is a Cosmetic Dentist in Essex who loves to change peoples lives one smile at a time. He performs artistry as well as dentistry so that if you have a crooked or discoloured smile , he has the technical expetise and skill to perform everything from Invisalign Braces- the invisible dental Brace to Laser tooth whitening , Smile makeovers, Gum lifts, tooth coloured fillings, cosmetic dentures, Porcelain veneers, crowns and bridges, Six month braces and Smiles to social 6 braces { lingual Braces ] to non surgical facial rejuvenation techniques using Botulinum toxin ie Botox to Dermal fillers with Hyaluronic acids such as Restylane, Juvederm and Teosyal. Give us a call on 01375481000 for a FREE Consultation and visit us on

The many advantages of the Six Month Smiles Braces

The many advantages of the Six Month Smiles Braces

The niche of cosmetic dentistry is advancing rapidly at alarming pace. Custom made solutions are fast replacing conventional procedures. The six month smiles braces procedure is perfect instance of this. It is something that actually works out-of-the-box. It is highly beneficial to users. A few advantages of this procedure together with its proper functioning will be explained in following passages. However the advice for the people who are afraid of trying out newer procedures is – don’t worry, the new braces will not bite back!
What is the six month smiles braces treatment all about? Well, as the name suggests, it is a procedure that puts smiles back on people’s faces in just 6 months! This is precisely the main goal of the revolutionary dental program. Reasoning behind this program is treating the problems related to alignment of the teeth and meanwhile doing this effectively. Misalignment of teeth could happen to just about anyone, at any point of time in their life. Some people who are less fortunate might have such deformities from birth. How does this program act meaning what is exactly done in the six month smiles braces method?

Before we talk about the questions mentioned above let us look at the traditional manner of correcting misaligned teeth with the help of the visible braces. Without doubt, the conventional procedure is effective. A lot of people have gone for this treatment over the past many years. Conventional braces have a lot of disadvantages though. Sight of a person wearing metallic braces and revealing them in the course of normal chats is just not acceptable! Donning such unsightly devices can mar the overall beauty that is associated with one’s face. Such traditional appliances are history thanks to the six month smiles method!

Okay, you are keen to know all about the procedure. So what is the next stage all about? You would have to meet a cosmetic dentist and tell them that you want to undergo the procedure. The dental provider would outline sketch of prevailing dental setup. Appropriate modifications and alterations of same would be done to initial x-rays of teeth too. The dentist would explain steps that would be taken for correcting your teeth. When the patient becomes aware of true possibilities, the dentist would pre-order a tailored arrangement of the six month smiles directly from company. When the dentist receives delivery of the arrangement, they would insert it in mouth signaling commencement of the treatment.
Duration of this treatment would vary as per nature of misalignment of teeth. You would have to meet your dentist on occasion so that they could study rate of change in position of teeth. In the meantime suitable modifications would be done to six month smiles arrangement. Maximum time required for treatment to be totally effective is 6 months (therefore the paradigm has an odd name). The other pros of the treatment are that the effective program also comes at a very affordable price.

Call 01375481000 for a Free Consultation with Dr J Basrai.


6 Month Smiles Braces straighten teeth fast

6 Month Smiles Braces straighten teeth fast

What are the 6 month smiles braces all about? Suppose you had walked into a dentist’s office many years ago asking about alternatives to get your teeth straightened in just 6 months, chances are that you would have been laughed out of the office. On the other hand, you could assume that the clerics and philosophers would have given Galileo similar reaction when he advocated the theory of heliocentricity amidst all controversy of this theory. It looks as if for each seemingly preposterous idea that is put forth by a principled person, science and time can work out a way for making it real.

When it comes to the field of dentistry, braces made of metal are thought of as conventional treatment for teeth that are crooked. The conventional design of such braces makes use of metal brackets and wiring that are fixed to front of every tooth. The process of straightening occurs when metal brackets and wiring are tightened. Hence the wearer is required to make many visits to dentist in order to have the braces tightened time and again. To top that, majority of the dentists advise patients to use braces for 1 – 2 years. This means that the wearers have to bear 1 – 2 years of discomfort, pain and occasional cuts courtesy metal material. In spite of prolonged discomfort borne by users, time after time braces have been seen to be effective.
Among the latest innovations in cosmetic dentistry currently is the fast braces commonly known as 6 month smiles braces method. The name explains everything. These braces are only to be worn for a very short period of time as compared to conventional metal braces. Besides the time factor, materials that are used in designing the brace are more comfortable as compared to traditional ones. Tooth colored brackets and nickel wiring is used in place of metal. There are many similarities between these braces and the traditional braces however, capability of sliding of the former allows for faster and easier straightening of the crooked teeth.
6 month smiles braces treatment is relatively new however it is catching on quickly. It is offered by top notch cosmetic dentists. The chief benefits of these braces are as follows.
Brackets and wires are small, discreet and tooth colored.
Cost of these braces is around half of the invisible or traditional braces.
Duration of treatment is lowered by 75% as compared to the conventional treatment.
The teeth are not drilled as in most cases where veneers are used.
There is hardly any discomfort.
The main disadvantage of this treatment is that it is not able to correct problems that involve molar teeth. Major bite issues can be corrected only on using the conventional metal braces. It normally takes 2 to 3 years for the effects to show.
When the treatment ends the patient has to wear a retainer. This could be fixed retainer that is bonded to the teeth’s back surfaces or removable retainer which is worn for many nights every week for preventing teeth from being pushed backwards after the treatment.
Though main bite problems cannot be corrected, the latest method is an amazing way of correcting several positional problems fairly discreetly and quickly.

Call 01375481000 for a FREE Consultation with Dr J Basrai Now!


How to cure Tooth Ache in Essex

How to cure Tooth Ache in Essex

Tooth Ache Essex
Tooth Ache in Essex

A nerve root that is irritated causes toothache. The causes of this problem that are most common are decay, infection, an injury or loss of a tooth. Due to inflammation and pain on tooth, you would also experience pain in face and jaw. Many people are not aware of what toothache is actually like till they experience it. And once they do suffer from one, they will be ready to go to any lengths in order to free themselves of it. Always be prepared for treating and curing tooth ache in Essex. Better yet, see to it you have excellent dental care habit. Time and again, a toothache is likely to be caused by health problem that does not have its source in the jaw or tooth. It might be symptom of heart attack, angina, sinusitis and external or internal ear infection.
You could stop tooth ache in Essex by simply using tea bag and tea. Tea bag should be soaked in warm water and placed on the affected tooth. This has been proven to work, helping 9 of 10 people in curing toothache. In case the tooth is not sensitive you could also use cold bag compress for enjoying relief for the pain. Clove oil could also be used for painful tooth as it is known to lessen pain and cures any infection that the tooth has. This is an effective way of taking the pain away as clove oil consists of antibiotic known as eugenol and natural painkiller. Garlic is yet another effective agent when it comes to relieving tooth ache in Essex. Little salt and a garlic clove should be placed in problem tooth. The clove could also be chewed in morning for making the teeth stronger. It not only offers relief from pain but also heals affected tooth.

Call 01375481000 if you have Tooth Ache in Essex Now!

Using hydrogen peroxide such as Peroxyl Mouthwash for swishing can kill infection in the tooth offering relief from the pain. Warm water could be used for rinsing in order to remove bad taste but this method should not be used if there is already a filling in the tooth as the filling could weaken and fall apart due to the hydrogen peroxide. As a substitute you could also use little salt and powdered pepper like filler to the aching tooth. This method is sure to give you instant relief. In case you are suffering from awful toothache, wet washcloth that is soaked in some water and kept on aching tooth could surprise you. You could do it any number of times till you get relief from the pain. There is no side effect to worry about on using this method. Pain of the toothache could also be eased by using nerve points that are present in the body. You could rub an ice piece between the forefinger and thumb for overpowering pain signal that travels to nerves. You could also place ice on hurting tooth directly so that it becomes numb and eases pain that you are experiencing.


When to look for Emergency Dentist in Essex

When to look for Emergency Dentist in Essex

Emergency Dentist Essex

When you require an emergency dentist in Essex there are chances that you might not be in a state where you could think clearly and calmly. Such situations usually mean that you are suffering from great pain or probably missing a tooth or two from injury. It is always better to have some plan ready before something unexpected occurs so you do not end up wasting time in attempting to figure out things instead of resolving the situation.
Before something occurs
The ideal time of finding emergency dentist in Essex who will provide you with care that you require is before one is needed. If you are holding a broken tooth or suffering due to incredible pain that is not the right time to look frantically for a dental practitioner to treat you. If you visit a dental expert regularly she or he is first person you should contact for dental care during urgent situations, particularly the ones that take place on weekends and after or before regular office hours.
In case your regular dental professional does not provide urgent dental care service, she or he might be capable of recommending another dentist who does. If this is not possible, you could carry out some research. If you come across someone save for your usual provider and they seem competent as well as offer after hours emergency care, see to it that you find out whether you can contact them though you are not their regular patient.
Likely situation
At times it is extremely clear that an emergency dentist in Essex is who you need however other times it might be better to stop and think for a few minutes about your situation. In case you are suffering from toothache but you do not find any inflammation or swelling, then you could first try taking over the counter analgesic and see if it helps.
You would be able to save some money if you are able to reduce the pain and wait till the regular office hours of the dental care practitioner. Of course, if it is a case of broken tooth, time assumes great significance just as it is important when there is great inflammation, swelling and pain. This signals advanced infection.
Continued care
Once you get care from emergency dentist, keep in mind that you will have to ensure you keep follow up appointments as scheduled by the dental provider. You might feel better immediately on receiving treatment however this does not really mean that everything has become normal again.
In situations where antibiotics are being used for clearing the infection or a broken tooth is being repaired, it is important to keep the follow up appointments for ensuring that the medication or procedure is working in the right manner or has worked. Often you can make such appointments with the regular dental provider.
All being well you will never require the services of emergency dentist however if ever you do, you would be glad to have made arrangements in advance so that you are not worried all of a sudden as to what you should do.

Call 01375481000
if you are looking for an Emergency Dentist in Essex Now!

When you require an emergency dentist in Essex there are chances that you might not be in a state where you could think clearly and calmly. Such situations usually mean that you are suffering from great pain or probably missing a tooth or two from injury. It is always better to have some plan ready before something unexpected occurs so you do not end up wasting time in attempting to figure out things instead of resolving the situation.
Before something occurs
The ideal time of finding emergency dentist in Essex who will provide you with care that you require is before one is needed. If you are holding a broken tooth or suffering due to incredible pain that is not the right time to look frantically for a dental practitioner to treat you. If you visit a dental expert regularly she or he is first person you should contact for dental care during urgent situations, particularly the ones that take place on weekends and after or before regular office hours.
In case your regular dental professional does not provide urgent dental care service, she or he might be capable of recommending another dentist who does. If this is not possible, you could carry out some research. If you come across someone save for your usual provider and they seem competent as well as offer after hours emergency care, see to it that you find out whether you can contact them though you are not their regular patient.
Likely situation
At times it is extremely clear that an emergency dentist in Essex is who you need however other times it might be better to stop and think for a few minutes about your situation. In case you are suffering from toothache but you do not find any inflammation or swelling, then you could first try taking over the counter analgesic and see if it helps.
You would be able to save some money if you are able to reduce the pain and wait till the regular office hours of the dental care practitioner. Of course, if it is a case of broken tooth, time assumes great significance just as it is important when there is great inflammation, swelling and pain. This signals advanced infection.
Continued care
Once you get care from emergency dentist, keep in mind that you will have to ensure you keep follow up appointments as scheduled by the dental provider. You might feel better immediately on receiving treatment however this does not really mean that everything has become normal again.
In situations where antibiotics are being used for clearing the infection or a broken tooth is being repaired, it is important to keep the follow up appointments for ensuring that the medication or procedure is working in the right manner or has worked. Often you can make such appointments with the regular dental provider.
All being well you will never require the services of emergency dentist however if ever you do, you would be glad to have made arrangements in advance so that you are not worried all of a sudden as to what you should do.

Call 01375481000 if you have a Dental Emergency in Essex


What to expect from Dentistry in Essex

What to expect from Dentistry in Essex

There are many cosmetic dental treatments that cosmetic dentists are skilled to perform and many issues they are able to correct. These procedures do not include the problems that are harmful to health of a patient like tackling abscess teeth or simple fillings. Having said that, the fillings could definitely be considered as a part cosmetic dentistry in Essex provided the fillings are tooth colored. The main point is that they are in no way necessary for health of a patient however, they improve look of smiles and teeth. In this particular example, fillings are essential but there really is no genuine health need for fillings to have same color like the tooth. This is a purely cosmetic aspect.
Another procedure that dentistry in Essex might include is the porcelain veneers. Such devices could be used for closing the gaps between the straight teeth, hiding chips and cracks and also giving misshapen teeth shape that is more natural. For instance, there is hereditary trait frequently called peg teeth. Some teeth in mouth have the shape of pegs instead of natural, full tooth shape. Caps or veneers could give such teeth natural shape improving smile line drastically as well.

While braces for the teeth are usually not provided only by cosmetic dentists, there are some braces that cannot be seen. They are totally invisible. These are looked upon as a method that could be included under the umbrella of cosmetic dentistry in Essex as braces are needed for straightening the teeth however the traditional plain metal ones could be used. Fact that invisible braces are clear and hence less unsightly as compared to the conventional braces labels them as having cosmetic nature. Other options considered cosmetic tend to be less invasive. An example is whitening. This is an extremely popular procedure in cosmetic dentistry. It involves sitting under special light, inserting tray that is filled with bleaching solution on teeth or combination of the two methods.
The kind of procedure that you need would be something that you would have to discuss with your chosen cosmetic dentist. For instance, while caps can take care of some gaps between teeth, others might require braces of some form. In case there are chips or cracks, veneers might be capable of correcting them or you might need a completely new tooth made of ceramic. The cosmetic dentist would be the right person to guide you as to which procedure to go for that would be ideal for your particular situation, no matter what it is.

Cosmetic Dentistry in Essex

In pursuit of the perfect smile and best cosmetic dental practitioners you will have to be clear as to what it is you want besides keeping open mind. Understand that the things you want might or might not be achievable so keep open mind with regards to how the dentist sees fit for achieving your goals. You might want them to do something but they might only be able to do something totally different. The thing that you have to keep in mind is while the dentist is a professional, the mouth is yours and the final decision is also yours. The dentist has right to decline business while you have right to find a professional you are comfortable with.


How to look for a Dentist in Brentwood Essex

How to look for a Dentist in Brentwood Essex

If you are on the lookout for a dentist in Brentwood Essex there are just too many options so that you will be confused as to which one to go for (unlike some places where patients have to wait for long periods of time for their dental appointments). Besides general dentists who practice in the area, you will find host of pediatric dentists, orthodontists and cosmetic dentists along with many nationally recognized professionals who are skilled in areas like periodontics and oral surgery. With a number of professionals to select from many local patients could be overwhelmed by sheer choice that is available. In such situations, a lot of people simply head to the nearest clinic, one that is recommended by a family member or friend or the cheapest dentist.
However with such golden opportunity of finding the exact kind of service that you are searching for, it is not sensible to opt for easiest alternative. By going through the very simple process mentioned below it would be possible for you to ensure you find right dentist in Brentwood Essex for you as well as your family.
To ensure that you make sound decision of choosing best dentist you will have to do 3 things. First decide what you want. Second, develop list of the prospective dentists. Third, narrow down the list to 1 – 2 dentists you will actually make appointments with.
Initially you will have to be armed with a paper and pen for some minutes and list all that you think is important. One of main things you will have to consider is if you should go for NHS or private dentist for treating your oral problems. Typically NHS dentists are cheaper than the private ones. The former are also available in plenty however sometimes getting appointment with NHS dentists could take time. In addition, range of dental treatments available on NHS could be restricted. Hence this is a point that you should consider while thinking of a budget for the treatment.
Next you will have to decide if you want particular specialties or skills from the dentist. This could include things like specializations in pediatric dentistry or orthodontics along with handling nervous patients (if this is important for you) or cosmetic dentistry. As aforementioned, you could find experts from all the chief branches of dental care and also many visiting experts who provide appointments on regular basis.
A section on the list of requirements should focus on needs of your lifestyle. These could include things such as the suitable location of the dentist in Brentwood Essex. You will have to look at your schedule as well. You will have to decide when you are most likely to able to meet the dentist. You will have to consider the traffic conditions. Some dentists are open on weekends and late during weekdays. This could help with the scheduling however this is not typical.
Note everything that would determine your selection of the dentist. Are you particular about the facilities available and use of the latest equipment? Do you want to be allowed to bring in music you like in order to relax? You might want a specialist who has your attitude with regards to health care. Add all points that mean a lot to you.


How to tackle Dental Phobia in Essex effectively

How to tackle Dental Phobia in Essex effectively

The worst nightmare of some people is a visit to a dentist. Irrespective of whether one is old or young an imminent dentist’s appointment could mean sweaty palms, sleepless nights and in certain situations, anxiety attacks. You might be a victim of dental phobia if you experience these things when you need to get a filling or teeth cleaning.
What is dental phobia actually? It is irrational fear which results in avoidance of the dental treatments. This phobia could be a result of bad experience. However for some people thinking of the dental procedures is equal to pain in the mind. This makes them avoid the office of the dentist.
The friendly local dentist cannot be avoided forever. You might want to visit the dentist or not but you will be required to set an appointment with the dentist or else you might have to suffer from tooth decay, gingivitis or bad breath. Before it is too late it is vital to have the body and mind conditioned in order to face fear head on.
Listening to wrong information often results in dental phobia. It is essential to have quiet, long talks with the dentist about procedures you might require. Ask about specifics of procedure that you might have to undergo. For instance, you could ask if any pain is associated with particular procedure because thought of only the pain could aggravate the dental phobia.
There are many ways of tackling dental phobia in Essex. Hypnosis is a method that you could try for alleviating fear. Look for a certified professional who could conduct the hypnosis therapy. This method would help you to do away with your unfounded fear of the dentist. It could help you to reevaluate some subconscious issues which result in extreme dread of a dentist. Hypnosis offers excellent results. You will soon find that your phobia will disappear forever.
Another method of dealing with dental phobia in Essex is Neuro Linguistic Programming or NLP. This method also helps in alleviating fear of dentists. It is practice of forming reality of your own. Basically NLP reprograms “constructs” you produced which failed to work out. NLP recreates reality that you have produced that the dentists are specialists that you are required to be scared of. An instance of effective NLP involvement is what is known as Energy Psychology. The principle is essentially related to traditional Chinese cure called Acupuncture. Such intervention has been proven to cure the dentist phobia.
Start searching for another dental expert. It could be possible you are not able to connect with the current dentist and this is the cause of your deep rooted dentist phobia. Otherwise look for one who practices by making use of twilight sleep anesthesia. The dentist would put you in light sleep like state such that you will not even realize they are tinkering around your teeth. Many dentists also combine dental and therapy procedures for handling dental phobia in Essex.


All about 6 Month Braces in London

All about 6 Month Braces in London

Anyone who sees a person’s mouth filled with metallic wires and braces is surely not going to wish to undergo such experience themselves. Actually the general appearance of the conventional braces puts off a lot of people which is why they avoid using them even if they have to get their teeth straightened or bite aligned. Fortunately 6 month braces in London exist. They can discreetly, comfortably and permanently enhance your smile in approximately 6 months.
While for some people braces might appear appealing or be status symbols there are most that shy away from wearing them. Firstly, there is the impression that they are painful. Secondly, regular visits to the doctor are required. Thirdly, they are very expensive. Lastly, they are a little weird and one feels uncomfortable to smile with all the wires and metals in place. This is why 6 month braces procedure was discovered and also developed by creative dentists.
The 6 month braces in London are very different from old fashioned wire and metal configurations. They are nearly invisible so they cannot be detected easily. They have the color of the same exact shade or hue as the teeth of the patient and have been designed to work in an accelerated pace as compared to regular orthodontic systems.
The patients who go for the 6 month braces in London are also able to benefit from details like these braces do not cause damage of any sort to gums or roots. Among the chief problems with use of regular braces is they tend to put undue pressure on roots. This results in many problems in case a patient suffers gum disease of any kind later in life. The gums, roots or teeth are not compromised by 6 month braces due to the special design that they boast of. The design involves retainer system besides the braces. This means nearly anyone is the right candidate for using them.
Some patients need the kind of lengthy realignment procedure and massive undertaking that conventional braces provide however most adults who are 15 years of age are likely to be right candidates for the procedure of 6 month braces.
Besides the benefits that have already been mentioned, you have to keep in mind that these revolutionary features usually come at a much lower price or cost as compared to standard braces due to their dissimilar material needs as well as shortened period of treatment. Instead of usual 1 year or more, patients depending on the approach of 6 months braces would have the treatment completed on average in around 4 to 9 months. Eliminating the numerous visits to office of the orthodontist is the one and only way of reducing the total cost of the option.
As you would expect the 6 month braces procedure is specialty treatment. It requires an orthodontic or dental professional to earn certification and specialized training. In other words, all providers are not capable of offering this treatment for improving the smile. If you seek this treatment, it is better to ensure the professional you select to work on your teeth is capable of offering this treatment.


6 Month Smiles in London to treat misalignment of teeth

6 Month Smiles in London to treat misalignment of teeth

Misalignment of teeth is nothing new, especially in dental niche. Innumerable people all over the world are going for appropriate treatment procedures for correcting misalignment of teeth every day. The 6 month smiles treatment in London could be considered a part of this group. This procedure is considered among the most effectual ways of getting teeth aligned. Added benefit of this procedure is it is very affordable. Hence anyone can go for it. It is unlike the expensive treatment alternatives such as Invisalign. Read on to find an outline on particular characteristics of this revolutionary procedure.
The treatment of 6 month smiles in London is known for following the use of metallic braces for aligning teeth. As a matter of fact this procedure is being performed by a lot of dentists the world over. The set of the teeth is altered through tensional forces that are imparted to teeth by metal braces. There is a point that is worth noting. Tensional force that is imparted by such braces could reduce with passage of time. Therefore, it is necessary to visit a dentist regularly as they would see to it that right tightness is maintained at all times.
A number of misconceptions prevail in this niche. The most popular one is the following. The procedure of 6 month smiles in London could induce discomfort. In reality experts on Invisalign are promoting this one drawback. Considering cost effectiveness of the procedure this statement is strongly negated by the provider of the treatment. Those who do not wish to experience any discomfort should be ready to spend their hard earned money extravagantly. Otherwise they should go for the technique of 6 month smiles in London. Once teeth are aligned correctly, a device known as retainer would have to be worn by the patient for a specific duration. The retainer would ensure the teeth stay put in altered new position.
The dental procedures tend to be costly. You would do well to discuss cost of the treatment with your dentist before you enroll for an appropriate treatment program. The rates will vary among dentists for same treatment. There are many factors that would decide total cost of the procedure. In this niche hidden fees are very common. See to it that your dentist avoids resorting to such means. Transparency in billing is much desired feature to be looked for on dentists besides their skill sets. If you wish to treat the misalignment of your teeth, it is necessary that you do some homework.
Were you aware of the fat that the mean number of dental appointments plays an important role in terms of balancing of overall costs of the treatment? Some renowned clinics are known to charge patients on monthly basis instead of asking for complete price in one go. The whole amount due would need to be given in 6 months or a year. Such options of payment would work to the benefit of patients. Some dentists are known to charge extra for retainer. It is better to go with those that include the price of retainer in initial offering. Quality treatment is always given with associated price tag.


How a Dentist in Essex would help you with dentures

How a Dentist in Essex would help you with dentures

Whether you require dentures, cosmetic dentures, partial dentures or the dreaded root canal procedure the first step you will have to take is consult a dentist in Essex in order to get complete assessment of the treatment or procedure that is ideal for you.
Advancements in modern cosmetic dental procedures and technology have changed lives of a lot of people by restoring healthy teeth and beautiful smile however every person will need a different procedure as per their problem. There are specific solutions for each problem but only a professional like a dentist in Essex would be able to recommend procedures for every patient.
Those who have lost one tooth or more would be recommended dentures by the dentist. Partial dentures and cosmetic dentures are the other options that one could consider for restoring original healthy condition of the teeth.
You would be able to get a lot of information on various procedures and treatments on consulting a dentist in Essex. The solution could be getting dentures in case you have just 1 or 2 missing teeth. Cosmetic dentures are what you would have to opt for in case you have lost all or nearly all of your teeth.
Partial dentures are of great advantage because natural teeth are able to support them however your option is a complete set of cosmetic dentures in case you have all teeth missing. Installation of partial dentures is carried out for filling the gap that is left or created by missing tooth. There is big risk if the gap is left unattended, as teeth on both the sides of the gap could lean towards it and become misaligned. This would pose another issue that would need another procedure such as veneers for straightening the teeth.
If insides of the teeth have been infected with cavities and the nerves are about to be damaged or are damaged before now, then the dentist would recommend the most disliked root canal procedure. In this treatment, the dentist would clean the teeth and seal their insides. If you avoid going for the treatment immediately, abscesses might form on tissue surrounding the tooth. This would cause more pain.
The dentist would realize that you need to go for root canal procedure when you show many symptoms like severe toothache on application of pressure to the affected area or when you chew, if the tooth feels painful or sensitive to changes in the temperature such as from cold to hot, the tooth starts discoloring, if the gums start swelling and many other symptoms.
You should not wait till damage in the teeth spreads to the other areas creating more problems. Visit a dentist straight away as they are qualified professionals who could offer solutions to all your dental problems through modern procedures of cosmetic dentistry.
Consult a dentist who is experienced, qualified and has made a name for himself/herself in the field. If they are recommended by family or friends, you should not think twice before visiting them.
