Author: Dr Basrai

Dr J Basrai is a Cosmetic Dentist in Essex who loves to change peoples lives one smile at a time. He performs artistry as well as dentistry so that if you have a crooked or discoloured smile , he has the technical expetise and skill to perform everything from Invisalign Braces- the invisible dental Brace to Laser tooth whitening , Smile makeovers, Gum lifts, tooth coloured fillings, cosmetic dentures, Porcelain veneers, crowns and bridges, Six month braces and Smiles to social 6 braces { lingual Braces ] to non surgical facial rejuvenation techniques using Botulinum toxin ie Botox to Dermal fillers with Hyaluronic acids such as Restylane, Juvederm and Teosyal. Give us a call on 01375481000 for a FREE Consultation and visit us on

Braces in 6 months for dental care

Braces in 6 months for dental care

Braces in 6 months
are representative of the evolution in modern orthodontic treatment and promises quick, effective results in the field of dental care. Patients do not have to spend years in order to avail of dental/cosmetic dental solutions to their problems. The primary objective behind the use of this technique is to enhance the smile of an individual, although it may be used to counter other issues such as migraines, improving the facial contour or malocclusion.
Certainly, Braces in 6 months is the best solution if you are looking to cosmetically improve the appearance of your smile. This is truly the safest, most cost-effective and time saving technique currently available. Getting that perfect smile was never any easier.
How safe is this method?
Braces in 6 months are among the safest and most well researched dental procedures. Realistically speaking, there are very few risks associated with this procedure. It just represents the next stage in development of over 60 years of orthodontic techniques, and poses no new risks to the patient. The simple truth is that there is very little reason for a person not to opt for this procedure. Years of testing and implementation have preceded this simple but effective technique.

Contrary, to what you may have heard, this is a low impact procedure which is designed to be as gentle as possible. For the most part, braces in 6 months are a pain free procedure. Of course, some patients may experience a certain feeling of ‘tightness’ in their teeth, but it should be pointed out that this is no more than that which is experienced with traditional braces. The use of orthodontic wires exerts a minimal force on the teeth enabling them to be pushed into place without any aggressive impact.
Why use this technique?
Braces in 6 months are the ideal way to get what you want and can give you that perfect smile in the shortest period of time. The advantage of this technique as compared to traditional braces is that it lays emphasis on improving the cosmetic appearance of the teeth. This is particularly useful to patients who have a normal bite and just wish to improve the appearance of their smile and their teeth.
This procedure is ideally suited towards correcting gaps and spaces between teeth, or to straighten crooked or crowded teeth. It provides far better results and can be more cost effective than using porcelain veneers.
Why wait any longer to get that perfect smile that you have always wished for? The 6 month technique can offer you a perfectly safe and cost effective method to get what you want. You can have beautiful, shiny, straight teeth without having to opt for an expensive procedure. The advantage in this technique is that you do need to have any special appointments with your dentist. You may have this procedure implemented during your regular dental check-ups. Braces in 6 months are a revolutionary new step in cosmetic dental care and can give the consumer bright new options.

Call 01375481000 for a FREE Consultation with Dr J Basrai and get a Straight, Bright Whiter new Smile before your next check up. Guaranteed!


Braces for six months to get that perfect smile!

Braces for six months to get that perfect smile

Are you looking forward to an attractive and a better smile that you had long been missing due to many orthodontic problems that cause your teeth to dislocate from their actual positions then you should probably opt for the easiest way of getting braces for six months? This is an advanced treatment that only requires you to get braces fixed for six months after which you are sure to have an improvised smile and a better face value. We are all aware of the earlier treatments for the same cause of giving us a better smile that involved a lengthy period of time of a minimum of 2-3 years. But with the modern technology you can save a lot of time and money and achieve a corrected smile just by simply putting the braces for six months.

The braces for six months would be put on your teeth which will help the teeth to move to the desired position. The six month braces are also found in invisible form. Though normally only metal braces are used for the treatment but in rare cases where the patients want to hide the visibility of the braces some special lingual braces are used that are fixed behind the teeth so that they are not visible when you talk or laugh. This way you can easily hide from others about wearing braces and avoid the traits of embarrassment that many of us feel while wearing braces. Wearing braces for six months is by far the easiest, simplest and the fastest way of straightening your teeth from normal crookedness or uneven form of teeth to the very severe cases of crowding, over biting and inner biting. This has a solution to the entire major and the most severe of the cases and has proved to be very effective in showing results.
The technology used in the working of braces for six months is quite simple where high tech wires are used to move the teeth from its position to the desired position by exerting a little force that continues till the time the movement has taken place. Though there are many myths associated with this kind of 6 month braces treatment that it might cause damage to the teeth but the dentists have admitted that it is by far the most comfortable and the most renowned method used for treating severe cases as well. Wearing braces for six months actually poses no side effects to the teeth and health and is comparatively a less painful method than the traditional methods used for the treatment.
If you undergo this short term treatment and follow the advice and guidance of the dentist of wearing braces for six months you are sure to have a proper set of teeth wherein the teeth are located in the right places to enhance the beautiful smile you wear on your face. It also allows a lower likelihood of exposure to root resorption that is not seen in many other treatments. So taking up this treatment and wearing braces for six months will definitely give you the desired smile and that too in a much comfortable way.

Call 01375481000 for a FREE Consultation with Dr J Basrai.


Braces 6 months for orthodontic problems!

Braces 6 months for orthodontic problems!

Braces 6 months are an entirely new method of treating the orthodontic problems and resulting in giving you a corrected teeth structure for enhancement of your smile. The method has been adopted from the various techniques that were used in the past and a perfect blend has been prepared to introduce a newer technology which has made it possible to treat your incorrect smile in a short span of six months only. Earlier the techniques used took a lot of time for the treatment to finish and ranged somewhere between 2-3 years normally but now you can achieve self confidence and a better smile in just six months by undergoing the braces 6 months treatment.

The braces 6 months treatment originated in the States where it has become very popular but there are still many countries that are unfamiliar with such a short kind of treatment. You need to consult your dentist whether the treatment would prove to be feasible for you because your dentist would first study your case and examine your teeth by undergoing x rays which would determine whether or not the braces 6 months treatment would be a right option for you. Though this treatment has proved to be very effective and beneficial on almost all kind of orthodontic problems like crowding, inner biting, over biting etc. yet there are a certain limitations to it that only a professional dentist can determine. This treatment involves the use of high tech wires that are inserted in the teeth to exert a light but a continuous force on the teeth to give it a little movement so that the teeth are aligned and moved to the actual desired place. Through this kind of treatment even the ugliest and the most uneven kind of teeth can be straightened to provide a completely new look to the jaw line and to provide a better smile to the face.

Braces 6 months involve the use of both metal braces as well as lingual braces. Metal braces are commonly used regular braces that many people go with but there are patients who would want an invisible set of braces so that nobody knows that they are wearing one. In such a case lingual braces are used that are placed on the inner or the back side of the teeth so that they are not visible while you talk or laugh. The treatment does not involve exerting too much force and hence the procedure is much lesser painful and less discomforting as compared to the older methods used for the same purpose. This particular treatment has been rated as one of the most comforting and easiest means of overcoming the hesitation that many of us face while smiling due to many orthodontic problems. The treatment has been regarded as the safe and the most effective means for curing your problems. So if you are looking to enhance your smile and give yourself a new approach by rebuilding the lost confidence then you should certainly rush for an appointment with your dentist to discuss about the probabilities of undergoing a braces 6 months treatment in your case.


6 Month smile for those in hurry!

6 Month smile for those in hurry!

6 month smile is the sure shot method of orthodontic treatment for those of you who are in a hurry to improvise their smile and to treat other problems as well due to emergencies like a concert or an event. Many a times, it happens that you have to feel the embarrassment due to your unevenly shaped and dislocated teeth which restricts you even from properly opening your mouth to speak, smile or laugh. If you are facing such problems but still hesitate in consulting a dentist and undergoing a treatment due to long durations and never ending sessions then you have a good news in store for you. You no more have to be dependent on the older technology of using braces to align your teeth in a proper position that usually took two to three years for the total completion of the treatment because you can now adopt to a much easier and a shorter approach of a 6 month smile that assures you of a properly aligned and located teeth structure to enhance your smile and takes much lesser time and sessions.

The 6 month smile treatment originated in the United States from where it has passed to almost all the developed and the developing countries and has now gained much recognition and popularity worldwide. The treatment is different from the other regularly practised treatments over the past years in the sense that it involves using invisible wires and braces in place of visible braces to align the teeth denture. The wire used is quite short and located in the areas that need to be relocated to the proper position and the tooth is coloured white so that the wires are not visible. The treatment involves getting the wires fixed in the affected areas which might be a little discomforting in the beginning but the discomfort can no longer be felt after the initial first week of the treatment. The teeth are not moved from the place and hence it is less painful as compared to the other treatments. After the braces and the wires have been fixed you would need to regularly visit the dentist at an interval of four to five weeks generally and the dentist would examine the state of your teeth and the progress. It only takes about 10-15 minutes per session. There is no long hours of same tedious procedures in every session you undergo. This continues for six months after which the braces and the wire are removed.
But you need to continue wearing a retainer even after the end of the 6 month smile treatment in order to make sure that the teeth are relocated back to the actual place and there is no going back to the dislocated area. So what are you waiting for? If you are also a victim of a crooked structured set of teeth and facing problems in smiling comfortably then it is time that you take the best of the treatment available these days. The 6 month smile treatment is economical in terms of money as well as time.


6 Month Orthodontics for dental patients

6 Month Orthodontics for dental patients

With the advances in modern dentistry, 6 month orthodontics has emerged as a favoured alternative for most dental patients. It is closely related to the term “accelerated orthodontic treatment”, which refers to the contemporary techniques used treat traditional dental issues. As a dental technique it is more closely related to the field of cosmetic dentistry. The aim of such a technique is to provide a quicker, cheaper alternative to the use of porcelain veneers. This is of particular significance where the focus is on straightening and improving the appearance of the front teeth.
As a viable tool of cosmetic dentistry, 6 month orthodontics represents a cutting edge alternative to the more traditional methods. For the consumer, it provides a far more appealing procedure as it is targeted towards solving their most urgent problems in the quickest time possible. This is particularly true for patients who do not have significant problems with their chewing or biting functions, but who merely wish to improve the appearance of their front teeth and enhance their smile.
The Objectives of Six Month Orthodontics
The most practical applications of 6 month orthodontics are primarily related to the esthetics of the teeth. Common concerns related to the appearance of a person’s teeth are uneven gaps or spaces, crowding, crooked teeth and malocclusion (improper bite). These techniques may also be of use in cases related to unattractive facial contours or migraines. However, the prime objective of this method is to improve the appearance of the front teeth, and subsequently provide the patient with a great smile.
Apart from the mere cosmetic improvement, this procedure can provide other long term benefits. It is important to remember that straight teeth not only look visibly more appealing, but can help maintain better dental hygiene. Straight teeth are easier to clean, and reduce the possibility of various gum diseases and tooth decay.
Advantages of 6 month Orthodontic Treatment
As indicated earlier, 6 month orthodontics provides a more focussed approach towards dealing with your particular dental issues. Traditional dental methods may require you to wear metal braces for a period of years, which is not convenient to most people, especially adults. While they may provide a more comprehensive orthodontic solution, they could be wholly unnecessary for your condition.

Additionally, the use of clear braces can make the entire procedure far more attractive to most adult patients. The use of tooth-colored wires and invisible braces located behind the teeth also improve the visual appearance of this procedure. There can be very little doubt that this technique provides a quicker and cheaper solution to your dental problems.
“Accelerated Orthodontic Treatments” are indicative of the great improvements that modern medicine and science have helped achieve. Today, you have safe and proven alternatives to the cumbersome dental procedures of the past. Your desire for a beautiful smile need no longer be a long and expensive affair – the latest orthodontic techniques have seen to that. With its growing popularity, 6 month orthodontics has provided a newer, better way to make you smile again.


6 month Smile London system for adults

6 month Smile London system for adults

6 month Smile London
is a system that offers realistic option for large number of adults who are willing to reject the comprehensive orthodontics due to time and appearance factor of conventional metal braces. These braces are similar to clear aligners’ procedure which does not replace orthodontics. The basic philosophy behind the 6 month Smile London is that it offers the treatment for an average period of six months. The treatment involves Lucid-Lok 6 month Smile clear and short-term brackets and Chameleon wires similar to the color of teeth.
The basic function of 6 month Smile London treatment is it helps in resolving the user’s aesthetic looks and does not makes drastic changes in the occlusal posterior scheme. The treatment scope is almost same to invisible teeth braces however the movement of teeth is much better and usually takes place three times faster than invisible teeth braces.
Characteristics of 6 month Smile London
• Arch round outs, this as per other cases offers the space which is inter-canine in order to align teeth anterior.
• Align and level the arches which cause adjustment in extrusions and intrusions and overbite corrections.
• Straighten your teeth also known as correct crowding.
• Remove spaces in between teeth.
• Tipped teeth and upright flared.
• Gingival margins are leveled.
Working of 6 month Smile London
The 6 month Smile London system utilizes three Chameleon Niti wires that are tooth colored which offer light pressure to guide the teeth gently in to position. These Nitri wires are the important part of the entire 6 month Smile London system and are really flexible. These wires have elastic characteristics which enables the tooth movement. The wires and brackets work together in conjunction with each other to guide the teeth in more appropriate position.
For restorative cases, it has been found that gingival symmetry can be achieved in order to generate an aesthetic and balanced outcome. With strategic and planned brackets positioning in 6 month Smile London, groups of teeth or individual teeth can be extruded or intruded orthodontically. Getting control over the location of teeth gives the tremendous flexibility and freedom for dentists. 6 month Smile London allows practitioners to make modifications or rectifications to the position of teeth effortlessly and quickly.

When the teeth regained their correct positions and the problem is solved, the brackets are removed easily and a specific protocol of retention is established. Retention is a very important part from the maintenance point of view for any type of orthodontic approach and it is the necessity for people undergoing 6 month Smile system. Some users of this system prefer retention protocols which are removable while others opt for bonded retention. This system enables the dentist to give a complete and much better makeover to the teeth of their patients who are looking for correction of their crooked teeth.

6 month Smile London is the attractive and safest means of comprehensive orthodontic treatment for adults and teenagers as compared to the traditional form of orthodontic treatment.

Call 01375481000 for a FREE Consultation with Dr J Basrai.


6 Month Braces London to build your confidence

6 Month Braces London to build your confidence

Do you feel embarrassed to smile nice and wide because of your crooked teeth? Does this pull you down everywhere and lower your confidence? Well, you needn’t worry, as you have the 6 month braces London to your rescue. It’s easy, fast and not very painful. In this article we’ll discuss more on 6 months braces particularly on 6 month braces London.
What are Six Month Braces?
Traditional methods of teeth straightening take over a long period of time. Development and research has simplified things with the 6 months braces. This treatment makes use of nickel titanium wires and brackets. They are lighter that the regular metal braces. We need to keep in mind that this dental procedure does not have much to do with changing the bite. It tries more to change the look and appearance of your front teeth The braces use low pressure to gently move your teeth in place. The braces and the wires used are of tooth color and so camouflage well with the teeth.
How do I go about with the whole procedure?
When you first visit the dentist, he will X ray your teeth from different angles. As the first step, it helps determine if the 6 months braces treatment is meant for your teeth. Once the braces are fixed, you will pay regular visits to your dentist to make the necessary adjustments from time to time. It roughly takes around six months for the entire procedure with few showing positive results even before the completion of six months. For patients with badly disfigured or wide spaced teeth the whole treatment may exceed 6 months extending to around 9 months approximately.
Considering the comfort level, they are better than the regular, traditional braces. Do not forget to fix retainers after the treatment. Whichever you choose, a fixed or removable retainer make sure to see that you use it. It will help prevent your teeth going back to how they were before the treatment. The cost of the treatment rounds up to less compared to the traditional braces.

However, Limitations do exist when it comes to six month braces treatment. It is advised that children below the age of 15 should not go in for it. People who want to bring about alterations with bite should consult a dentist first to know the best for them. In cases such as cross bite, under bite, over bite you cannot expect a complete alteration with 6 month braces.
6 Month Braces London

If you’re looking out specifically for 6 month braces London, there are many dentists there who offer this dental treatment. An added advantage to the 6 month braces London, is that there are certified dentists who do it for you. Therefore you can rest at peace as you know your teeth are in good hands. Some dentists offer you teeth whitening with six month braces. London especially has many that give you this facility.
Whether it is 6 month braces London or any other place, we suggest it is a quick fix dental treatment for your choppers!!!


6 Month brace – advancement of orthodontics

6 Month brace – advancement of orthodontics

There has been much progress and advancement in the orthodontic technology and this has given rise to the latest and the fastest method of improvising and then creating a better and a lovely smile by means of a 6 month brace method. This method aims at helping you to come out of your phobia of smiling confidently and helps you in rebuilding your lost confidence and adding a grace on your face value. Now no more being dependent on creating new teeth but the main functioning of this procedure depends on using high technology arch wires that are used for exerting a light pull on the teeth that compels them from moving from their position to the actual wanted position. The 6 month brace method is actually a blend of many olden technologies used in dentistry for providing a better smile. The scientists have incorporated something or the other from a lot of technologies in the past and used them to create a new technology that gives you an assurance of a lovely smile in just six months time by means of using braces.

The biggest advantage of the 6 month brace method is that it uses almost invisible braces which additionally helps you to prevent the embarrassment of wearing a set of invisible braces till the time treatment is going. Earlier when the normal time between the fixations of braces to its removal accounted to nearly two to three years now it can be attained in just a short time span of six months. Needless to say that since the duration is less the discomfort and pain that you have to go through the process is also reduced to a minimal. You no more have to attend long sessions of treatments for a longer time period as the whole treatment only takes about half a year. The procedure of 6 month brace is very effective for correcting your smile and works best on people suffering from the orthodontic problem of crowding. This newer method has taken over the pioneer method of creating porcelain teeth. It is much simpler and faster.

There is yet a disadvantage of 6 month brace treatment in addition to the many advantages it has. This treatment does not suit or is not fit for everyone so you need to consult a professional dentist who would examine your teeth thoroughly before suggesting you for this treatment. In very severe cases this treatment is not appropriate and other treatments should be used. Hence it is advisable to consult the doctor so that you are assured that the treatment would work well for you.
The 6 month brace treatment assures you of a very confident smile in just six months. The dislocated teeth are aligned well and brought to the actual location which helps in the enhancement of your jaw and teeth structure to give you a better smile. The teeth are even formatted from being crooked to straight. The whole procedure of the 6 month brace requires only 6 months which is quite lesser than the treatment that continues for years and years but gives you the same satisfaction and confidence of a gorgeous smile.


Six Month Smiles

Six Month Smiles: Teeth Treatment with Patient Tray Kits, Lucid-Look Brackets and Chameleon Tooth Wires

If you’re having problems socializing with other people because you’re conscious with your teeth, Six Month Smiles is a cost-efficient way to improve your confidence. With technological advancements, patients will no longer suffer from crooked, overbite, bad breath and other oral problems. This dental treatment allows patient to smile with properly aligned and healthy teeth.
Treatment typically lasts for six months using high rate braces and patient-based solutions. 6monthsmiles is known for its trademarks such as ‘Lucid-Look’ brackets as well as Chameleon tooth wires which are both discreet in nature. Reliable, fast and easy appointments are also possible with another trademark called ‘Patient Tray Kits’.
Six Month Smiles is open for clients who are fifteen years of age or older, suffering from crooked, spaced, teeth, as well as overbite, and cross bite. The technique used by 6monthsmiles employs quick, safe and hygienic technological dentistry with all patients. The treatment involves specialized nickel and titanium wires that target the most visible portions of teeth. Other than that, patients no longer need to suffer from very visible braces that attract attention. During the process of teeth alignment, a patient will not feel conscious of his or her braces. This patient can enjoy partying or attending celebrations without ruining his or her outfit or smile.
Furthermore, the type of braces given to 6monthsmiles clients is more comfy compared to traditional kinds. This comfort is achieved by applying low level of pressure and standard orthodontic techniques to align teeth based on the patient’s unique cosmetic appearance and not on the bite position. The treatment does not simply involve regular brace tightening, but careful teeth alignment.
If, however, a patient thinks of risks in damaging other teeth portions, teeth roots, and even gums when braces are placed, the 6monthsmiles technique ensures that these issues are as much as possible avoided. This is why pressure is kept in low level force and teeth extraction is applied in lesser frequency. After the teeth have been straightened, removable or bonded retainers are to be worn by patients to prevent relapse.
Six Month Smiles also offers clients with an online assessment that will determine if a patient has dental problems and what kind of treatment is necessary. The assessment is a tool not to replace personal consultations, but to provide initial findings on a client’s dental status. Usually, consultations happen after a person contacts a service provider and schedules a consultation. However, the 6monthsmiles provide a method to help their clients identify if they really need to undergo consultations and treatment. Questions linked to a person’s lifestyle as well as expectations are placed in the official website for clients to answer. Results will be given and can even be printed.


Oralign: Teeth Makeover within Fourteen Weeks or Less

Oralign: Teeth Makeover within Fourteen Weeks or Less

For people who have been living their life with teeth that always catch negative attention, consulting a Dentist and facing teeth makeover creates a different kind of freedom – freedom from social humiliation and self pity, that is. This does not only make them healthy-looking people, but persons with confidence and full of sincere smiles.
One known way to achieve oral treatment is through Oralign. It is a patented equipment developed by Dental professionals: Dr. Ross Hobson and Dr. Lester Ellman. This helps patients surpass oral challenges and even allow Dentists to improve their craft. This is a technology that is fast, cost-effective, transparent, small, and can be worn part-time by patients. Other than that, practitioners can take advantage of this advancement by taking trainings and conducting diagnostics online through the official website.
The application of this technology works after the authorized Dentist accomplished the following: patient case discussion, assessment, record of teeth problem, take teeth images and x rays. Then, recommendations on type of treatment will be informed to the client through the secured official website. Confirmation of the patient regarding the diagnosis and treatment will be asked and the retainer or braces will be constructed.
This technology is designed not only for patients, but also for Dental professionals. This is a way to make them experience this technology by applying them to consulting clients. For practitioners, the use of Oralign equipment can be studied through the ‘One Day Course’ offered by the developers. This will grant participants with full training especially when it comes to choosing patients and producing information for satisfying results. Moreover, the process of using the equipment will be explained fully for faster treatment and efficient price estimate.
Diagnostics can be carried out online and practitioners will be provided with necessary tools for their planning. The set of tools include complete ‘inter proximal reduction system’, various study materials, digital results, customized retainer, and mousse re-mineralization for teeth (for IPR). Expected results will be sent after a week to the patient showing how teeth will look like after treatment.
Clients can find practitioners in the following locations: Carlisle, Chester, Newcastle, North Yorkshire, Penrith, and Northumberland. Dentists in these places are authorized to employ the patented equipment and are trained to perform teeth makeovers.
Oralign is specifically designed to treat dental problems with lesser pain and clearer results. This appliance is described to be transparent and durable that helps straighten teeth of kids, teens, and adults typically within fourteen weeks without affecting other teeth. This works by stripping portions of teeth lightly and applying pressure to align them. It usually takes less than fourteen weeks of progress when a patient wears them for fourteen hours every day, even during night time. After teeth are moved accordingly, a pre-made retainer will be placed to avoid them from moving back again. The amount of treatment depends on the patient’s case and the dentist’s judgement.
