Category: Bad Breath

Choosing the right Mouthwash!

Choosing the right mouthwash

There are a lot of things that people can use to keep their mouth clean. An effective toothbrush, toothpaste, floss and so forth can all make a difference. One thing that is commonly purchased is mouthwash. But how can you be sure that you have got the right one? Choosing the right mouthwash will not only keep your breath smelling nice but can also aid in reducing plaque build up and maintaining good oral health.

What are the main benefits of using mouthwash?

There are a number of benefits mainly-

Fresher breath that is better for you than mints and does not require putting gum in the bin
Reduced bacteria
Reduced risk of gum disease
Fluoride mouthwashes help reduce plaque and tartar build up

What difference does my choice of mouthwash make?

It can be overwhelming seeing the range of mouthwashes available. All of them make big claims on their effectiveness and it is not always easy to compare them.

The type you choose depends on the ingredients it contains. Fluoride mouthwashes strengthen the enamel of your teeth. However these are mainly recommended for people who suffer from conditions such as cavities and severe dryness of the mouth (also known as xerostomia)

For regular use the best kinds are anti-plaque or anti-gingivitis (gum disease). The main reason that these are effective is that they kill the bacteria that causes both bad breath and damage to the teeth.

Remember that some mouthwashes contain alcohol and therefore may not be suitable for children younger than six years old.

Is mouthwash a good substitute for flossing?

It is generally recommended that you use mouthwash alongside other oral health treatments such as flossing and regular brushing. Given that people often speed through brushing teeth it is a good idea to do this at points in the day when you are not brushing your teeth as an extra anti-bacterial boost to your oral health!

I’m still not sure what mouthwash is right for me. Can I ask my dentist?

If you look on the label to see if it is antiseptic or antibacterial this is often the good sign of a mouthwash that can do its job. It is also worth looking for stamps of approval from recognised authorities to show that this is more than just something to given your breath a freshen up!

However if you are still unsure it is well worth discussing choosing the right mouthwash with your dentist. They will know your oral health better than anyone and will be able to recommend the most suitable type for your individual needs.

Why dont you call our hygienist on 01375481000 to schedule a consultation.


How to brush your Teeth Properly!

How to properly brush your teeth

There are a lot of things you can do to ensure good oral health. Regular flossing, using antibacterial mouthwash and reducing the amount of acidic foods and drinks can all help to reduce tartar build up and maintain a healthy smile. Knowing how to properly brush your teeth is another important aspect that should not be overlooked.

But I’m an adult and I already know how to clean my teeth. How would this benefit me?

Like a lot of things in life there is a difference between knowing the theory and doing the practise. If you are in a rush you may not do as thorough a job brushing your teeth as you should. Remember that in order to brush your teeth effectively you need to do it for at least two minutes.

What can I do to make my brushing routine more effective? Do I need any special toothbrushes or toothpastes?

The right kind of toothbrush and toothpaste can make a difference. Ideally you want a soft-bristled toothbrush that you can comfortably put in your mouth at an angle. The toothpaste you use ought to be fluoride toothpaste for the most effective cleaning results.

How can I brush my teeth more effectively?

A common mistake is to hold the brush straight when brushing teeth. A slight angle will make for better cleaning. Remember that the best motion while brushing is back and forth. You should also avoid brushing too hard as this can cause gum irritation.

Don’t forget that it is not just the front of your teeth that require cleaning but also the back, gums and tongue as well!

Where should I store my toothbrush?

Remember to keep your toothbrush positioned upright, ideally in an open rather than closed container as this will reduce the risk of bacteria build up. It is also worth remembering to change your toothbrush once every three to four months or sooner if the bristles have become frayed.

How often should I brush my teeth and when?

It is generally suggested that you brush your teeth twice a day, once in the morning and once before you go to bed. However if you have a tendency to snack throughout the day you may wish to consider brushing more than twice a day.

It is also worth considering brushing your teeth before going out. As well as making your mouth a bit healthier it is also a good way of giving yourself an extra boost of self confidence!

If you have any concerns about whether or not you are brushing your teeth effectively remember that you can talk to your dentist about this so that you can get the most from your smile!

Come visit our hygienist by calling 01375481000 Now!


Bad Breath?

How to deal with bad breath

One of the difficult issues to deal with for people in terms of oral hygiene is bad breath. It is not an easy thing to talk about and this can often get in the way of getting the treatment you need. Learning how to deal with bad breath and taking steps to combat it can increase your confidence and also give you better overall oral health.

What causes it?

Bad breath is more formally known as halitosis. It is usually caused by bacteria and sulphuric compounds in the mouth, often as a result of poor dental hygiene.

Other factors that affect halitosis include-

• Food with strong flavours such as chilli and garlic
• Smoking
• Gum disease
• Sinusitis

Will my dentist tell me if I have a problem?

The issue of bad breath is a personal one and is often quite difficult to deal with. Unfortunately it is often a matter of perspective with some people being totally unaware of the problem while others may be disproportionately worried.

The crucial thing is to be open minded and prepared to discuss symptoms with your dentist. If the bad breath is accompanied with other symptoms such as bleeding gums while brushing your teeth there is the chance that a more serious oral health problem is occurring so it is vital to arrange an appointment as soon as you think there may be a problem. It is better to be overly cautious then delay what may be necessary treatment!

Isn’t mouthwash enough?

Mouthwash can work by masking the smell of bad breath for a period. Ideally you ought to use antiseptic mouthwash for the best effect. It may not taste nice but will have longer lasting effects!

While mouthwash is good for getting ready for a night out and can clear out the bacteria that causes the bad breath it needs to be one part of an overall oral health routine that includes-

• Regular and thorough brushing of teeth
• Flossing
• Reducing foods that can cause bad breath such as garlic and chilli
• Tongue cleaning

How can a dentist help my bad breath?

First of all if you think you may have halitosis you need to book an appointment with your dentist. After an initial consultation a good dentist will be able to spot the source of the problem and find the appropriate treatment. Treatments can include specifically formulated mouthwashes, tongue cleaning to improved oral hygiene routines including more flossing and chewing sugar free mint gum between meals and after snacks (this is better than mints that will often contain sugar and are not good for your teeth!)

In short while bad breath is not necessarily something to worry about your dentist is ready to help you, both in terms of a more effective cleaning method but also in regaining self confidence after you have had the treatment. Book in for a consultation now to take your (bad) breath away on 01375481000!


How to Stop Gum Disease?

Gum Disease can affect more than just our oral health. The American Dental Association states, “There is evidence that bacteria in the mouth which are associated with gum disease may be linked to heart disease, artery blockages and stroke.”

The following tips can help you to prevent gum disease:

Difficulty: Easy
Time Required: Daily Routine
Here’s How:

•Brush your teeth properly twice a day. Brushing your teeth thoroughly removes plaque from the surface before it hardens into calculus.
•Use a fluoride toothpaste. Using a toothpaste with fluoride helps to prevent decay.
•Floss your teeth daily. Flossing is the only way to remove plaque from in between your teeth that a toothbrush can’t reach.
•Use a mouth rinse. An antimicrobial mouth rinse can provide extra help in controlling plaque. Listerine is a good choice and has been
approved by the American Dental Association.
•Visit your dentist for regular check ups. Visiting your dentist on a regular basis is the best way to make sure that your teeth and gums
stay healthy.


How to Cure Bad Breath?

Suffering From Bad Breadth Problem? Know How To Cure Your Bad Breath

Are you suffering from the problem of bad breath? Is it pulling your confidence level down? Stop worrying. For fixing the problem of bad breath, we must delve into the root cause of the problem. Lets us read along the article to develop a better understanding about bad breath and the remedies that we can choose for eliminating the problem from its very root.

Cleanliness is next to godliness. Please ensure you are adhering to the stipulated standards of oral hygiene. Bad breath is mainly caused due to factors such as eating of too much of spicy food, gastro infection and unclean mouth.

Taking care of these is a must when you are fighting against bad breath. Apart from this let us take up 6 necessary steps to prevent bad breath from returning.

Keeping the mouth clean is the first and the most important step to clean mouth. Apart from brushing your teeth twice daily, make sure you are flossing regularly as well. The foods that get trapped in between the teeth can be removed only with regular flossing. If you are using a mouthwash, ensure the one you use is free from alcohol.

Along with your teeth, cleanliness of the tongue is also equally important: the toothbrush or a scrapper can be used in this case. To feel fresh, you have to ensure that no bacteria are left on the tongue. Scraping and brushing activities must be done with care so that you are not damaging the tissues of the tongue. You can also use the back of a spoon for keeping the tongue clean and free from bacteria. Use of home remedies such as warm water and baking soda can be very effective in this case. It is one of the best ways you can remove acidity from the tongue which constitutes the breeding ground of bacteria.

Mouth must always be kept hydrated since dry mouth gives out foul smell. Saliva contained in our mouth contains anti bacterial properties and is one of the best ways of keeping the mouth clean. You can keep sugar free gums and chew them whenever your mouth feels dry. It is one of the best ways you can prevent bad breath and continue feeling fresh all day long.

Your must wash your mouth after every single meal. This is one of the most basic norms of hygiene that you should be following. Removal of food particles from the mouth ensures that you are not suffering from the problem of bad breath.

To keep good care of your gums and teeth, you must limit intake of caffeine and tea. Natural breath fresheners like water with lemon or herbal teas are a good substitute in this case.

Avoid foods that are too high in protein content. Try to stay away from cheese, too much of milk and ice cream.

These are some of the simple tips which can help you to feel fresh all day long. Following the simple instructions will very soon let you have a kissable, increased self confidence and fresh breath.
