Category: Cosmetic Dentistry

Braces Invisible for a sparkling smile!

In many cases, it may not be possible to achieve the best possible aesthetic smile; functional and stable results cannot be achievable without repositioning the teeth with orthodontic appliances. These patients have the option of choosing appliances that are not very visible or not visible at all. Due to recent advances in orthodontics, the time taken for orthodontic corrections has reduced. In most cases aesthetic improvements can be achieved in a few weeks to a few months. Braces Invisible is the answer for not only cosmetic but also for corrective purposes of the teeth.

Braces Invisible or invisible dental braces are clips that are invisible but more comfortable. They are the latest appliances that are used in teeth alignment procedures. Wearing dental braces or teeth braces is a problematic task. Besides it look unattractive and is also painful. Since Braces Invisible are transparent and invisible, they do not interfere with speech and since they are easily removable, they do not interfere with normal eating, drinking, chewing, crushing, mouth washing and flossing activities and are able to keep top oral hygiene.
Practically invisible dental braces are plastic aligners, accurately computer-designed, which ease the movement of teeth better than traditional braces and give similar results. These invisible dental braces can easily be removed while eating and chewing.
Braces Invisible comes in different varieties – Clear or Ceramic Braces are similar to metal braces in function but are tooth colored thereby making them less noticeable and they are most popular with adult patients for enhancing their cosmetic appeal; Transparent Aligners – Invisalign or Invisaline – is a great option for patients who do not have severe problems and/or are concerned with aesthetics during the treatment, the system consists of a series of clear overlay templates called aligners that have been generated by computer simulation to gradually move the teeth and each tray is made to move the teeth slightly and is worn for a few weeks, this system is available to adult patients and teenagers with certain bite problems also and Lingual Braces, which are the ultimate in brace concealing technology. Lingual braces are attached to the backside of the teeth, which makes them completely invisible. This advanced method makes lingual orthodontics particularly well suited for adults, who often want to improve the look, feel and function of their teeth without letting anyone else know about their treatment.
The procedure for fixing invisible dental braces is that the teeth are carefully examined by the dental surgeon. A model of the teeth is made and scanned by the computer to plan the movement of teeth with a series of invisible dental braces and a number of aligners are created. These aligners are used one by one after regular intervals to move the teeth to the desired position.
Braces Invisible as orthodontic appliances have also proved successful in treating the deformities caused by some common habits like thumb sucking, nail biting and tongue thrusting.
Braces Invisible add sparkle to smiles. They are also known as the ‘contact lens of the teeth’.


Invisalign Teen Available in ESSEX!

Invisalign Teen Braces are now available in our dental offices in Essex. This is a new product which can help motivate your children to straigthen you childs teeth without the metal brackets that they fear.
There is no embarassement or discomfort compared to coventional braces.

Your son or daughter will come and visit us about 6 to 8 weeks and receive the next series of clear virtually clear aligners.


Top Ten Tips in Finding a Cosmetic Dentist in Essex

Top Ten Tips in Finding a Cosmetic Dentist in Essex

Here are Top Ten Tips in Finding a Cosmetic Dentist in Essex in order to get a qualified and experienced cosmetic dentist. This is because if there are any complications during a cosmetic dentistry procedure, an experienced dentist will be more adept at handling the situation. In addition, a cosmetic dentist who has performed many complicated dental procedures will have had more time required to perfect their technique and the end results. Cosmetic dentistry treatments like dental veneers and bonding require an artistic touch to produce the most attractive and natural-looking results.

Other Top Ten Tips in Finding a Cosmetic Dentist in Essex includes looking for a dentist who has received accreditation from the American Academy of Cosmetic Dentistry (AACD). This will indicate that this dentist has received specialized training in his field. You may also want to find a dentist who has made cosmetic dentistry a prominent feature of their practice. This is because if someone is devoted to a cause, or does the same thing every day, they become experts in their field. Do not go for a jack of all trades but master of none. To learn about the doctor’s experience, you can request information or visit the doctor’s website or practice.

Other Top Ten Tips in Finding a Cosmetic Dentist in Essex includes asking for visual images of results which you expect to get from the treatment. This is where the dentist provides you with before and after pictures of patients who have been treated. You might also be looking for an affordable cosmetic dentistry. The popular saying you get what you pay for is indeed true. Do not entrust yourself to a cheap dentist just because he offers you a price that seems affordable. The saying cheap is expensive also holds true. Find a dentist who has the skills and experience to transform your smile and increase your self esteem and self confidence.

To get Ten Tips in Finding a Cosmetic Dentist in Essex, you are looking for teeth whitening products. There are two procedures to do this. One is through laser at the dentist’s office, or you can choose to have custom made trays which can be used at home. Porcelain veneers are also available for those who can afford it. There are also dental implants for those who have missing teeth. There are also tooth-colored filings which are a composite material and an attractive alternative to silver amalgam fillings. Porcelain Inlays/Outlays are an attractive restoration that are used to repair cracked or damaged teeth. This procedure requires less tooth reduction than fillings or crowns. Dental crowns are caps that are used to repair badly decayed or damaged teeth. This crown is produced from the mold of your original tooth and it is then applied to after the tooth decay has been removed. Dental bridges are sturdy structures which are composed of 2 crowns and prosthetic tooth. These are used to bridge the gaps where teeth are missing. Invasalign is a cosmetic dentistry solution for unevenly spaced or gapped teeth.


Cosmetic Orthodontics – The Future

Cosmetic Orthodontics – The Future

Cosmetic orthodontics refers doctors or dentists who specialize only on the teeth with the consideration of beauty purposes mainly. Nowadays, many people have sought for dental treatment to improve on the look of their teeth. The use of braces is becoming very common. As more people are becoming more conscious of their looks, the demand for dental cosmetic procedures is consequently on the rise. For this reason, people can pay any price just to improve on their looks. Dental procedures offers a variety of options to chose from. This includes use of braces, twin blocks, and other methods.
The crooked teeth or very spacious teeth are among the main problems cosmetic orthodontics deal with. These can be caused by a variety of reasons. They can be inherited just like other parts of the body. Facial injury and accidents may cause misalignment of the teeth. Gum diseases and children who suck their thumbs for a long period can cause the teeth to get crooked. Use of pacifiers and long usage of bottles for a long time especially exceeding three years are the other causes. People with crooked teeth find it difficult to chew. Cleaning teeth is also hard therefore causing cavities tooth decay and gum diseases such as gingivitis.
Cosmetic orthodontics attend dentistry classes. After this, they are required to attend further classes that can take up to a period of three years. During this time, they learn how to strengthen teeth using braces, retainers and other form of wires for instance headgears that shape teeth. They also learn how to remove teeth and how to do dental surgery. They determine whether a patient needs treatment by checking on various signs. This includes if teeth are misaligned, and if so, it calls for treatment to help straighten them giving the patient a better look.
Cosmetic orthodontics are also concerned with the way the face looks in relation to your teeth. This includes the shape of the face around the jaw area. In most cases, this requires surgery. If a patient is having problems while chewing, this shows there is disarrangement and it calls for braces. Others have difficulties in speech, all these cases call for an orthodontist. They may take photographs of the face, perform x– rays which show the roots of the teeth, and how they are. The appearance of jaws is also shown. Demonstrations like biting something are also performed for people with chewing difficulties so as to be able to tell where the problem is.
Depending on where the problem is, cosmetic orthodontics use different treatments. In most cases braces are needed. In situations where the teeth look overcrowded, they remove some teeth to create space. Biting problems mostly require operations. Most offer consultations at a discount. In addition to that, they offer a variety of options and at different costs. It all depends on the patient. It is important to look for qualified dentists who have a lot of experience. This can help in feeling confident about the choice of treatment one chooses because he or she will trust them more. Experienced orthodontics will also have many products to choose from not forgetting the many patients they have treated making it easy to get a second opinion and different experiences.


Damon Clear Braces in Essex

Damon Clear Braces in Essex

Traditional braces and brackets are used for teeth alignment for those people who have dental problems. Different types of solutions are on the market today, all with the promise of realigning your teeth so that you can achieve your confident smile once more. The types of braces and brackets people wear to try to conceal the poor alignment of their dentition or just to hide the colored teeth vary a lot in terms of make, material used in their framework and so on. Damon Clear Braces in Essex are an evolution in cosmetic dentistry because of their unmatched clear nature.

Damon Clear Braces in Essex

The first reason as to why many people go for Damon Clear Braces in Essex is that the braces use a highly innovative technology in their realignment of teeth. The braces are tieless and utilize the arch-wires technology for fastening onto one’s dentition so that the duration spent on them to align crooked teeth is much less than the duration traditional braces would take to do the same. Within a couple of weeks of using Damon Clear Braces, one achieves the best facial outcome with a spectacular smile. The technology is clinically proven a harmless one, with the quick results for dental rectification.

Damon Clear Braces in Essex

Damon Clear Braces in Essex are some of the best for dental alignment solutions because they combine the technology of normal clear braces with that of clear aligners to deliver you the result. With this kind of combination, you can only be sure that the result is going beyond just the alignment you have been looking for. The possibilities of Damon Clear Braces do not end with straight teeth. All your facial factors are taken into account. Your doctor will consider the proportion of your face before prescribing the solution for you. Therefore, the alignment process is considerate of your entire facial outcome and not just localized to your teeth.
The third reason why Damon Clear Braces in Essex are a choice for many is that the braces are made of material that will not be visible to anyone else. The story remains with your teeth. You might not even realize that you are wearing the braces when you stand before a mirror. They are clear, or clearly invisible. These, compared to the metal braces with elastic ties, cannot yellow when using them. They are resistant enough, so that they do not yellow or discolor.
Lastly, it is clear that everyone out there wants a treatment method that is fast enough so that you will not have to wait for long before seeing the results. To achieve this, Damon Clear Braces in Essex are the answer to the quest. Do not choose the traditional braces when you can have your results six months earlier than what the normal braces can give. This is because with Damon Clear, you do not have to wear the braces for a few hours in a day. You will use them all day and night because of their clear, invisible material. This cuts the time of alignment significantly.


Hollywood Smiles in Essex

Aside from looking beautiful, having flawless skin, having a healthy body and donning designer clothes, there’s another important thing that Hollywood celebrities focus on- that which is having a perfect smile. Sometimes a disarming smile is enough to captivate other people’s attention. This is actually the reason why the so-called Hollywood dentistry in Essex, England is increasing in terms of popularity. There’s an increasing number of people who would want to be able to flash their most stunning, camera-worthy smile so they opt to visit the best dental clinics in town.

For most people in London, Essex is definitely the right place to go to when it comes to cosmetic dentistry. There are several dentists in the area who specialize in reconstructive surgery to help patients achieve that perfect smile. Hollywood dentistry in Essex often includes services such as tooth colored fillings, crowns and veneers, lumineers, teeth whitening, clear braces or invisalign, implants, crown lengthening, flexible dentures, restorative dentistry, etc. Almost every type of dental service is offered here so, patients need not look elsewhere if they need several types of treatment. Dentists and orthodontists in Essex are duly licensed so patients are sure that they are getting treatment from an expert in the field. Most of the clinics that offer Hollywood dentistry in Essex have state-of-the-art facilities so you are assured that procedures are safe and effective. As with the cost of dental or cosmetic dentistry procedures, they usually vary depending on your case and specific doctor’s fee. But all in all, most of the clinics in Essex charge reasonable rates for their services.

Give us a call on 01375481000 for a FREE Consultation!


What Are the Tips in Finding a Cosmetic Dentist?

Cosmetic dentistry is about improving the appearance of a person’s teeth through dental work. Dental work includes tooth whitening or bleaching as well as dental treatment options such as gum lifts, veneers, crowns and bridges. Cosmetic dentistry has helped improve the appearance of many people including popular actors and actresses. In a world where looks usually come first and foremost, many people have looked to cosmetic dentistry to enhance their image. Consequently, patients the world over are seeking for tips in finding a cosmetic dentist to help them choose which cosmetic dentist to go to. There are countless dentists out there, but there are only a few who are really good enough to satisfy the true needs of their patients.
Patients who seek tips in finding a cosmetic dentist will probably get the best and most affordable cosmetic dentist available. Finding the right cosmetic dentist means that patients should choose dentists that are qualified and experienced. If the patient lives in the United States, the dentists in question should have also received accreditation from the American Academy of Cosmetic Dentistry or AACD. Trying to find dentists who have made cosmetic dentistry an important feature of their practice would also help. It is also important to learn about the dentists’ qualifications and experiences by visiting their website or by requesting the information directly from them. Pictures of previous patients can also be requested to see the before and after look of each patient. Most importantly, finding good but affordable dentists is a must for those who are in dire need of having their teeth fixed.
It is important for patients to seek for tips in finding a cosmetic dentist in order to avoid problems. If the dentist in question is experienced, he or she will most likely be able to handle complicated dental procedures and would already have perfected his or her craft. Having a nice smile is tantamount to finding the right cosmetic dentist for a certain patient. An attractive smile will help boost the confidence of those who have all their lives carried out tight-lipped smiles because of their unsightly teeth.


All That You Want To Known About Painless Dentistry In Essex

All That You Want To Known About Painless Dentistry In Essex

Painless dentistry or sedation dentistry in Essex has alleviated a lot of tension and anxiety which remains commonly associated with the dental procedures and surgeries. People suffering from dental phobia or the chronic fear of dentistry have definitely benefited from the use of sedations.

Use Of Sedatives In Painless Dentistry:

The patient is not made fully unconscious necessarily every time he/she goes for painless dentistry in Essex. The kind of sedatives to be given entirely depends on the condition of the individual patients. In many cases the patient might feel drowsy but remain conscious. The main aim behind painless surgery is to help the patient remain calm and free from anxiety all through the dental procedure.

The painless surgical procedures in Essex make use of different kinds of sedatives. The use of sedatives is determined after consideration of the medical history of the patient. Apart from this, the degree of mental agony and anxiety are also taken into consideration. Pills are moderate sedatives, the doctors if feel can also prescribe strong sedatives which are administered intravenously. Though this is a very traditional practice, most of the sedatives today are administered in the form of pills. The pills are to be taken an hour before the dental procedures start. Oral administration is considered to be a better option for patients who are afraid of needles.

Use Of Sedatives In Painless Dentistry Has Very Little Side Effects:

Patients need not worry about the use of sedatives in the painless dentistry procedures. However, the only the side effect that can be mentioned in this connections is that, the patient might feel dizzy or lethargic after completion of the surgery. This is definitely not a very serious issue and you need not worry about that. As the patient starts feeling normal and regains back his/her normal senses, the discomfort start wearing away. As precautionary measure, it is important that the patient is adhering to the dos and don’ts stipulated by the dentist in Essex. The patients are advised to stay away from drinking and smoking habits after undergoing a surgery. The action of alcohol can interfere with the administered sedatives.

Carry Out Online Searches For The Best Painless Dentistry In Essex:

The painless dental works performed with use of sedatives is very safe and you need not worry abut the consequences. For any further information on painless dentistry in Essex, you can get in touch with the dentist in your locality. There are a number of sites offering you detailed information about the best dental clinics in and around your locality that you can consider for getting the dental works done. Once you have chosen a reputed and certified clinic, you need not worry about the quality of services offered. With online search you also have the option of going through the reviews and testimonials to derive a better understating of past records of an individual clinic in Essex.

Now that you have gained sufficient knowledge about the painless dental procedures, you are in a better position to take care of your overall oral health.


Smiles Better in Essex

We can give you a celebrity smile on a High street budget which really delivers you an ideal result.
Simon Cowell and Coleen Rooney have probably spent over 25,000 pounds to get that perfect smile but here at the Smile and Face studios @ Chafford Hundred Dental Care we can perfect your grin for a fraction of the price called Composite Restoration

This specialised technique restores your teeth by repairing chips and cracks on your teeth via the build up of individual teeth which are then buffed up and polished for a sparkling shine.

You can get that beautiful appearance and friends and family will not know how you got that winning smile!

Give us a call on 01375481000 for a FREE Consulatation! We are the only Cosmetic Dentist in Essex you will need to see!


Cosmetic Dentist in Essex

Cosmetic Dentist in Essex

Maintaining our teeth, gums as we age is an important step in corroborating our health and well-being. With the introduction of cosmetic dentistry, our smile can be aesthetically improved. Cosmetic Dentistry is a branch of dentistry dealing with appearance of teeth. It deals with mainly the following techniques that include Bonding (repairing a tooth, resinous material is applied to the surface of the tooth where it adheres to the tooth’s enamel); Bleaching (making whiter); Veneers (type of coatings); orthodontics (that deals with prevention or correction of irregularities of teeth); Reshaping (remolding); Implants (fix or set securely or deeply a tooth in gum). Sometimes a soiled or discolored appearance on your teeth makes you feel ashamed of your smile. With this treatment, you can go from ordinary to eye-popping. There are many services provides you can straighten your teeth so that they are aligned properly. You can reshape them. This is not a quick process but at least takes six months to complete. Sometimes they need to remove some teeth to align remaining properly.

The Dental team here provides the best dental care. The cosmetic Dentist in Essex provides the main services like dental implants, all cosmetic dental procedures including teeth whitening, veneers and facial rejuvenation. It is nothing but the act of restoring to a more youthful condition which everyone likes to be. They provide cosmetic porcelain and composite veneers and crowns (designer smiles) and braces as well as implant dentistry to replace missing and denture teeth. Essex has a highly motivated team with forward thinking vision who can deliver an outstanding service. They help in perfecting our smile and enhancing our natural beauty. The most up-to date materials and techniques are used here. Though these kinds of dentists can be found anywhere but the cosmetic dentist in Essex is unique, and they are known for their caring and specialist services towards nervous and anxious patients.

As we know a healthy smile can improve our self-confidence. Smile make-over treatment here includes Essex teeth whitening where tooth whitening agents are applied to your tooth and discoloration disappears without any damage. The Invisalign Invisible Braces Essex which is a revolutionary new technique that discreetly makes your smile beautiful where your teeth can be aligned properly without much pain. Here in Dental Implants, titanium rods shaped like screw are placed into Jawbone. Porcelain crowns are used to improve ageing teeth. Orthodontics helps in building beautiful straight smiles. If the teeth are lost then we can go for implants, Dentures or Bridges. And if tooth needs re-building then crowns, Inlays can be a solution. This quality cosmetic treatment can improve facial appearance, our confidence and self-esteem too. The cosmetic dentists here are professional, gentle and are dedicated to create beautiful smiles for life. The dentists here fully inform patients and involve them in decisions about their treatments, improving patient health and self-confidence. Then why there is a need for a second thought when there is a highest quality care dental treatment and service where you can re-design your smile with beauty, health and happiness.
