Category: Dental Implants

Mini Dental Implants in Essex – Restorative Dental Treatment

Mini dental implants in Essex are a wonderful solution for people who need to replace a tooth or teeth as the case may be. Have you lost a tooth and need to get a replacement? Maybe you are not too fond of the concept of dentures? Pay your dentist a visit and ask about mini dental implants after you have boned up on the information in this article. You will be well informed and able to ask intelligent questions to know whether it is the best option for you.

How do we define mini dental implants in Essex? It is best described as the replacement of a lost tooth with a tooth that is as close as possible to the original. These implants are approximately 1.8-2.4 mm in diameter and provide immediate stabilization of a dental prosthetic. The implant is inserted through minimally invasive surgery and is very useful in cases where traditional implants are very unsuitable or impractical. Further, the mini implants in Essex are designed to minimize tissue and bone damage. The healing time period is also quite short.

If you choose to have mini dental implants in Essex, you can be sure the procedure will be performed in a dental implant center using the best materials available. Further you will be benefited by superior quality dentistry as well.

Mini dental implants in Essex use titanium alloys to serve as the base for the tooth that is implanted and the material used for crowns and abutment is also very expensive. This is an expensive procedure but well worth the expense when you are able to smile beautifully again.

Before you can begin your mini dental implants in Essex procedure your dentist will first perform some tests, take x-rays and scans to assess bone density and the condition of your gums, tissues, etc. This process will also enable the dentist to ensure he knows which teeth need treatment; you don’t want to end up having the wrong teeth done!

There are some reasons why a dentist may refuse to perform mini dental implants in Essex for a patient, they include:

– Teeth in poor condition

– Prevalent gum disease

– Bad breath

– Abscesses

– Excessive smoking and alcohol intake will only slow the healing process down and the patient will have to abstain in order for the procedure to be done

– Auto immune diseases, chemotherapy, diabetes and hypertension

– Pregnancy and breastfeeding

There are many people who are terrified of pain and there is nothing to be ashamed of in that. You can rest assured the mini dental implants in Essex procedure is approximately 45-60 minutes and performed under anesthesia. There will be minimal discomfort when the effects of the anesthetic wear off, however it is not unusual or cause for concern. You will be having an invasive surgery so pain is to be expected; however, you will be given pain relief medication and you need to take a few precautions until the area has healed.

Give us a call on 01375481000 to book a consultation with our specialist!


Dental Implants in Essex – All The Goodness Of Natural Teeth

Dental Implants in Essex – All The Goodness Of Natural Teeth

Have you got a gap-toothed smile that you just hate showing to the world? Do you restrict your smiling because you have missing teeth? Your missing tooth or teeth as the case may be, could be due to an accident or poor dental care or any number of reasons. What is important is that dental implants in Essex can help you take care of the problem. Do you wear dentures or a bridge? Not to worry, dental implants in Essex can help you as well.

Dental Implants in Essex

Dental implants are made from titanium and consist of a thin, metal rod that serves as an artificial tooth root forming the attachment for the replacement tooth. The major advantages of these dental implants are their extreme durability and they cannot be differentiated from the natural teeth. They perform exactly as a natural tooth does and you can have one or several implants using a bridge or over-denture.

Once you avail of the dental implants in Essex service you will need to treat the implants exactly as you would your natural teeth; brush and floss daily and make periodical visits to your dentist.

It is always good to know the advantages of a particular course of action, so we can evaluate the pros and cons of a decision to be made. The benefits of getting dental implants in Essex maybe summed up as below.

Benefits of Dental Implants in Essex

– Dental implants as a treatment are highly successful with the rate of success as high as 95% on average. Figures can vary based on which part of the mouth the treatment is being performed on. Treatment for the upper jaw is a lot more difficult than the lower one so success rate percentages will fluctuate accordingly.

– With dental implants in Essex there is no movement and the possibility of an ill-fit is not a threat, as is the case with dentures. With dental implants you have a very solid fixture that once it is fixed you can forget about it except for keeping it clean. This is not the case with dentures which can move around and give you pain and discomfort.

There are other benefits that include: natural tooth structure is not altered; the fit is an extremely natural one to compliment existing natural teeth; easy cleaning, just treat it like the rest of your natural teeth; reduces the risk of bone loss and functionality is at par with your natural teeth.

Are You A Suitable Candidate For Dental Implants?

When you are interested in getting dental implants in Essex you need to visit your dentist for an evaluation based upon which the dentist will tell you whether you are a suitable candidate or not.

Your dentist will check your teeth and perform other diagnostics that may include x-rays and scans. It is very necessary to assess the condition of the teeth and the jaw structure, etc. What the dentist is trying to assess is the bone density level which is essential for holding dental implants in place


Cosmetic Dental Procedures

Popular Cosmetic Dentistry Procedures

Are you looking to improve your appearance? When many of us think of cosmetic improvements, traditional cosmetic surgery procedures, like breast enlargements, facelifts, and liposuction, often come to mind. With that said, those are not the only types of cosmetic surgical procedures you can undergo. If you are looking to improve your smile, namely by way of your teeth, you may want to visit a cosmetic dentist.

As nice as it is to hear that there is such a thing as a cosmetic dentist, who specializes in the appearance of teeth, not just the health of them, you may be looking for more information. One of the most common questions asked concerns procedures. Many wonder what type of cosmetic dentistry procedures are available to them. The good news is that there are quite a few, some of which are briefly highlighted below.

A gum lift is a common cosmetic surgery that is performed by cosmetic dentists. Although most individuals want to change the appearance of their teeth, the teeth aren’t always the main problem. If you have uneven or excess gums, your teeth may look uneven and possibly even crooked. If that is the case, a gum lift is advised. During the cosmetic surgical procedure, your excess gum will be removed, giving you an even, flawless smile.

Veneers are another common cosmetic dentistry procedure that is performed. In fact, veneers are increasing in popularity. They are designed for those who have imperfections with their teeth. These imperfections often include cracked teeth, crooked teeth, or teeth with a significant amount of staining. As for how the procedure works, each tooth will be resized and reshaped. Then, a mold will be taken of the “new,” tooth. The dentist’s laboratory will then create a custom mold, which will be bonded to your reshaped tooth. Although veneers are a great way to cut down the cost of dental work, please know that they are permanent and that the procedures cannot be reversed.

Another common cosmetic surgical procedure that is performed by qualified dentists is that of dental implants. Do you have a missing tooth or a tooth that needs to be pulled? If you do, dentures may not be a viable option, especially if the rest of your teeth are in healthy shape. If that is the case, dental implants are advised. With dental implants, an artificial tooth is used. That artificial tooth is securely anchored into the jaw bone or the gums. As with veneers, dental implants look and feel just like real teeth. The above mentioned cosmetic dental procedures are those that can also be considered surgical procedures. It is also important to know that there are additional procedures performed by cosmetic dentists. These procedures are often less invasive and they are typically more affordable. One of those procedures is that of teeth whitening. A professional teeth whitening procedure can reduce stains that are due to coffee, smoking, and aging.

Regardless of how much we all care for our teeth, many of us develop cavities. If you do, the common choice of dentists is that of metal fillings. Ask a cosmetic dentist, however, and they will have a different view. If you are looking to keep your smile and your mouth attractive, you should examine tooth colored fillings. A cosmetic dentist can use a colored coded chart to create the perfect match. Before that is done, however, you may also want to consider undergoing a teeth whitening procedure.

As you can see, you have a number of different options when looking to improve both the health and appearance of your teeth. In fact, the above mentioned procedures are just a few of your many options. You should schedule a consultation appoint with a local, qualified cosmetic dentist to develop an appropriate plan of action. As a reminder, a healthy, beautiful smile can do you wonders. For starters, you will likely notice a significant improvement in your self-esteem and self-confidence.

Give us a call on 01375481000 for a FREE Consultation.


Dental Implants in Essex.

Dental Implants are according to most dentists have a distinct advantage than dental bridges or dentures { which fills the missing tooth with a fake removable tooth} as they help to conserve natural tooth structure like enamel on teeth either side of the gap.

Consequently, they help the young and old to preserve the integrity of natural oral tissue. The best dentistry is no dentistry.

Dental Implants improve the quality of your life and help you eat more effectively and efficiently. No more gastric problems and indigestion which can be a thing of the past when you can eat your food properly.

Dental Implants are not just for cosmetic reasons but also for functional reasons .

Dental Implants stop teeth either side of the space in your mouth from drifting or overerupting which can lead to food getting trapped between the teeth and gum inflammation and infection which may ultimately lead to more tooth lose.

This will create a vicious circle which means more problems with inefficient ingestion.

Give us a call on 01375481000 Now to get a Consultation with your local Specialist- also known as an Implantogist.
