Category: Invisalign

Advantages Of Clear Aligners For Teeth Over Conventional Braces

Everyone wonders if it is possible to get their teeth straightened without wearing those metal braces which gives anyone a geeky or a nerdy look. Who will want to be the centre of bully and tease, wearing the bulky metal braces while everyone else is running around smiling their beautiful smiles? Thanks to technological advancement in dentistry, there is less need to worry about this now. Recent years have seen various technological improvements in the field of orthodontics and one such development is the Aligners for teeth.
Aligners for teeth have a clear advantage over conventional braces at any given time. Commonly, one can see kids and teenagers wearing metal braces. But adults are usually embarrassed of such metal braces and hence invisible aligners for teeth are popular and a major hit among the adults. It is also noted that these aligners are much more comfortable than the traditional braces. Aligners are also removable which means you can easily remove them while brushing your teeth or eating a meal. Actually it is very important to remove these aligners before eating food or drinking anything liquid other than water. Removal of aligners is mandatory while brushing too.
As part of using aligners for teeth treatment, you will also undergo computerized treatment planning. This planning is needed to calculate and monitor the time period of your treatment and the resulting smile. This planning also allows you to check the progress and to decide if you want to proceed with the treatment.
The major advantage of aligners for teeth is that, it avoids most of the side effects that arise when one uses the traditional braces. Apart from the advantages on cosmetic grounds, it also reduces the damage on supporting tissues and gums. When you are using non removable conventional metal braces, you may get affected with demineralization and tooth decay. Also it is noted that metal braces shorten the teeth roots, making them weak and vulnerable. But when you take aligners for teeth, very less force is used and hence there are no such side effects and also no pain is involved.
The other advantage of aligners for teeth is the time period of the treatment. While a conventional tooth straightening by metal braces takes about 3 – 5 years, aligners take only 1 – 1.5 years for the whole treatment. These are also very comfortable and much faster.
One another advantage of aligners for teeth is that these are clear and almost unnoticeable. It is noted that even the patients tend to not to notice that they are wearing any aligners in their mouth. They are easily removable by the user itself and you don’t need expert care each time you remove the aligners. These aligners reduce the chance of any type of gum disease, cavities or scars on the teeth.
Aligners for teeth are smooth and don’t have any sharp edges, wires or hooks to poke your cheeks. They are not irritable like normal braces. And you even have the advantage of removing them, if you don’t want to feel conscious in a really important social event.


How Can Clear Aligner Braces Straighten Your Teeth Without Being Obvious?

The only reason why people don’t want to undergo an orthodontic treatment involving wearing braces to correct their teeth misalignment is because– they are visible. It comes to notice more prominently, especially when you yourself start being to aware of it in public. This is where Clear Aligner braces come to help you out. Aligner braces are hardly noticeable by any other person and in many cases they work in around just six months.

The process of these aligner braces treatment is clearly interesting. Initially after thorough inspection of your teeth, your orthodontist will make an initial mould of your teeth. After this, a series of aligners will be made, which will represent the subsequent progress that will be made by your teeth as the result of the treatment. After these aligners are made, you can start using them. Usually an aligner works for about two to three weeks. After that you will have to use the next aligner that has been handed over to you. This aligner will be closest to your teeth alignment. If you work closely with the schedule of your first aligner brace, it will be easy for the next aligner braces to align your teeth and it will reduce the time period taken for teeth alignment.

The aligner braces used for this treatment process are built of clear material, and hence are barely noticeable by others. Also the pressure created by the aligner braces over your teeth is very low and gradual. As the pressure is applied through the aligners on the right spot, you won’t even experience any pain.

The major advantages with aligner braces are that you can easily remove these when it is necessary. You need not miss a social party or a business meeting just because you are wearing one. You can remove these aligners from your teeth, before the meet and gently pop them back once the meeting gets over.

But one has to be aware of the fact that these aligner braces are reserved for less severe cases only. This treatment method is effective only on minor cases that can handle clear aligners and can be cured in six months. For more severe cases, you will need to consider some other treatment method or any other option of dental braces.

Like all other dental brace options, clear aligner braces also uses a retainer. These retainers can be removed like the aligner braces themselves. These retainers are used so that the teeth will stay at their appropriate spots. This type of treatment helps most of the minor orthodontic misalignments. These are right for people who can handle it easily and these are not at all painful. Some of the best non-allergic materials are used to make these aligner braces.

So, if you have always dreamt for the perfect set of teeth to dazzle every one around you, consider getting yourself an aligner braces treatment with the help of your dentist. You will certainly notice a considerable change in you within a few weeks.


What Is A ClinCheck – A Complete Know How Guide About This Software

If you want to acquire that perfect smile and have a sparkling set of straight teeth, Invisalign is your answer. This is a set of plastic aligners that are easy to handle, comfortable and has clear trays. And another advantage of Invisalign is that you get see the results even before you decide to spend your money and time on the project. This is where ClinCheck comes into picture. Now the question is “What is a ClinCheck?”

ClinCheck is software developed for the Invisalign treatment so that the doctors can plan the treatment for their patients. This is actually a simulation of the movement of the teeth from the initial position to the desired straight position as required by the patient. Each movement from aligner to aligner is shown along which include even a miniscule movement of the teeth that is planned for the patient during the treatment. ClinCheck shows this in a 3D atmosphere and you can view the teeth development from any direction which you prefer. If you prefer, you can also form a movie, from the initial stage to the end stage, by connecting the film of the string of movements and progress of your teeth.

Invisalign – ClinCheck Consultation process:

Fix an appointment with your local orthodontist so thought he can assess if you are a possible candidate for Invisalign. This will be called your Smile consultation appointment. The dentist will do a complete check on your teeth and your smile to figure out if you have proper conditions for an Invisalign treatment.

Then the doctor will take the necessary records of your smile consultation like teeth impressions, x-rays and the required photographs. Then after a week’s time, you will get a short movie animation from ClinCheck and how you can be treated using Invisalign.

This ClinCheck process allows you to visually asses your progress and you can also request for any modifications if you prefer so. The following are the resources available with ClinCheck software.

Invisalign ClinCheck 2.8 User Guide

This user guide is for you to understand the ClinCheck software and has detailed instructions of all the Invisalign products. This has a listing of advanced review tools, along with the basic review, acceptance and modification tools.

Quick Start Guide: Invisalign ClinCheck Review and Communication Tips

This gives you simple instructions on how to use Invisalign Full and Express so that you can review the ClinCheck. When you need some modifications to be made, this guide will help you with a set of guidelines. This quick start guide will help you get the desired position you want for your teeth.

Quick Start Guide: Invisalign Assist ClinCheck Review

If you want to review your ClinCheck file using the Invisalign assist, then you are advised to follow this guide. It also has images to help you understand the interface in a better way.

Once the ClinCheck images are shown to you, you can decide on whether to continue with the treatment or not, based on how long the treatment will take, and what your financial budget may be.


A Complete Guide On How To Clean Your Invisalign Brace

When you first get your Invisalign braces, they are sparkling clean and arrive in factory sealed boxes. It is a considerable task to keep them clean, fresh and new looking everyday by avoiding any possible discoloration or any bad odor. The following is a guide on how to clean your Invisalign Brace and to keep it ever fresh.

First the Cleaning Process:

Your Invisalign arrives individually in small and sealed packets while it comes from the factory. Though it has gone through extensive inspection, sterilization and cleaning process, it is found that in some cases a whit chalky residue is settled over the aligners. So it is necessary that you do a complete cleaning of your aligner before you insert it onto your mouth. This will prevent you from any type of allergic reaction due this residue.

In Between Meal Cleaning Process:

When you remove your aligners before a meal, make sure that you wash it fully under running water. Then place it in a glass of water. This will prevent any type of residual coat to form over the aligner. This will also prevent any unpleasant odor.

Once you are done eating, pick up your aligner and clean it under running water with a soft toothbrush. This will remove the residues from your previous wear, if any. If brushing is not possible, rinse properly under running water and brush it later on when you have proper facilities.

Extensive Cleaning Methods:

While the above two processes on ‘how to clean your Invisalign Brace guide’ are daily norms, there are extensive cleaning processes available that need to be followed. A thorough cleaning of your Invisalign aligner is needed at least once a day.

First, each and every individual teeth segment has to be cleaned gently with a soft toothbrush under running water. Any white residue on the aligner has to be removed carefully because this residue will give rise to unpleasant odors. Don’t use toothpaste over your aligners as this may cause some scratches over it. These scratches will act as breeding grounds for bacteria apart from giving a bad look. So avoid making any type of scratches.

Also make sure that you wash your aligner in cold water. Hot water can cause the plastic to warp and melt. Place your aligner in the sterilizing solution once a day.

Care for Invisalign Cases:

Your Invisalign aligners will arrive in a red and blue case when you get them from the factory. Use them to store the aligners, when not in use. These cases are very useful but at the same time can get dirty very easily. If you store an aligner that is not properly cleaned, then a very strong bad odor will start getting generated from the case. So it is necessary to clean the case periodically too. Clean your case in the same way as your aligner, using a toothbrush under running water. Here you can use a bit of detergent or washing powder if required.

This guide will help you to keep your aligners clean, fresh and as new as possible.


Clear Dental Braces in Essex

Clear dental braces in Essex
Essex being a relatively small county in the eastern part of England has a small number of people living in the area, and it is important for them to socialize with each other more often. To be a part of the public gathering one needs to maintain their physical health and looks that are unmatched. A slight irregularity in ones looks can cause a lot of trouble to the concerned person. A person’s teeth are a very important factor in their impressive looks.

A slight crookedness in the teeth might bring in a wrong kind of attention that a person must not desire.
To solve all your tooth problems in Essex,  Doctor J. Basrai is at services with the best experiences in the field for clear dental braces in Essex. Clear dental braces are recommended for people who have an irregular arrangement of their teeth including crowded teeth, a gap between teeth and other abnormalities related to teeth arrangement.
The clear dental braces in Essex are a blessing in disguise since their introduction has relieved the patients from the hassle of using bracket braces that are a menace to use. They do not only look disagreeable but also irritate the user to a very unlikely extent.

The patients had to visit their dentist more often to get them fixed and readjusted but with clear dental braces, you can now have a treatment without it being visible to anybody else around you. The clear dental braces in Essex, is now being practiced more frequently despite the high cost.

People who go for dental treatments usually keep the extra sum that they might have to pay but our recommendations always give a reasonable bill at the end of the treatment making it feasible for many who are in look for it and do not take one due to high costs. Here they offer the modern technological treatments that have become more convenient with a wide variety of machines that have made it simpler and easy to use. The clear dental braces are a transparent set of teeth cover that fits them well and does not show. Along with the invisibility of the braces, they are also helpful such that they can be removed and put back in place whenever the patient desires. This saves their time of visiting the doctor and also the cleaning of your natural teeth can be done without any problem. Clear dental braces make it a lot easier for the users to live a normal life with the treatment being provided to them on the go. The clear dental braces in Essex have all the advantages of just the right type of treatment for your teeth. Treat your teeth with a more pampered form of clinical administration and feel the difference. The clear dental braces take about time of treatment that is 12-24 months usually. Feel free to contact our recommended doctors to make your life easy and more social!


Invisalign Braces in Essex

Invisalign braces in Essex:

There is no culture in the world that can consider yellow teeth and bad alignment a symbol of beauty and attraction. When it comes to the term beauty, there are so many branches and stems to it that one can have no idea from where to start. However, the face is the most prominent and visible pat of the body and its beauty matters the most and what could enhance the charm of a face than a dazzling smile. Nothing invites and welcomes more than an attractive face with a great bright smile on. But not every body has that naturally. Most people can’t smile to their fullest just because they feel embarrassed by their bad teeth. Bad alignment however, is not a thing that can’t be cured. There is now a day very advanced technology to give u a beautiful smile without and surgery or pain. And one such way is invisalign braces in Essex if you are currently living in Essex. This treatment is now becoming available and getting famous all over the world.

So if you have a problem with your teeth. You feel ashamed showing your teeth while smiling? If you are grimacing instead showing your dazzling smiles?  Than invisalign braces in Essex or anyplace else in the world where a dentist is available, is just the right choice for you. Invisalign braces are the latest, newest, most effective way to get your teeth aligned and perfect. The most prominent feature of this treatment is its invisibility unlike other ordinary braces they don’t show when you open your mouth. Invisalign braces are an effective series of treatment that makes your teeth aligned. These treatments shape your denture structure to perfection. Each aligner is made according to your needs and calculation that gradually then change and shifts your teeth into their right place. Because this treatment is specially made for you and according to your dental structure with you and your dentist’s devised plan, it’s surely brings results according to your expectations. By choosing invisalign braces in Essex you will get a smile that will truly fit.

Keats has very rightly put it in his verse that “a thing of beauty is a joy forever”. And your beauty depends on your smile. If you do not have that perfect aligned smile then everything else will fall under shadows. When people say that a beautiful smile can win over the world, they are telling the 100%truth. And with the advance techniques in dental care it is not just a dream now a day to have that beautiful, perfect, dazzling smile which you see on the faces of world’s top models on vough covers. Now you just have to consult your dentist, and he will present numerous pain free effective ways to achieve what you dream for your teeth. Invisalign treatment not only provides you the esthetic satisfaction, but its invisibility will, safe you from the embarrassing appearance of steel braces that you had to wear for a year other wise. It’s just a few weeks and a perfect smile will be on your face.

Give us a call on 01375481000 for a FREE Consultation with Dr J Basrai!


Invisalign Dental Brace in Essex – Say Goodbye To Overbite And Other Problems

Invisalign Dental Braces in Essex

Are your crooked teeth bothering you? Do people snicker at your funnily arranged teeth because of the many gaps between your teeth? Whatever the problem, when it involves our dental makeup, we have every right to be concerned. Every one likes to have a great smile and dazzling white teeth that are perfectly aligned – while some of us are exceedingly fortunate to have them, many others have problem teeth. Invisalign dental brace in Essex is the solution to all your problems.

With a statement like the one above, it begs the question what is Invisalign all about? Invisalign dental brace in Essex is a type of orthodontic appliance which is used to close out the gaps between your teeth. It will also help to straighten crooked teeth.

If you are wondering what’s so great about this product when metal braces have already been around for simply ages, keep reading. Invisalign dental brace in Essex is a completely clear, virtually impossible to detect brace. Did the name not tip you off?

The Invisalign dental brace is a highly effective method for correcting dental problems and normally takes from 6-12 months depending on the condition of the teeth at the outset.

Can Invisalign help with my dental problems? Most dental problems involving crossbite, overbite, underbite, crowding and gaps between the teeth can all be corrected using Invisalign dental brace in Essex.

The Invisalign system makes use of highly superior computerized technology and 3-D modeling to correct dental problems. No painful wires or metal is used. The device is customized to fit your teeth perfectly and it then works to slowly move your teeth into position.

It is recommended that you consult with your dentist and seek advice on whether this method is suitable for your teeth. If you are a suitable candidate, your dentist will take an impression of your teeth using dental putty. This is used to fashion a 3-D digital model of your teeth. The model is then used to simulate the movement of your teeth to their final corrected position. Next, custom made aligners are made to be worn over your teeth to begin the process of getting your teeth in shape.

The advantages in using the Invisalign dental brace in Essex system

– Virtual invisibility of the brace is one of the system’s best advantages. Metal braces of old can be so ugly and cumbersome.

– Another benefit is the fact that the brace can be removed at will. This is not possible with the metal braces which are fixed and often make the wearer feel they will have to wear them till the end of time.

– You are able to eat and clean your teeth comfortably due to being able to remove the brace.

– Comfort is a major plus with Invisalign dental brace in Essex. The metal braces really are very painful and uncomfortable.

On the negative side is the fact that you will need to fit in a visit your dentist every fortnight to have the braces changed. Another negative is the high cost of the treatment.

To summarize Invisalign dental brace in Essex is a fantastic way to treat dental problems and the downside is really too negligible to speak of.


Consider Getting Invisalign Braces in Essex for that Perfect Smile!

Consider Getting Invisalign Braces In Essex For That Perfect Smile

Have you ever wondered what prompted the coinage of the term-‘Million dollar smile’? The phrase speaks for itself. A smile is worth a million dollars and much more. A smiling face can cheer up sagging spirits. A warm smile can ease off all the tensions in the world. A confident smile can convey what even a thousand words cannot. A smile is a language in itself. But everyone cannot speak this language perfectly. Not because they do not want to but because they are not confident of doing so. Reason for their diffidence- badly shapes teeth.
Now, you would retort that one can get those metal and wire stuffed into one’s mouth and the teeth shall be okay over time. But the truth about traditional braces is that are a pain to wear day in and day out. And more than that, they make you look so ugly that even a duckling would not notice you standing all alone. However, help is at hand. Thanks to progress in the field of dentistry, Invisalign is a mind blowing option for those looking to set their teeth straight. However, you need to know a few things first before you get your pair of Invisalign braces in Essex or elsewhere.
First of all, before jumping at the idea of getting Invisalign braces in Essex or anywhere else, it is essential to consult a good dentist. A well qualified dentist would tell you the exact treatment required and the total cost of the treatment. Invisalign braces have many advantages. The first and foremost advantage with getting Invisalign braces in Essex is that these braces are removable. So, one can wear them at his/her own convenience. After all, you would not want the braces to come in between while kissing your partner, would you?

Another advantage with getting Invisalign braces in Essex is that they take less time to straighten the teeth as compared to the traditional braces. That said, in some extreme cases, one could be forced to get traditional braces of metal and wire fitted into their mouth. A big disadvantage with Invisalign braces is that they are far more costly than the traditional braces.
Now, because the cost involved is so high, it is vital to select the right practitioner before going in for Invisalign braces in Essex. While zeroing in on a dentist, it is important that you check his qualification first of all. The dentists should be qualified enough in the field of Orthodontics. After the qualification, comes the experience. While selecting a dentist to get Invisalign braces in Essex, select the one who has been practising in the field of Orthodontist for a considerable amount of time.
One very qualified dentist to get Invisalign braces in Essex is Dr. J. Basrai. He is highly qualified, silver accredited Orthodentists who specialises in Invisalign braces. It would not be a bad idea at all to consult him before going in for any sort of treatment.


All About Clear Dental Braces in Essex

All About Clear Dental Braces In Essex
‘A smile can cure a million hearts’. This line is so true and we all have experienced it at some point in our lives. Even if we are a having bad day at the office a smile can out all our worries away and make us happy and loved. Verily, smile is as important aspect of a person’s personality as his hair or his style of dressing. In fact, smile is the dressing of the personality. And it is important that this dressing is in proper order. But everyone is not blessed with a perfect set of teeth. Even God can make mistakes. And that is why he created doctors and dentists. A brilliant option of fixing badly shaped teeth is to get clear dental braces in Essex.

But before you jump at the idea of getting clear dental braces in Essex, you need to know what exactly clear dental braces are, what procedure is involved and where to get clear dental braces in Essex.
The field of dentistry which deals with setting right misaligned teeth or teeth with any sort of gaps, crowding etc. is called Orthodontics. To get clear dental braces in Essex, you should always visit a recognized Orthodontist only. Also, the Orthodontist should be an expert about clear braces. Before selecting an Orthodontist to get clear dental braces in Essex check whether he is registered with the GDC or not. Also, a considerable amount of experience in the field of Orthodontics is another criterion before zeroing on dentists to get clear dental braces in Essex.
Now that you know how to select a dentist for the job, you also should know what options are available in terms of clear braces before getting clear braces in Essex or elsewhere. Presently, there are two options available when one talks of clear braces. The first option is the Inman Aligner. These are removable clear braces and a quick fix solution to straighten your teeth. The ext option in clear braces is Clear Step. These clear braces can help move the teeth and are a very good option if there is crowding involved.
You now have a basic overview of what exactly are clear braces and where to get clear dental braces in Essex. But there is a vital point missing here- the cost factor. After all, it is not possible for everybody to shell out huge sums of money for dental procedures. No matter how important that may be. The approximate cost of getting clear dental braces in Essex is 1,500 pounds. However, the exact cost can be told by the Orthodontics you have chosen for yourself.
Getting clear dental braces in Essex is a painless procedure and an effective one too. A very good Orthodontist who can do an excellent job of fixing clear dental braces in Essex is Dr. J. Basrai. He is a registered practitioner and has a vast experience and knowledge in the field of dentistry. Make sure to consult him once before you decide to do anything with your teeth.


Invisible Dental Braces in Essex- Your Options!

Invisible Dental Braces In Essex- Your Options

There is a famous phrase- ‘Smile and the world smiles with you, cry and you cry alone’. But with some unfortunate, the world shies away even when they smile. The reason being- their not-so-good smile. Smile is an essential ornament of a person. It is the first thing that a person notice in somebody- whether it is a potential partner, an employee or a casual acquaintance. Therefore, disfigured teeth can leave many a people heart- broken.
These were a bigger embarrassment than the imperfect smile. However, the field of medicine has progressed and there are alternatives available now. One can get invisible dental braces in Essex or elsewhere too. As the name suggests, these braces cannot be seen from a distance. There are three options available in terms of invisible dental braces in Essex.

The most popular invisible dental braces in Essex are the Invisalign. These are the most expensive option but do an effective job nevertheless. Invisalign are more like a clear retainer. They fix themselves on the top of your teeth and slowly bring them back in shape. One get these invisible dental braces in Essex at any good and qualified dentist.

The next option for invisible dental braces in Essex or elsewhere is the Lingual braces. These braces are not invisible per se. In fact, these are the traditional metal and wire braces but they actually go at the back of your teeth. Thus, unless and until a person comes very close to you, he/she would not be able to tell whether you are wearing braces or not. A person can get these invisible dental braces in Essex very easily and affordably. However, a big his metal instrument and it can be a great irritant to your tongue to start with. Nevertheless, these are a viable option in terms of invisible dental braces in Essex.
The third option one has when talking about invisible dental braces in Essex are the classic illusionary ones. No, I am not talking about magic here. I am talking about the ceramic braces which are tooth coloured and hence are invisible. Even the wire of these braces is the same colour as that of your teeth. So, perhaps, your girlfriend or boyfriend can only get to know about them subject to the fact that you let them come that close.
These are some viable options when one is talking about invisible dental braces in Essex. But one should be careful in selecting a dentist to do the job. It is highly recommended that you select a registered practitioner to fix your invisible dental braces in Essex. Also, a highly experienced dentist should be preferred over a novice while getting invisible dental braces in Essex or for that matter, anywhere in the world.
Experience gives one the surety that the work is in expert hands. One top notch dentists which can do an excellent job of fixing invisible dental braces in Essex is Dr. J. Barsai. He has been practising for a long time now and has the skills and expertise needed for the job.
