Category: Lingual Braces

Lingual Braces in Essex

Lingual Braces in Essex

Lingual Braces in Essex

Lingual braces in Essex are designed with an aim of fitting behind the teeth without being noticed even during a casual interaction. These braces are simply fastened on the back sides of the teeth and this in turn makes them invisible to the other people. The best thing about the braces is that, they help in removing any stigma and even embarrassment that an individual may feel over having to wear braces that are a meant for adults. This is simply because they have a better placement especially for people who play sports, instruments and perform on cameras. All you need to do is to make a trip to your orthodontist and you are good to go. The other best thing about lingual braces in Essex is that, they help an individual from losing a bracket. Keep reading to learn how you can lose a bracket simply by using the braces.

 In case you are wearing lingual braces, it is important to keep off hard foods such as carrots and hard candies among others. This is because they might easily dislodge a wire bringing pressure on the device which should not be the case. When you have these braces, you are advised to soft woods that are smaller in pieces so that they cannot get dislodged in the arch wire and your tooth as well.
 The other way that you can lose a bracket with lingual braces in Essex is by chewing gum and at the same time eating foods that are sticky. This is because they will help in exerting enough force that will pull out the bracket loose from the surface of the tooth. Even though, the foods are considered to be time consuming when it comes to cleaning, in the long run they are worthwhile.
 If you are sitting on any kind of bracket, it is quite imperative to bite down hard as much as you can. This means that you need to exert pressure on the bracket that is quite unusual. However, you should ensure that the foods that you consume are safe for the braces that you are wearing. It is considered that chewing hard has ability to dislodge a bracket. Even though it might be quite daunting to do so while wearing the braces, it is highly advised but a lot of caution should be exercised in order to achieve positive results in the long run.
 In case you come across a wire that is bent or a bracket that has broken down, you are advised to ignore it at once. However, if you notice any changes or issues with your lingual braces, it is imperative to inform your orthodontist at once. This is because there is cleaning, bonding as well as curing processes that are taking place that cannot easily be infallible. Consulting an orthodontist will displace the bent wire or bracket and this will in turn help in speeding up your healing process. However, leaving it like that without being attended to will surely affect your progress and this will in turn make your treatment time to be extended.


The Benefits of Invisible Dental Braces in Essex

The Benefits of Invisible Dental Braces in Essex

Since the advent of technology a lot has changed with time. Dental braces are the in-thing to many people in the world nowadays. They are very substantial in a way that they help people with teeth problems and especially those who feel uncomfortable smiling in front of a camera or other people. In essence, invisible dental braces in Essex are a great way of correcting tooth alignment and any other dental abnormalities that you may have. If you are ready to get the best invisible dental braces in Essex, you need to make sure that you get them from the best dentist in the market. These dental braces can cure million hearts as they say and you should thus make sure that they are done in the right manner.

Day are gone when people used to go for traditional metal or ceremic braces, you can these days get the best invisible dental braces in Essex. You only need to find the best physician and you will have the best dental braces fixed in your teeth. When you are ready to get the best dental braces, besides looking at the reputation of the orthodontist, you need to make sure that you know the benefits of invisible dental braces in Essex. There are many reasons as to why many people choose dental braces than the traditional types of dental braces.
Firstly, many choose invisible dental braces because, they are barely visible to people. When your dental braces are properly worked on, it is not very easy for people to notice that you have straigtened your teeth. Many people have a misconception that many people think that they smile perfectly because they have the best invisible dental braces in Essex, but this is not possible especially if you get them from the best orthodontist in the region. Hence, the name invisible dental braces.
Another benefit of invisible dental braces in Essex is that they are removable. It is very easy to remove and fix back dental braces. Many people may not want to stain their dental braces with food or drinks and a good number of them usually remove them anytime they are taking their meals. When you are brushing, you can also remove your dental braces if you feel like. Hence, the problems of bad breath, tooth decay and gum diseases are avoided if you have the best invisible dental braces in Essex.
The other reason as to why many people are into dental braces is that, you will always feel comfortable on them. This is mainly because, your invisible dental braces in Essex have no metal or wires that can cause mouth abrasion and make you feel unease. You will not experience any kind of discomfort of wires or braces and so, you can say good bye to metal braces by getting the best invisible dental braces in Essex. Metal braces are known to be very painful and can also cause irritation and inflammation of tissue and gums and that’s why many people are saying no to them these days.

Finally, many go for invisible dental braces in Essex because they will always get free consultation before they get the best dental braces. Our Dentist at Chafford Hundred Dental Care that you will meet will offer free consultation and assess any problem that you may have and also advice you on the best treatment that you should get when or before fixing dental braces.


Lingual braces for cosmetic dentistry

Lingual Braces for Cosmetic Dentistry

Lingual braces has proved to be an alternative to cosmetic dentistry for people like you and me who cannot afford the very expensive treatment of cosmetic dentistry like the famous celebrities and stars. But we as humans also wish to possess the most beautiful and wide smile like the many celebrities so the use of lingual braces has helped us to fulfil our wish of attaining a beautiful and corrected smile. Since our teeth forms the basis of our impression it becomes very important to protect the teeth and to focus on improving and getting a better smile. If you are amongst those people who are also dreaming about a beautiful smile then certainly lingual braces is the ultimate solution to all your problems.

Lingual braces enjoys an edge over the normal braces in the sense that they are invisible or are placed at the backside of your teeth which keeps them invisible to the people when you talk to them. Hence nobody would ever know that you are wearing braces and you would not have to look ugly when you smile had you been using the regular metal braces. Earlier the braces were only put in the front which gave you a uglier look till the time the treatment lasted which generally took around 1-2 years in most of the cases. But with the advanced techniques being used in the lingual braces it has become easier to insert it at the back of the teeth so that you do not get the usual look of wearing the braces for this long a period. Although these braces are hidden but it does not mean that they do not work effectively. They work on the same grounds as those of a regular bracing system and provide as effective results but simply help in concealing the ugly metal look on the outwards.
Lingual braces are a boon especially for adults because they feel awkward wearing braces to work and social meetings. These invisible braces helps in restoring and maintaining the confidence level of the people while at work and while interacting with different people around which is generally lost when they had to wear the ugly metallic braces. They could no longer behave normally and many people went quiet till they were wearing those regular braces. So lingual braces has helped people overcome the shame that they had to go through otherwise. Lingual braces fixation is very simple and only requires a few visits to the dentist. Many of you might think that fitting braces on the inner side of the teeth would be very difficult and result in extreme pain but as a matter of fact it is a very simple technology and can be done at ease.
But with so many advantages that lingual braces offers to you there is a slight disadvantage associated with it but can be overlooked easily. In comparison to the traditional set of braces the lingual braces might take a few days more before you get accustomed to wearing them and since they are inserted on the inner edge of the teeth they require special care and attention.


Hidden braces to improve dental health

Hidden braces to improve dental health

Braces are devices used in aligning and straightening the teeth to position them according to a person’s bite. Braces improve dental health. They help in correcting under bites, over bites, cross bites, malocclusions, open bites, deep bites and other flaws of jaws and teeth. There are many types of braces which people can choose. Braces made of plastic or ceramics are also preferred by some people. Some people prefer aligners in place of traditional braces. Some opt for Hidden Braces also known as lingual braces. These braces are fixed from inner part of the teeth. Wires and brackets are still used but these wires and brackets cannot be seen by others. They are different from the ceramic or traditional braces. Hidden Braces are customized brackets built for each and every tooth. Cement is used to fix each bracket to the tooth and with the help of arch wire the brackets are threaded. No one will come t know that you are wearing brackets unless you tell them as they are hidden behind your teeth. Lingual means the tooth surface near the tongue and that is the place these braces are placed. They are the only braces behind the teeth which are 100% custom made according to the shape of your teeth and treatment.

• The models made from the impressions of your teeth are scanned in a computer. Your doctor will determine and examine your needs and decide the course of action.
• Advanced technology is used in creating braces for you. Every bracket and wire is made to fit your teeth properly, depending on the prescription prescribed by the doctor.
• Braces are fixed by the orthodontist when the appointment is taken.
• Their working is same as the regular braces.
• They are cosmetically better than the traditional braces.
• Food caught in the braces does not usually show to the other people.
• There is minimal discomfort.
• People take much longer time to become familiar with hidden braces. Initially a lot of discomfort is felt by the tongue which runs into them off and on. You take long to adjust your mouth and get used to talking with wires and brackets.
• Taking care of these braces is difficult. As they are on the back side it is harder to clean them. Cleaning these braces take more time than the usual ones.
• You will not come to know if something has got stuck in the braces easily. There might be something hanging in the mouth and you might not get aware of it easily.
• These braces are customized according to every tooth therefore they are more expensive.
• It needs an experienced orthodontist to install them with extra training.
No matter which ever method you use there is an adjustment period. They are more stable than ceramic braces as they are customized for every tooth and each tooth is getting special orthodontic care. It depends totally on the wearer which braces they would like to choose be it hidden braces or the traditional braces.


Clear Dental Braces in Essex: A Way to a Healthier Smile

Clear Dental Braces in Essex: A Way to a Healthier Smile

Advancement in technology has already reached the dental practice field, which has brought improvements in traditional methods and has provided new developments in equipment and processes for patient benefits. A kid who is bullied for having braces or a lady who can’t enjoy smiling at a crowd can now make their lives at ease with clear dental braces in Essex.
This refers to a piece of equipment that allows modifications in dental abnormalities such as crowded teeth, under bite, overbite, cross bite, teeth spacing with the use of transparent braces for all ages. The technique applied in these braces involves straightening curved teeth, aligning teeth portions, treating unparalleled bite through reliable assessment and patient’s case-based treatment. Other than that, authorized practitioners employ updated autoclaves or sterilizers as well as ultra-sonic cleaning materials to guarantee the safety of all people involved.
Clear dental braces in Essex confers patients with benefits that cannot be experienced with traditional braces. The technique that is applied when placing braces is geared towards lessening pain during the process and discomfort after the treatment.
Other than presenting customers with various kinds of choices in forms and shapes, designs are customized according to the dental case of the client. Braces are also crafted in a form that will be blending naturally with teeth color unlike those traditional types that are very visible.
Another advantage for clients using these transparent braces is the simple way of cleaning them. Brace users will no longer need to visit their Dentists to maintain them. It can be removed when brushing teeth and be put back again. Hassles of calling for appointment, visiting the clinic and even going through the same pain are eliminated.
Also, patients will see expected results even after the assessment. In the initial procedure, the Dentist will determine problems and will plan modifications to be done. The patient will be informed of what will be the final outcome if a specific treatment has been accomplished. In the next session, customized braces will be created to meet the patient’s case. Following sessions will take place until desired outcome is achieved.
Clear dental braces in Essex has put away traditional metal brackets and visible wires from patient use. This is very helpful for people who always interact with other people and who need to work, while smiling. The way transparent braces are designed and formed is a reason in which clients prefer them than traditional kinds. There is no catch with these braces. Patients who are using such braces will no longer hold back their smile. Clients who are used to cover their mouth when laughing will no longer experience similar situations again. Even they’re wearing braces or after undergoing treatment, they can feel secure in talking, laughing and mingling with other people.


Clear Braces for Teeth: Another Innovation in Cosmetic Dentistry

Clear Braces for Teeth: Another Innovation in Cosmetic Dentistry
Dental braces have come a long way in providing the best solution in straightening misaligned or crooked teeth. It has become a staple in cosmetic dentistry and is by far the most effective way to address this orthodontic problem. Orthodontists recommend wearing dental braces during childhood and adolescence since this is the stage when teeth move to their permanent positions.
Dental braces are not just limited to the young ones. Adults, too, have the need to wear braces at some point. Tooth misalignment can manifest even in adulthood. And even if wearing braces is the most effective solution, there are some who feel a bit awkward and even embarrassed sporting what most people consider as a juvenile accessory.
The wonders of cosmetic dentistry have paved the way for a better alternative. There are now clear braces that function just like the traditional metal braces without being too obvious. Usually, ceramic or plastic materials are utilized instead of metal. The color matches that of the teeth to achieve that inconspicuous appearance. However, clear braces are more brittle than metal braces, making the adjustments more taxing.
There are also metal braces that are attached to the back of the teeth instead of firmly placing them in front. This is suitable for patients whose teeth need to be pushed outwards for proper alignment.
Invisible braces have also become fashionable in recent years. These braces are made from transparent resin that can be hardly detected once worn. Similar to traditional metal braces, the treatment spans from five months to a full year. In lieu of tightening metal braces, a series of clear braces are made for the patient, each with a different level of adjustment to move the teeth to their places. The set of braces are molded based on specific alignment plan.
Invisible braces are also a more comfortable option due to their removable nature. A patient can easily take it off to so he can eat properly and without any hindrance. In addition, invisible braces use less force on the teeth, thereby lessening the pain that usually discourages many from wearing braces.
These innovations in cosmetic dentistry were primarily developed to help people correct tooth imperfections is a subtle way. In addition to serving their aesthetic purposes, both clear and invisible braces are designed to meet orthodontic requirements in the best way possible. These methods in straightening teeth cater mainly to adults who wish to be more discreet about their treatments.


Social 6 Braces – The Faster Alternative for Straightening Teeth!

Social 6 Braces – The Faster Alternative for Straightening Teeth

Are you distressed about your warped teeth? Is this why you hide your smile from the world? Are you not too enthusiastic about going in for the conventional braces that connect ugly metal braces to your teeth for years? Well there is no need to be upset because there are solutions to the problems that people like you face in terms of dental issues. Social 6 braces is the method for people who have been waiting for a long time for the development of a path breaking procedure to correct their unsatisfactory smile.
Social 6 braces are available in a wide range of forms that can be selected as per the patient’s detailed requirements. The most significant characteristic of social 6 braces is that it offers the desired results faster than the other traditional methods. The social 6 braces process is a boon for those who have been delaying getting treated for their crooked teeth for months or years, to avoid using the horrible looking braces.
Social 6 braces are a superior unconventional option to the permanent braces that have to be placed on the entire set upper and lower teeth. Orthodontic treatments by and large take a long period of time, depending upon the gravity of the situation with regards to the patient’s teeth. In opposition to this type of treatment, social 6 braces work quickly because these braces are not meant to tackle the entire teeth configuration and arrangement. Social 6 braces arrange the front teeth in a parallel line and straighten them so that you can flash your sparkling smile without any misgiving.
Social 6 braces are perfect for both children as well as adults. Nevertheless, it is generally preferred by dentists to be used on patients who do not have any major problems with regards to the outward appearance of teeth and their construction and arrangement. People having minor teeth relocation problems are generally give the advice to go for the social 6 braces treatment because this treatment will not function for the patients who have excessively complicated teeth problems like crammed teeth as the front teeth that are to be relocated will not have enough room to move as the other teeth hang about and remain in twisted positions.
On the whole, Social 6 braces is an exceptionally incredible, valuable and successful technique that can be taken in to consideration by the people who do not wish to go for the predictable and conservative metal races treatment but are just looking for a less significant course of action to correct their smiles. Social 6 braces are perfect for those who are not ready to go through long drawn out orthodontic treatments but want something that works fast and is less complicated. Those who have minor dental problems must surely consider social 6 braces as they can rest assured that they will get the results they want.


Why you should go for Lingual Braces in Essex?

Why you should go for Lingual Braces in Essex?

Lingual orthodontics is a highly advanced technique, which involves correcting misaligned teeth and helps to position them with regards to a person’s bite by using braces which are not visible externally. Lingual braces are custom made brackets which are bonded to the back of the teeth rather than to the front and therefore this makes them completely non-visible. The brackets consist of small metal pieces which are attached to the backside of the teeth. The arch wires used in lingual braces connect the custom made brackets together.
Working just like traditional braces, lingual braces eventually straighten a patient’s teeth within the same amount of time metal braces would. Of course, each patient’s timeline depends upon the specific case of lingual braces aligning. Lingual braces in Essex can be used to treat dental problems like bad bite which can occur due to problems with alignment of the teeth, gaps between the teeth, crowding of the teeth and rotated teeth.
Lingual braces in Essex are particularly well-suited for adults whose professions keep them in the public eye. They can also be extremely convenient for those who play wind instruments or contact sports.
There are three types of Lingual braces in Essex – the 7th generation Ormco Brackets that are big and protruding, STB Braces that are the smallest bracket available and Incognito Braces (also known as iBraces) that are state of the art in the lingual appliance technique. This bracket is a significant advancement in patient comfort and mechanical design for improved lingual treatments and each bracket is individually manufactured for the teeth providing the thinnest possible attachment and a perfect fit.
For making lingual braces in Essex, the teeth will be utilized to make an impression. Afterwards, a laboratory uses computer technology to design the metal brackets customized for the back of each tooth. The back side of each tooth has its own unique shape – unlike the front of each tooth, which is fairly uniform among all people. The brackets are then transferred to the teeth and cemented. The gold alloy used to make these braces is extremely hard and can therefore be made as thin as possible for additional comfort.
Lingual braces are suitable for patients of any age. This gives lingual braces in Essex an advantage over plastic invisible braces, which can usually only be used around the age twelve. In addition, lingual braces are a good option for those who have sensitivity to plastic. The wide bracket bases improve adhesion thus reducing inconvenient breakages to a minimum making this appliance as efficient as conventional labial appliances.
Lingual braces in essex are the perfect alternative to Invisalign. Invisible braces often need care whereas lingual braces are bonded so one does not need to remove them for further after care. Lingual braces are the perfect alternative to Invisalign. Lingual braces in Essex are an excellent option for straightening teeth discretely. They are ideal for people who are apprehensive about wearing traditional metal braces.


Cosmetic Braces are suitable for people of all age groups

There are a number of key factors that you should keep in mind in relation to aesthetic and superficial dentistry with regards to the procedures involved. Most of the people have a perception that the keys in cosmetic dentistry like cosmetic braces are used in both children and adolescents. The fact of the matter is that this process has gained popularity amongst people of all ages. For people who have uneven and crooked teeth, undergoing cosmetic braces treatment on the recommendation of specialized dentists is the best option to go for. The cosmetic braces are easy to put on and comfortable be carried on the teeth.
The reasons why most of the dentists suggest cosmetic braces is due to the teeth getting affected by fungal infections or other problems when other regular metallic braces are used. For many people facing troubles with small mouth have their teeth set in an imperfect and inadequate position with no space to grow and that is why the teeth turn out to be crammed leading to many unnecessary dental formations and compositions. Many people have the habit of pushing their tongue on their front teeth, which may cause the teeth to stick out and by going for cosmetic braces the teeth can be set back.
Cosmetic braces are also used for treating uneven and skewed jawbone structures, providing better teeth arrangement and grouping. There are universal and wide-ranging categories of cosmetic braces to opt for in handling and curing dissimilar and unusual dental problems. The bracket is the most preferred type of cosmetic brace, which consists of slim wires that are positioned all around the teeth. They are made out from metal, artificial synthetic or ceramics out of which metal is the most strong and hard-wearing whereas the plastic and ceramics are basically used for the purpose of cosmetic changes.
The well most liked cosmetic braces are the lingual braces which are not visible as they are set at the backside of the teeth. Cosmetic braces are the current, most reliable tools to be used in the field of cosmetic dentistry. It is a simple brace system being used as innovative orthodontic treatment. Cosmetic braces can reinforce and make your teeth stronger all the way through the conventional molded and clear plastic. The benefit of using cosmetic braces is that it allows the patients to brush their teeth to decrease the chances of discoloration, the accumulation of dirt and decomposition caused by other braces.
There are no restrictions with regards to the use of cosmetic braces because they can be removed and fitted easily. This is one of the best substitutes instead of fussing over the use braces make your mouth sore. The cosmetic braces clearly come with maximum benefits in the sector of cosmetic dentistry. They apply gentle pressure on the teeth and give the desired results in just a few months. The present improvement in cosmetic dentistry has resulted in the creation of cosmetic braces. It is among the most widespread products used to treat misaligned teeth currently.


Braces Invisible for a sparkling smile!

In many cases, it may not be possible to achieve the best possible aesthetic smile; functional and stable results cannot be achievable without repositioning the teeth with orthodontic appliances. These patients have the option of choosing appliances that are not very visible or not visible at all. Due to recent advances in orthodontics, the time taken for orthodontic corrections has reduced. In most cases aesthetic improvements can be achieved in a few weeks to a few months. Braces Invisible is the answer for not only cosmetic but also for corrective purposes of the teeth.

Braces Invisible or invisible dental braces are clips that are invisible but more comfortable. They are the latest appliances that are used in teeth alignment procedures. Wearing dental braces or teeth braces is a problematic task. Besides it look unattractive and is also painful. Since Braces Invisible are transparent and invisible, they do not interfere with speech and since they are easily removable, they do not interfere with normal eating, drinking, chewing, crushing, mouth washing and flossing activities and are able to keep top oral hygiene.
Practically invisible dental braces are plastic aligners, accurately computer-designed, which ease the movement of teeth better than traditional braces and give similar results. These invisible dental braces can easily be removed while eating and chewing.
Braces Invisible comes in different varieties – Clear or Ceramic Braces are similar to metal braces in function but are tooth colored thereby making them less noticeable and they are most popular with adult patients for enhancing their cosmetic appeal; Transparent Aligners – Invisalign or Invisaline – is a great option for patients who do not have severe problems and/or are concerned with aesthetics during the treatment, the system consists of a series of clear overlay templates called aligners that have been generated by computer simulation to gradually move the teeth and each tray is made to move the teeth slightly and is worn for a few weeks, this system is available to adult patients and teenagers with certain bite problems also and Lingual Braces, which are the ultimate in brace concealing technology. Lingual braces are attached to the backside of the teeth, which makes them completely invisible. This advanced method makes lingual orthodontics particularly well suited for adults, who often want to improve the look, feel and function of their teeth without letting anyone else know about their treatment.
The procedure for fixing invisible dental braces is that the teeth are carefully examined by the dental surgeon. A model of the teeth is made and scanned by the computer to plan the movement of teeth with a series of invisible dental braces and a number of aligners are created. These aligners are used one by one after regular intervals to move the teeth to the desired position.
Braces Invisible as orthodontic appliances have also proved successful in treating the deformities caused by some common habits like thumb sucking, nail biting and tongue thrusting.
Braces Invisible add sparkle to smiles. They are also known as the ‘contact lens of the teeth’.
