Six Month Smiles in Essex-Discreet Straightening of your Teeth.

Six Month Smiles Braces in Essex

Would you like to have Straight Teeth but have been put off with the idea of wearing metal braces or plaastic aligners every day for up to 2 to 3 years? Would you like to have a quick fix to correct your crooked smile with a Six month Smile Brace-especially if you live in Essex.

Six Month Smiles
can be used to correct an array of orthodontic complaints including.

1. Crowding- Do your teeth overlap each other like an half unopened fan?

2. Spacing – Are there Gaps between your teeth due to the fact that your teeth maybe too small in relationship to your dental arch?

3.Overbite- Does your Front teeth overlap too much?

4. Overjet- Does your Front Teeth stick out too much?

5.Crossbite- Do your teeth in the back or front of your smile bite on the wrong side of each other?

6. Open bite- Do your teeth not meet when you bite?

The Cool Benefits of the 6 Month Smile System are:

– The Wires are discreet due to the fact that they are small and tooth coloured.

– Treatment time is reduced in many cases by up to 75 % as treatment can take between only 4 to 9 Months.

– Discomfort is reduced considerably as the teeth glide into their correct positions because of the Nickel Titanium wire.

What does the Treatment Involve?

During the initial Consultation, Dr J Basrai aka Dave the dentist will check if you are an ideal candidate for the 6 month Smile Brace System. If you agree to go ahead, then initial impressions are taken , a bite is recorded and photos and radiographs are taken. A consent form is also signed at this stage. Following this, you will be fitted with the discreet braces in approx 3 to 4 weeks.

You will have to come every 3 to 4 weeks for short appointment times for regular adjustments of your braces until we are both satisfied with the result.

Give us a call on 01375481000 for a FREE 15min Consultation with Dr J Basrai and his team.

Six Month Smiles Before
Six Month Smiles After Pictures
Six Month Smiles in Essex

Lumineers in Essex – The No Prep Veneers!

Lumineers in Essex – The No Prep Veneers!

Dr J Basrai and his team of Cosmetic Dentists now have the facility to give you a Hollywood Smile with very thin veneers called Lumineers that fit exactly over your teeth with no drilling or injections in your mouth. So there really is no excuse to get the Smile you want if you dread going to the dentist.
Just watch the video below to give you an idea of what is involved and call us on 01375481000 for a FREE Consultation.


Top Ten Tips in Finding a Cosmetic Dentist in Essex

Top Ten Tips in Finding a Cosmetic Dentist in Essex

Here are Top Ten Tips in Finding a Cosmetic Dentist in Essex in order to get a qualified and experienced cosmetic dentist. This is because if there are any complications during a cosmetic dentistry procedure, an experienced dentist will be more adept at handling the situation. In addition, a cosmetic dentist who has performed many complicated dental procedures will have had more time required to perfect their technique and the end results. Cosmetic dentistry treatments like dental veneers and bonding require an artistic touch to produce the most attractive and natural-looking results.

Other Top Ten Tips in Finding a Cosmetic Dentist in Essex includes looking for a dentist who has received accreditation from the American Academy of Cosmetic Dentistry (AACD). This will indicate that this dentist has received specialized training in his field. You may also want to find a dentist who has made cosmetic dentistry a prominent feature of their practice. This is because if someone is devoted to a cause, or does the same thing every day, they become experts in their field. Do not go for a jack of all trades but master of none. To learn about the doctor’s experience, you can request information or visit the doctor’s website or practice.

Other Top Ten Tips in Finding a Cosmetic Dentist in Essex includes asking for visual images of results which you expect to get from the treatment. This is where the dentist provides you with before and after pictures of patients who have been treated. You might also be looking for an affordable cosmetic dentistry. The popular saying you get what you pay for is indeed true. Do not entrust yourself to a cheap dentist just because he offers you a price that seems affordable. The saying cheap is expensive also holds true. Find a dentist who has the skills and experience to transform your smile and increase your self esteem and self confidence.

To get Ten Tips in Finding a Cosmetic Dentist in Essex, you are looking for teeth whitening products. There are two procedures to do this. One is through laser at the dentist’s office, or you can choose to have custom made trays which can be used at home. Porcelain veneers are also available for those who can afford it. There are also dental implants for those who have missing teeth. There are also tooth-colored filings which are a composite material and an attractive alternative to silver amalgam fillings. Porcelain Inlays/Outlays are an attractive restoration that are used to repair cracked or damaged teeth. This procedure requires less tooth reduction than fillings or crowns. Dental crowns are caps that are used to repair badly decayed or damaged teeth. This crown is produced from the mold of your original tooth and it is then applied to after the tooth decay has been removed. Dental bridges are sturdy structures which are composed of 2 crowns and prosthetic tooth. These are used to bridge the gaps where teeth are missing. Invasalign is a cosmetic dentistry solution for unevenly spaced or gapped teeth.


The Inman Aligner Compared to the Invisalign Brace

The Inman Aligner Compared to the Invisalign Brace

The Inman Aligner compared to the Invisalign Brace is as an alternative to the Invisalign brace. It can help to straighten misaligned teeth or to shift them to the desired place. It is however restricted in the amount of movement it can provide your teeth with. It also tends to work best on the upper and lower front teeth. This device differs from the Invisalign brace due to the fact that it is made from semi-transparent material. This brace also features a noticeable metal bar which runs across the front of the teeth.
The Inman Aligner compared to the Invisalign Brace works with the aid of a push/pull mechanism which contains a coiled spring on the “lingual” side of the brace. This is the side which is inside your teeth. This device exerts pressure which squeezes the teeth into the correct position. This device however does not share many benefits that are enjoyed by the Invisalign system. Benefits include a reduced treatment time as compared to other types of braces. This is a type of orthodontic appliance that is used to straighten crooked teeth. This system is completely clear and virtually impossible to be detected in your mouth unlike traditional braces. They are nonetheless highly effective in correcting dental problem. This system also generally takes 6 months to a year to for the process to be completed.
With the help of computerized technology the Inman Aligner compared to the Invisalign Brace is able to correct dental problems with the use of metal-wire or other visible components. By fabrication this system is able to slowly move your teeth into its proper position in order to make you have perfect smile. This procedure can help you correct a wide variety of dental problems including cross bites crowding, gaps, over bites and under bites. You will need to consult with a dentist in order to determine whether this treatment is right for you. If it is right for you the dentist will first of all take an impression of your teeth with the use of dental putty.
The dentist will also be able to take photographs of your teeth from a various angles. The dentist will then be able to make a digital model of your teeth in order to simulate how your teeth will be moved to their correct positions. With the help of 3D technology the dentist will be able to make custom made aligners to fit your individual needs. The Inman Aligner compared to the Invisalign Brace comes with a few pros and cons. The first benefit that you will get from this system is that it is virtually impossible to detect them when they are in use. One disadvantage of this system is that it needs to be worn at least 22 hours a day. With this system, however you will get faster results if you wear them longer than the recommended time. The fact that you are provided with aligner that can be removed will contribute to your comfort. You will be able to remove them when eating, brushing or flossing your teeth. You will also have to get your aligners changed every 2 weeks. On the other hand, with the Inman Aligner you are able to use only one of these for the entire duration of your treatment.


How to find a Invisalign dentist in Essex?

How to find a Invisalign dentist in Essex?

If are interested in How to find a Invisalign dentist in Essex you want straighter teeth and you do not want your mouth full of metal braces there is a solution for you. Dr. Basrai is pleased to offer you the Invisalign system that is guaranteed to get your teeth straightened with minimal discomfort. The great thing about Invisalign is that people will hardly notice them. This is in contrast to metal braces which can be seen when you smile or open your mouth to talk.
During your first visit, if you want to know how to find an Invisalign dentist in Essex they will take an impression of your teeth. By using state of the art 3D technology, the dentist is able to provide you with custom made aligners that will straighten your teeth. After about two weeks you will receive your set of aligners. After every two weeks, you will get a new set of aligners. The duration for this treatment is about one year. The benefits of Invisalign are that it is first of all almost undetectable while in your mouth; this is in contrast to metal braces which can be seen when you smile or talk. These aligners will also not draw any attention to your mouth. These are also removable meaning that you can enjoy your meal, brush or floss your teeth without anything coming in your way. They are also comfortable unlike metal braces and they do not cause any irritation.
There is also the benefit of a Virtual Treatment Plan if you follow how to find an Invisalign dentist in Essex in which Invisalign creates a 3D image of your teeth so that the doctor can create a customized treatment plan for you. You are also able to see the effects of the treatment even before it starts. The process of this treatment takes approximately one year. After six to eight weeks, you will need to have your Invisalign progress checked at the dentist’s office. During those visits you will be instructed on when to switch to a new set of aligners. If you need straighter teeth without the look and feel of metal braces you are a good candidate for Invisalign.
These clear aligners will help to correct teeth that are widely spaced or overcrowded. More complex procedures to correct dental issues like under-bites or overbites can be corrected using this procedure. The cost of this treatment costs as much as what you will pay for traditional braces. This is not including the fact that they are almost undetectable and comfortable at the same time. You will get a specific estimate when you visit your dentist for an initial examination of your teeth. You cannot get this kind of treatment from just any doctor. Doctors and dentists interested in providing these services need to undergo training before they can be able to provide treatment. One such dentist is Dr. Basrai who has completed the necessary training to offer aligners at Smile and Face Dental Studios @ Chafford Hundred Dental Care. If you are interested in Invisalign and you live in Essex Give us a call on 01375481000. To schedule an appointment because you are interested in How to find an Invisalign dentist in Essex with this doctor you may contact us through our website.


Sub Q Can Make You Look Younger – The Fastest Way to Look Younger

Sub Q Can Make You Look Younger – The Fastest Way to Look Younger

Sub Q means subcutaneous. This refers to any treatments that are given under the skin. Injections are an example and they are administered beneath the skin where there is the fatty tissue. They can be done anywhere even at home. All that is required is to follow the simple injection rules. People who are bothered by acne, wrinkles, scars, hair growth, and other cosmetic problems can go for the Sub Q. This treatment if followed improves the skin appearance making it look smoother and younger. Big scars cannot easily be treated using creams or ointments. Medical operations can be very expensive and are not affordable for everyone. These treatments are cheaper; therefore, more affordable. If you doubt, try it today. You will realize that actually sub Q make can you look younger.
Now that, sub Q can make you look younger, there are things you should know in order to use it. If you are using injections, ensure that your hands are cleaned properly or you could use gloves. Put together the required syringes and medication. In cases where medications are in powder form, you may require to dilute with the given fluids. It is important to check labels to make sure it is the right medication. Most medications come with instructions and they should be followed. This reduces the risks of overdosing. Most of these treatments have very little or even no side effects.
Botox and disport are examples of sub Q treatments that are used to reduce the appearance of wrinkles and fine lines. Insulin syringes are used because they are more accurate. It may require dilution with saline so that the desired concentration is achieved. After correct preparation, the dose is injected on the affected area. The dose is mostly administered in milliliters. Incisions can also be used to reduce acne and the appearance of scars. These are hard to treat using the normal ointments. Fibrous bands make the area look very dry. Incisions guarantee that medication will reach these brands unlike creams that do not reach them directly. Are you tired looking older than you are? Sub Q can make you younger. Try it today.
Sub Q treatment involves the use of anesthesia around the scar site. A needle is then inserted on the scar site. The needle edge is directed to the scar and to the fibrous bands. The needle is specially made so that it does not interfere and make other incisions where they are not needed. It then cuts around the bands. This does not cause bleeding, as it does not interfere with the blood capillaries. If the scar was large, the cutting reduces its appearance. Any other developing scar tissue is completely removed. Bruising is also very much reduced and swelling outside is minimal. This way, sub Q can make you younger.
Sub Q treatment using the incision process heals very fast. The maximum time it takes is one week. No precautions are given after the treatment and no side effects are observed. It is advised to seek the advice of a cosmetic specialist before going for this type of treatment. Treatments administered for scars, wrinkles, lines and acne on the face are several; therefore, offering options for those who wish to have them done.


Cosmetic Orthodontics – The Future

Cosmetic Orthodontics – The Future

Cosmetic orthodontics refers doctors or dentists who specialize only on the teeth with the consideration of beauty purposes mainly. Nowadays, many people have sought for dental treatment to improve on the look of their teeth. The use of braces is becoming very common. As more people are becoming more conscious of their looks, the demand for dental cosmetic procedures is consequently on the rise. For this reason, people can pay any price just to improve on their looks. Dental procedures offers a variety of options to chose from. This includes use of braces, twin blocks, and other methods.
The crooked teeth or very spacious teeth are among the main problems cosmetic orthodontics deal with. These can be caused by a variety of reasons. They can be inherited just like other parts of the body. Facial injury and accidents may cause misalignment of the teeth. Gum diseases and children who suck their thumbs for a long period can cause the teeth to get crooked. Use of pacifiers and long usage of bottles for a long time especially exceeding three years are the other causes. People with crooked teeth find it difficult to chew. Cleaning teeth is also hard therefore causing cavities tooth decay and gum diseases such as gingivitis.
Cosmetic orthodontics attend dentistry classes. After this, they are required to attend further classes that can take up to a period of three years. During this time, they learn how to strengthen teeth using braces, retainers and other form of wires for instance headgears that shape teeth. They also learn how to remove teeth and how to do dental surgery. They determine whether a patient needs treatment by checking on various signs. This includes if teeth are misaligned, and if so, it calls for treatment to help straighten them giving the patient a better look.
Cosmetic orthodontics are also concerned with the way the face looks in relation to your teeth. This includes the shape of the face around the jaw area. In most cases, this requires surgery. If a patient is having problems while chewing, this shows there is disarrangement and it calls for braces. Others have difficulties in speech, all these cases call for an orthodontist. They may take photographs of the face, perform x– rays which show the roots of the teeth, and how they are. The appearance of jaws is also shown. Demonstrations like biting something are also performed for people with chewing difficulties so as to be able to tell where the problem is.
Depending on where the problem is, cosmetic orthodontics use different treatments. In most cases braces are needed. In situations where the teeth look overcrowded, they remove some teeth to create space. Biting problems mostly require operations. Most offer consultations at a discount. In addition to that, they offer a variety of options and at different costs. It all depends on the patient. It is important to look for qualified dentists who have a lot of experience. This can help in feeling confident about the choice of treatment one chooses because he or she will trust them more. Experienced orthodontics will also have many products to choose from not forgetting the many patients they have treated making it easy to get a second opinion and different experiences.


6 Month Braces Comes to Essex – The Best Dental Solution

6 Month Braces Comes to Essex – The Best Dental Solution

The fact that 6 month braces comes to Essex is a great thing to everyone who dwells in this county. It is one of the latest trends in the market and it is being used by many people to straighten their teeth. It takes only six months. Past treatments took more than one year making them very costly. It made the treatment very uncomfortable for patients. In fact, the duration discouraged many people from going for the treatment. Smiling is very important. For people with crooked or not so straight teeth, smiling might even become a task and some of them go to the extent of even covering and hiding their teeth when they smile.
For a long time, everyone has been waiting but finally the 6 month braces comes to Essex. It uses clear braces to straighten teeth. With it, the dentist uses nickel titanium kind of wires to straighten and give patients their desired look of the teeth, though it concentrates only on the most visible teeth. This six month treatment is commonly used to straighten teeth that are shown when you smile as they are the most important section of the teeth. Just because the treatment takes a shorter period compared to past treatments, many people prefer it. In addition to that, dentists initially used a lot of force to pull or tough techniques to straighten teeth. This is not true with the six month braces. The process is very comfortable and does not involve force to put teeth in place.

The 6 month braces are highly recommended especially for people with a maximum of twenty years. However, this does not restrict a litter older people from getting the treatment. It is more for cosmetic purpose; therefore, it does not concentrate very much on a patient’s age but teeth. Patients who feel that their teeth are crowded can get the treatment. Others who complain about their crooked teeth now will find a better way, the six month braces will fix all these problems. Anyone who felt that his or her teeth looked bad has something to smile about since the 6 month braces comes to Essex. If he or she is the first one to get the treatment, within six months he or she will be smiling freely courtesy of the six month braces.
Do not continue being stigmatized with the look of your teeth. Take advantage of the fact that 6 months braces comes to Essex. It is true that not everyone wants braces seen everywhere they go, but this one are very different. They are not like the conspicuous wire braces that were used before. In addition to that, they are not expensive.
Now that the 6 month braces comes to Essex, teeth correcting treatment will be cheap and will be available all over Essex. It is only a dentists’ visit away and it takes a period of six months wearing braces to create a whole life of smiles and laughter. It is an effective, comfortable, gentle procedure. Wearing a retainer after the six months is advised so that the teeth can stay in place after the treatment. Make a choice to avoid those embarrassing moments of hiding your smile with the six months braces.


Six Month Smiles Comes To Essex– Get Your Dream Smile in Six Months

Six Month Smiles Comes To Essex– Get Your Dream Smile in Six Months

The news that Six month smiles comes to Essex is thrilling everyone. It has provided a platform for someone to change and improve on his or her smiles. Smiling is very important. It reduces depression and makes it easier for people to be approached. Smiling makes, one feel calm and relaxed or rather reduces tension. When we smile, we take away worries, not to disguise behind it and show off that we are okay but to feel good about the moment and for a while maybe forget about everything else. The face has many muscles that are relaxed every time you smile. Smiling increases beauty and sparks warmth. When you smile at people, it is a sign that you wish them well.
Six month smiles comes to Essex is for sure going to be important. Six-month smile is a plan that involves the straightening of teeth giving them a more presentable look. It offers a quick fix without interfering with the normal running plans of any ordinary person’s life. You can fix your teeth regardless of how old you are. This treatment enables someone to get flawless smiles within a very short time. Many of the people hide their teeth every time they laugh or talk. Some even isolate themselves from others because of the appearance of their teeth. That is why dentists have come up with plans that can help someone look better.
Though it is unbelievable that six month smiles comes to Essex, it is true. It will help many people in Essex and all over the world. It involves treatment that takes six months as the name suggests. The treatment is easy and not very costly as compared to other treatments done in the past. It is very effective and therefore satisfactory. This treatment involves the use of invisible braces. Dentists use materials and tools to straighten the teeth and they make sure they will be straight in as little as six months. As compared to the past treatments that involved going back to the dentist for checkups, this one reduces the visits therefore making it cheaper.
Many people have been waiting for so long and finally the six month smile comes to Essex. It will be very economical and affordable to many people. People who have undergone the treatment have attested to its effectiveness. Dentists do not use a lot of force when placing the braces on the patients as this can cause damages to the teeth. Braces are colored in the same color as the teeth making them not visible to other people. This is better as compared to the past usage of wire braces that distracted you and they were even quite embarrassing in front of people.
After the six month smiles comes to Essex, many people will line up for treatment. It involves a retainer that is supposed to be bonded behind the teeth to prevent them from falling backwards. This can be removed during the day. After all, you do not have to worry about the crooked teeth anymore. The six month smile treatment is here to make lives better and now everyone in Essex can smile and even laugh more. Do not waste time, be part of the treatment.
