Zoom Teeth Whitening in Essex

Zoom Teeth Whitening in Essex

Dental care is something of importance and needs to be done with adequate care and attention from the time a child is born. It is quite easy to do this with your child at home. This should change immediately when the first tooth of the child shows up in the baby’s mouth. If proper care is not taken for the teeth, they suffer many consequences, some of which have a negative impact on the confidence of a person. Teeth coloration and dulling can be rectified through a method known as the zoom technology. Zoom teeth whitening in Essex has existed for a long period now.
Zoom teeth whitening in Essex is done by qualified dentists, who are used to performing the process over the years. The method cannot be carried out at home because it requires special equipment such as the heat bulb for the whitening process. The principle here is oxidization of the colored or dull teeth to remove the coloring bulk and leave the teeth as white as possible. With an oxidizing agent, the zoom bulbs are used to catalyze the process of oxidizing teeth so that they can regain their white coloration in just a short time.
Because of the equipment used and the possible dangers posed by the method, Zoom teeth whitening in Essex is left for dentists who are qualified because the heat tubes are dangerous. While one can concentrate on the process of whitening teeth, other parts of the mouth may get badly affected if care and caution are not taken into account. The heat lamps that are used can affect the area around the mouth, the gums and even the teeth. In addition, UV rays should be taken care of in the method. This is why the method is not commonly exercised at home but by qualified cosmetic dentists alone.
Therefore, Zoom teeth whitening in Essex involves the necessary precautions in its execution. To protect the lips, gums and the teeth against sunburns, the whole mouth is covered using some protective material such as clothing or cotton wool. This renders the method time consuming, hence not the best for many patients. Many people want quick teeth whitening results and not a linger on the preparations to making the process a success. This explains why the method is being phased out slowly in Essex, with replacements coming in from the new technologies in the teeth whitening processes.
Zoom tooth whitening in Essex has fallen out of favor perhaps because of the fact that the resultant feeling after the procedure is not the best compared to other methods. This is because the heat bulbs that are used leave a bad chalky taste or feeling in the mouth. The equipment that is used in the process of teeth whitening also matters a lot. Some of the equipments are very expensive making it difficult for many private cosmetic dentists to afford. This is what has contributed to the exorbitant service rates in Essex, forcing the method out of favor of many.


Wy10 Teeth Whitening in Essex

Wy10 Teeth Whitening in Essex

Dental health and aesthetics are two sensitive matters that we cannot separate. The color of teeth contributes a lot to the confidence a person has. When one’s teeth are colored or lose the brightness and become dull, a solution needs to be implemented. When it comes to solutions, technology has a lot to offer. Various methods or systems of whitening teeth are available on the market today. Each of these promises the best results. Wy10 is one of the methods you can find for whitening the teeth. It is available in various places around the world because of its proven ability of whitening teeth. Wy10 Teeth Whitening in Essex is a business that is growing day and night.
Dr. Wyman Chan developed the Wy10 system of teeth whitening. This method has gained popularity over the years because of its proven ability to whiten teeth up to around eight or more shades lighter. It is a simple method of whitening teeth that can be done without close attention of the dentist. This is the reason why Wy10 Teeth Whitening in Essex is preferred by people who want to do the bleaching of their teeth from home. The simplicity of the method makes it easy and cheap in the end.
Wy10 Teeth Whitening in Essex is done using specially designed trays and a bleaching gel. Dr. Wyman Chan came up with the Wy10 gel that is the main component of bleaching the teeth that are colored or have dulled. The gel contains active ingredients commonly used in most of the whitening gels on the market. If a client is tested and proven not to react with the ingredients of the gel, a dentist goes ahead and prescribes it to the client. It is important to learn that the gel must be used as prescribed by the cosmetic dentist, and not as one wishes.
The trays used in the Wy10 teeth bleaching method are designed specifically to work best with one’s teeth. It is a common problem with dental trays that whitening gels leak out of them to cause irritation of the gums. With Wy10 Teeth Whitening in Essex, the trays have dimples to accommodate the excess gel that might be put in the trays to avoid leaking. Any leaking of the Wy10 bleaching gel can cause whitening of the area of the gums where the gel spreads, with resultant toothaches in just a few minutes. In case this happens, you should seek your dentist’s help immediately after removing the trays.
Leaking of the Wy10 gel is common because most clients think that using excess gel in the trays will yield positive results within the shortest time possible. It is advised that you use the right amount of the Wy10 gel because a lot of it will not alter the results, but it will cause you more harm. You should wear the trays each night so that you can have your teeth whitened within a few weeks of use. As proven by many clients, Wy10 Teeth Whitening in Essex has had clients bleach their teeth successfully to pure white that lasts up two years.

Call on 01375481000 for a Free Consultation !


Belotero- A New Filler Comes to Essex

Belotero- A New Filler Comes to Essex

Are you in Essex and have facial skin issues? You can relax now because Belotero-new filler comes to Essex. Belotero is a new hyaluronic liquid facelift treatment. The treatment comes in three variations Define, soft and the composed biofermentation hyaluronic acid. The soft variation is comparable to Restylane as it smoothens out superficial facial lines and folds while define adds volume to the skin taking care of the deep folds and contours in the skin. Composed biofermentation hyaluronic acid is totally eco friendly as it is biodegradable making it very safe. So how does Belotero work?
Belotero treatment has been hailed as phenomenal because of its ability to lift nasal-labial folds and wrinkles, all the while helping the skin regain its lost volume especially in the areas of the chin, cheeks and jaw line. It also straightens out the nose, lip-sunken temples and sagging skin. Belotero attracts water from inside the body filling in the lines and wrinkles in the face. The surgeon injects it under the line area. One treatment is usually enough although subsequent treatments may be required once the filler has been absorbed by the body with the results showing lasting for up to nine months. If you experience some undesired effects, do not worry as your doctor can inject hyaluronidase into the filler to dissolve the acid. Mostly, doctors will not fully correct you until they are satisfied that the results are good. This in effect reduces the risk of dissatisfaction and time wastage but most importantly the feeling that you have wasted your money. Did you know that Belotero-new filler comes to Essex?


Belotero is ranked high above other facelift hyaluronic acid fillers due to its ability to treat superficial facial lines quickly. Some other forms of hyaluronic can cause a bluish shade if injected too superficially. Belotero can be administered superficially without the worry of shading.
Belotero has a few undesirable effects as with all drugs. The most common side effect is the irritation around the injection area, soreness, bit of redness and pain. There is a risk of an allergic reaction and its naturalness notwithstanding. It is normal to experience some discoloration and itching, which eventually subsides. It is best to discuss the effects of this treatment with your doctor to get the priorities right. Be sure to ask your doctor about the treatment’s side effects bearing in mind your allergic reactions and most importantly your hopes and expectations of the whole exercise. Belotero injections are quick as it takes about half an hour to administer the treatment. If you have any of the problems, beware Belotero-new filler comes to Essex.
The cost of Belotero may be a bit prohibitive but is worth the effort. It may cost about $500 per syringe but most doctors will be willing to review the cost downwards. Do your research on the doctors who offer Belotero treatment and compare their rates so that you can settle on the most affordable one. Belotero is the secret key to regaining your youthful looks. It has been tried and tested by celebrities and homemakers so go on try it on. Finally, Belotero – the new filler comes to Essex.


Snap On Smile in Essex

Snap On Smile in Essex

Dental issues are quite sensitive to everyone. Many people at least suffer a dental issue at some point. Whether dull or just discolored, the implication of these goes beyond just a personal consideration. It cuts through social dimensions such that one’s confidence is dented a great deal. There are measures that you can do to rectify this. This is why snap on smile in Essex is available to help you solve the issue and give you back your confidence. This method is known to be a good solution even for celebrities because of its simplicity and at the same time superior image.
The market is flooded with porcelain veneers and many other products of the same use, but getting a product that you can use with ease is not easy. Snap on smile tends to provide the solution for you because it is made up of acrylic material, meaning that it is very flexible and easy to use. The flexibility makes it simple to snap them on even while you are on the move. You do not have to worry about meetings or your friends because within a second, you have a perfect smile. Cosmetic dentists who perform snap on smile in Essex will help you get the device after the standard procedure.
The process of getting snap on teeth is painless and quite brief. In just two steps, you will have the confidence you always wanted to have. The cosmetic dentist doing the snap on smile in Essex will first of all have to take dental photos of the client before proceeding to the next step. The importance of this is that a mould that will fit you has to be made with the aid of the photos, so that the snap on is made of the right size. The dentist will have the mold made from the pictures so that you can try them on.
Once the molds are made and fit well on your teeth, the dentist will go ahead to make the right snap on smile for you. To make the right snap on smile for you, resin is used. It is applied on your teeth so that the right size of the molds is made to fit right onto your teeth. In a few days, your dentist will have your snap on smile in Essex. You can go and pick up your snap on teeth and once again enjoy the bright smile again.
The magic with snap on smile is that you do not need special procedures and tools to wear it. It fits tight and right on your teeth without even using adhesives or any clippers. You feel comfortable when you snap it on because it feels just like your own teeth. One of the advantages of snap on smile in Essex is that you will get the service at a very low cost compared to what you would have to incur if you went for the veneers. You will also retain your natural teeth, because the snap on does not replace them completely.


Everything you wanted to know about Six Month Smiles.

Six Month Smiles
Six month Smiles

Will I have a Mouth full of Ugly Metal ?

In one word NO! The excellent thing about Six Month Smiles is two fold.
The treatment time with the Six Month Time takes from 4 to 9 Months – hence the average is 6 Months so you don’t have to spend 2 to 3 years wearing ugly metal brackets and wires.

Another thing about Six Month Smiles is the latest technology of tooth coloured wires called Chamelon. They look less obvious and conspicuous compared to metal wires.

Six month Smiles
Six Month Smiles

Why does the Six Month Smiles system work so much quicker than conventional braces?

This form of orthodontics is called Short Term because it concentrates on the cosmetic part of your smile and helps them to align very quickly.
Since the target is more of an aesthetic option and not on your bite – your result will be achieved much more quickly!
If Dr J Basrai believes you are not an ideal candidate for the Six Month Smile then he will recommend other options like the Inman Aligner or Invisalign Braces.

Six Month Smiles
Six Month Smiles

Do I still need to wear a reatainer after treatment?

We always reccommed all patients to wear a Fixed retainer and a clear one on top of the teeth to ensure long term stability. You have to wear a retainer for life!

Call Dr J Basrai for a FREE Consultation on 01375481000.

Six Month Smiles
Six Month Smiles


Restylane Perlane Can Get Rid of Those Nose to Lip Lines

Restylane Perlane Can Get Rid of Those Nose to Lip Lines

Want to add volume to your and fullness to your skin? Do you have moderate or severe facial wrinkles and folds? Well, worry no more. The Restylane and Perlane range of products are just the answers you have been waiting for. Restylane Perlane can get rid of those nose to lip lines.

Restylane Perlane in Essex

Restylane improves the youthful contours of your skin and most importantly, its ability to counter the adverse weather effects like wind, sun and gravity. Restylane plays an important role in giving your skin its volume back. It also shapes the face and restores its elasticity. It is composed of Hyaluronic acid that occurs naturally in the skin and other tissues. This acid has a chemical structure similar to sugar in many ways, and is identical in all tissue types making this product safe for use. Combination of Restylane Perlane can get rid of those nose to lip lines and get your face as it is supposed to be.

Restylane Perlane in Essex

Perlane is an injection that can get rid of wrinkles and gives you an immediate youthful look. It enhances the look of your lips and mouth. It is also a Hyaluronic acid, the difference being that it is non-animal. Perlane has quite a number of uses. The most common uses are correcting folds and face wrinkles and scars brought about by skin conditions such as acne. The lines between the nose, mouth and cheeks are cleared by this product. It comes very handy in chin augmentation and lip enhancement where the edges of the lips are treated to remove wrinkles so as to stop lipstick from leaking from the lips to the surrounding skin. Other uses of Perlane include filling subcutaneous skin defects and the orbits of the eye, cheek bone augmentation and nose bridging, correcting nose irregularities, nipple augmentation and filling small facial and hand bone defects.

Restylane in Essex
Restylane in Essex

Before you embark on this journey, be sure to consult your physician so as to determine which product is right for you. Some products are contraindicated to some people. Restylane should not be used by people allergic to gram-positive bacteria or drug related allergies that require hospitalization. People with bleeding disorders should steer clear of these products too. Injections should never be administered intravenously; instead, they should be administered just under the skin. If you have a skin infection, hold its use until the skin heals, as continued use while the skin is under treatment may delay its healing and end up making the skin problems worse.
You might experience some swelling, tenderness and pain after treatment. This normally lasts up to a week. Do not use this product if you have recently used blood thinning drugs as this may cause bruising and bleeding. Do not use this product if you are pregnant, breastfeeding or under the age of 18. As is the case with many cosmetic procedures, it is advisable to seek out your physician’s advice. Combine Restylane and Perlane treatments to get rid of those nose-to-lip lines. This way, all you have to lose are your wrinkles.


Restylane in Essex- Transforming looks

Restylane in Essex- Transforming looks

For those who want to get dermal fillers, they can go to Restylane in Essex. If you are new, the dermal fillers are nothing but soft tissues and very flexible substances, which are injected to the skin; they make someone appear younger. In addition to that, they improve the appearance of the fine lines, plumping lips, hollow cheeks that are falling out; deep folds get elevated and many other dermal imperfections get set right. It is becoming very popular among many people. Since it began in 1996, Restyle, which is the best dermal filler has helped over 10 million people improve their looks.

You can go to any of the good Restylane clinics in Essex and you will get good service at unbeatable prices. The procedure has proved efficient in all the patients who have used the treatment and its safety is well documented. Most of the Restylane in Essex use the Restylane®, which is a very clear biodegradable gel that is not from animals. It is based on the natural substances popularly called as the hyaluronic acid. To get an enhanced appearance, usually Restylane® is injected to the body using very fine needles and will have a lasting effect. Some advantages of the procedure are that the results are instant, very gentle, and safe to the skin.
Most of the patients who have gone for the Restylane in Essex have given their reviews and most of them are very satisfied. If you want to get these benefits, you can also go to any of the many clinics that are in Essex. One benefit, that research has proven, is that, the procedure promotes the production of collagen in the dermis and this is quite important in self-rejuvenation. Restylane will also ensure that the elasticity of your skin goes higher assuring you of a natural and youthful look. Some of the important areas where the procedure has helped so many people is in the neck, face, eye area, hand and other places.

If you walked into any of the clinics that offer Restylane in Essex, service is quick and you will be treated within 30 minutes. You will not be required to use any additional painkiller. If you are treating your lips, the anesthetic used is similar to the one that dentists use and it will ensure you do not experience any pain. Immediately after the treatment, you will have some small bruises, which are from injection areas, some localized redness on injection sites, as well as slight swelling. However, this will disappear after a short while.

Finally, most of the dermatologists dealing with Restylane in Essex recommend that the treatment is suitable for both men and women who are not happy with their looks. It can be used for people of all the ages as well as people of every skin type. The groups of people who are not allowed to undergo the procedure are women nursing babies and those who are pregnant. If you have any skin infection, it is also advisable to avoid this procedure.


Laser Teeth Whitening In Essex

Laser Teeth Whitening In Essex

Tooth whitening is a solution many people are seeking in Essex. It is a big boost to one’s confidence and comfort when the teeth are white. It is easy for teeth to get colored or sometimes dull and lose their color. This does not mean that you leave the process to nature. There is surely something you can do to stop the coloration of your teeth or even get them whitened in case they are already dull or colored. Laser teeth whitening in Essex is a remedy that is available to help those with the problem, redeem their original white color of their teeth with a simple technique.

It is not only the skin and hair that are treated using laser technology. Teeth can also be whitened using the laser method. Essex dentists understand the need to avoid pain while treating teeth coloration or dulling. This is why the Laser teeth whitening in Essex is growing in popularity each day. The method is preferred because it is easy to control the treatment without spreading the effects of the procedure to the tissues that surround the affected teeth. Therefore, the method adds some improvement to the dentistry treatments including whitening.
Laser teeth whitening in Essex is good for those people who do not want to feel any pain during the tooth treatment procedures. The laser method is free of dental injections that are painful. The dentists who carry out this procedure in Essex are highly trained and qualified to perform the treatment on their patients. The laser procedure is very simple and comfortable for both the patient and the doctor to carry out. It is the easy way out to achieving not just whiter teeth but also brighter ones. The method is very advantageous to the users. Tooth sensitivity, for instance, is not a threat in this method.
Laser teeth whitening in Essex is done in few simple but thorough steps. The dentist will have to clean the affected teeth to remove all the food debris and any plaque before applying the treatment. The importance of this is to enhance the whitening process; otherwise, the process of discoloring your teeth may not be very effective. The dentist then uses a special gel, carbamide peroxide gel on your teeth before starting on the laser beams to whiten the teeth. The gel is a very significant ingredient in the whitening procedure because it is the bleaching agent.
Laser teeth whitening in Essex is done with professionalism, so that your health is taken care of even more than the whitening process. This is why dentists take precautionary measures by applying rubber or cloth protection on your gums before starting the process of whitening. The dentist lights up the laser beam as soon as the application of the gel is done adequately. In an hour, the process is complete and your teeth will be as white as desired. The laser method focuses on removing the build up on the teeth that causes discoloration. Once it is removed, your teeth will be 10 shades lighter than they were before.


Invisalign Braces Can Correct Your Crooked Teeth in Essex

Invisalign Braces Can Correct Your Crooked Teeth in Essex

Braces are important for many people who have problem with their teeth. Well over 50% of people have a problem with their teeth, and as a result need to use braces to correct this. Whether wayward bites or misaligned teeth, we need the braces to help correcting the defects. It is hard to choose whether one wants to use braces or to remain with the crooked natural teeth. The truth is that, the former will last in your mouth for just a few months, but if you choose the latter, you will have to remain with them the whole of your lifetime. These are hard choices, and that is why Invisalign braces can correct your crooked teeth in Essex to give you the confidence of smiling.

If you are wondering how the invisalign braces can correct your crooked teeth in Essex, and allow you to smile again, you will be stunned at how these things work. The truth of the matter is that you might be in need of braces, but it is not a must that they subtract some of your confidence and glory and leave you with doubts about your appearance. This type of braces is clear. Therefore, it is rarely visible in your mouth. They will help you keep a smart smile that you will be proud of all the time.

It is easy to think that this is too good to be believable. The truth is that you do not have to keep the metal bars in your mouth again when there are the Invisalign braces available. This is a revolutionary dental solution customized for one’s teeth. Your cosmetic dentist specifically makes the mold for your teeth. The brace is made with a set of aligners, which will ensure that your teeth are aligned easily and adequately within a short period of time. This is why the Invisalign braces can correct your crooked teeth in Essex easily.
So, how does one use these braces? The braces come with aligners in sets as we have seen already. These sets are made with the right calculations so that you are able to achieve maximum teeth alignment without a lot of effort. After every two weeks, you will change the aligners as prescribed by your dentist so that your teeth can be aligned constantly. The set of aligners ensure that constant pressure is applied on your misaligned teeth every time you wear them. Within a short period of time, you will have your teeth aligned and you can smile again.

The advantage of using the Invisalign braces is that they are all in one set that can help you solve almost all your dental issues without having to call for the attention of the dentist all the time. Whether you have misaligned teeth, or you are suffering from dental overcrowding, the braces can help you have your teeth spread out easily in just a couple of weeks of use. This is why the Invisalign braces can correct your crooked teeth in Essex.


Inman Aligners- The Fast Orthodontics

Inman Aligners- The Fast Orthodontics

Inman aligners are the latest addition to cosmetic surgery. These aligners correct crooked teeth and receding gums. Inman aligners – the fast orthodontics are replacing the traditional braces, and are highly effective as compared to other teeth aligning techniques. So how do Inman aligners work?

The Inman Aligner in Essex

Inman aligners- the fast orthodontics are made of a fixed bar that moves the teeth. On the backside of the teeth there exists a coil spring that exerts pressure in a forward direction. Then there is a flat bar that is placed across the front part of the teeth exerting pressure thereby moving the teeth from the front. These two opposing pressures provide just the right pull and push effect putting the teeth in their right place thereby straightening the teeth.

The Inman Aligner in Essex

Inman aligners- the first orthodontics have many advantages over the traditional teeth straightening methods. For starters, the treatment period is very short. It takes one month to complete the treatment. This saves the time, energy, and money spent on doctor’s visits and reviews. This is a major advantage. Another advantage is the ease by which it can be undertaken. It is very convenient and can be put on when needed. They do not have to be in the mouth for the whole treatment period. Inman aligners are inserted for at least 20 hours a day and are removed when eating. This means that if the discomfort is too much to bear, a quick relief method is at your fingertips because all you have to do is remove them.

The Inman Aligner in Essex
How the Inman Aligner in Essex works?

Inman aligners- the fast orthodontics are very simple to use, as after the final impression is taken, all you have to do is just insert them. This makes the procedure very patient friendly and easy to follow. This in effect eliminates the certain orthodontic visits to tighten the wires, as is the case with traditional braces. The aligners are just patient friendly and a more do-it-yourself treatment.
As is the case with all medical procedures, there are positives and negatives. There are several downsides to Inman aligners- the fast orthodontics. The first and probably most pronounced disadvantage is the teeth that it applicable to. This technique can only be administered to adults who have trained fully developed teeth. This eliminates children meaning that the children will have to undergo the traditional braces treatment. Another disadvantage is that Inman aligners are limited to moderate cases. This then means that if your teeth alignment problems are major, you may have to undergo surgery or the traditional braces treatments. The common denominator in any orthodontic treatment is comfort. Teeth realignment involves both pulling and pushing pressures. It is to be expected that there will be discomfort as the teeth are being moved to their eventual straight position. Expect to have some pain and discomfort with this procedure. At some time there might be some swelling following the immense pressure on the jaws. This should not worry you, as your doctor should be able to prescribe pain medication to ease this discomfort. If the pain and discomfort persists, then the aligner may be too small and the doctor might have to adjust the size of the aligner.
