What Is Inman Aligner?

What Is Inman Aligner?

Most people forget to smile just because they have crooked teeth. Invisible braces allow you to get the best choices for your teeth. These braces are fixed to your natural teeth perfectly giving you more natural look. And this is the most cost effective method to get your smile back with the correctly aligned denture.
Inman aligner is a type of the revolutionary teeth straightening device that is basically invented by Don Inman. It a lingual coil spring is used to apply more pressure on the teeth to be repositioned. It also includes a labial bar to reverse the equal pressure to guarantee the repositioning process. This device can be used to gear up the misaligned upper and lower frontal teeth.
According to the Inman aligner reviews it takes little time for the patient to feel comfortable. Few users have also observed difference in their speech and few also complain about frequent salivation. This is a temporary phase, and you may get practiced to this removable device within a week.
Invisalign braces are the revolutionary method used to straighten the crooked teeth. It uses the latest technology to help you to get rid of those traditional orthodontic methods. They are customized to fit your natural denture. And with the regular practice you are likely to get the properly positioned teeth.
Traditional braces are now replaced by the clear braces. These braces are typically made of plastic alloy or ceramics, and the function still remains the same as of the traditional metal braces. These types of braces are specially meant for the adults. Being very clear at the appearance, they are next to invisible and cannot be recognized very easily, hence they are little expensive as compared to other types.
Another way to straighten the crooked and misplaced teeth is by using the ceramic braces. These are similar to the metal brackets but more invisible, and they are colored to blend with your natural teeth. They are more efficient in moving the teeth and of course much faster. They can be preferred over the plastic aligner.
All the above methods need special care, and you have to be much disciplined when it comes to hygiene. Ceramic braces tend to lose their appearance and attractiveness once they turn yellow. Hence you must take care to avoid any type of staining, they must stay white. You must avoid any food items that contain artificial colors in it. Regular checkups and little care give a longer life to your invisible braces. Yes, they have to be used only for few years before you get your perfect smile.


Everything You Need To Know About Inman Aligner

Everything You Need To Know About Inman Aligner

Just because of the unsightly crooked teeth, most people tend to forget to smile. Invisible braces let you have options for your teeth. Giving you the ordinary no-braces look, these braces are fixed to your natural teeth. This is even considered the most cost-effective way to get your sweet smile back.

Invented by Don Inman, Inman Aligner is revolutionary teeth straightening device. It uses a lingual coil spring, which pushes more pressure on the teeth for repositioning, while a labial bar is also included to reverse the equivalent pressure, thus, giving a guarantee of the repositioning process. The device is drawn on gearing up the misaligned upper and lower frontal teeth.

According to the Inman Aligner reviews, a number of users complained about feeling of discomfort and in a way that has affected the way they speak. While a few users also mentioned about the frequent salivation. This is said to be just a transitioning stage and within only a week, one should be able to get used to use this removable device.

To straighten the crooked teeth, Invisalign braces are introduced as a revolutionary method. Using the latest technology, it eliminates the traditional orthodontic methods. With practice, you should be getting the proper positioning of the teeth, since they are customized to fit the natural teeth position.

With new technologies being introduced almost everyday, the traditional braces are now being replaced by clear braces. Basically made of ceramics or plastic alloy, it functions the same as the traditional metal braces. These are considered a little pricey though, due to its see-through design, and cannot be recognized easily. These braces are specifically designed for adults.

Ceramic braces are another kind of device drawn on correcting crooked teeth. They are designed to get the natural teeth color, and they are comparable to the metal brackets, just a little more indistinguishable. It can be chosen over the plastic aligner, and said to be more efficient in moving the teeth, so you can expect the result sooner than the other devices.

Exceptional care is needed to all the above-mentioned methods, keeping in mind self-discipline, especially when it comes to hygiene. After a longer period of time, ceramic braces turn yellowish and lose its original appearance and form. To stay white, special care should be observed to avoid staining. Eating artificially-colored food should be avoided. A little care and regular visits to your orthodontist will help in retaining your braces. A few years’ use is highly recommended in order for you to get the perfect smile back.

Invisible braces must be regularly checked by your cosmetic dentist, so habitual checkup is vital. Risking your teeth to any un-experienced doctors might not give you the target you are aiming for. Your teeth say a lot about your smile, you should take care of it instead of destroying it. Research and ask around for you to be able to get a good dentist. Ask recommendations from friends. You might end up with someone who claims to be a specialist but really is not. And once you get to decide whichever you want to use to correct your teeth, get ready to smile.


Dermal Fillers in Essex for Acne Scars

Dermal Fillers in Essex for Acne Scars

Everyone hates Acne! The Scars that they leave behind are even worse. They are the real Bane of anyone’s life. Nobody wants to go out with these scars as they affect you emotionally as well as physically. You are constantly reminded of them when you see yourself in the mirror.

Well, Dr Basrai and His team at Chaffford Hundred Dental Care in Essex can use Dermal Fillers in Essex like Restylane or Juvederm to alleviate these blemishes on your face.

The technique of using dermal fillers for Acne scars is that the filler is injected into the areas where your acne scars are so that the hylauronic acid will raise the surface of the crater resulting in a more smoother look.

This Non Surgical approach is a very simple and fast procedure that will improve your skin texture.

A combination therapy with Chemical Peels may also be used.

Give us a call on 01375481000 to book a Consultation asap to bring a New You into the New Year.

We have also introduced a Face Plan for Clients who would like to have additional treatments with us at a fixed monthly cost. Check out the Video Below!


Options of Anti Wrinkle Injections in Essex

Anti wrinkle Injections in Essex

Botox Injections in Essex
Botox Essex

When you have tried many antiwrinkle cream products and lotions that really dont do want they say on the box, this could now be the time for you to try something that is a tiny bit more invasive.

Using Anti wrinkle injections is the next best thing that will help you to erase those lines and wrinkles on your face. These anti wrinkle injections are done by a Cosmetic Dentist here in our office @ Chafford Hundred.

Antiwrinkle injections essex
Antiwrinkle injections in Essex

Botox Injection.

Botox is a chemical substance which comes from the bacteria Clostridium Botulinum. Botox has the ability to block the chemical messenger from a nerve to the muscle to stop it from contracting which in turn causes the rhytids or lines on your face. Once this natural relationship between nerve and muscle is obstructed your face appears more relaxed and rejuvenated after approx 3 to 7 days.

The peak time for these anti wrinkle injections is approx 3 weeks and the whole effect can last for 3 to 4 months.

The Food and Drug Administration FDA has approved the usage of Botox in Cosmetic Grounds for reducing the lines and wrinkles on ones’s face.

If you want the oppertunity to Express Yourself and Turn Back the Clock this Year with a New Look then Give us a call on 01375481000 for a FREE Consultation with Dr J Basrai.


Top Tips for Tooth Whitening in Essex.

When you Smile at someone is it really genuine or do you worry about the colour of your teeth? Are you concerned about what other people think of your teeth? If this is the case, then you may want to think about tooth whitening which is comfortable, affordable and very efficient whether it be at your home or at our dental office in Essex.

There are 3 things you need to consider before whitening your teeth.

1. A study by the American Academy of Cosmetic Dentistry found that 85% of people believe that an unattractive smile is less appealing to the opposite sex. Whiter teeth make you look younger , confident and more assured.

Teeth Whitening Before and After

2. Whiter, Brighter Teeth are so worth it!

You may get a little sensitivity when you start bleaching your teeth but this is only temporary. You could just alternate the days of whitening with just placing senstive tooth paste into your bleaching trays or replace it instead of your regular toothpaste.

3. Tooth whitening will not last indefinately.

Teeth whitening will last anywhere from 6 months to a year depending on the age of the individual and their habits eg . Smoking, Tea or Coffee Drinker, Curries etc..

Home whitening is then an efficient way to keep your pearly Whites , Whiter for longer as you get to keep the custom built trays and can buy the peroxide gels anytime to give your smile a Boost.

Beautify your Smile Now!

Call 01375481000 for special offers on Tooth Whitening.


Snap on Smiles: A new Trend in Cosmetic Dentistry.

Snap on Smiles: A New Trend in Cosmetic Dentistry.

Snap on Smiles UK
Snap on Smiles

The British Public are always looking for constant ways to look younger and better looking, and a perfect smile is likely the first step . Cosmetic Dentistry in the UK is a Multi Billion Pound industry. We at Chafford Hundred Dental Care can alter your smile permanently with a combination of veneers, crowns, bridges or Dental implants.

These dental procedures can cost alot of money and expense to your pocket. They often come with complications as well. If you have cold feet about making a life changing commitment to your dental health and do not want to pay thousands for a Smile Makeover – then the Snap on Smile may be your answer!

How does the Snap on Smile Work?

Would you like to have that Julia Roberts Smile? You could just simply order a set with her look. It really is that easy! The Snap on Smile are removable devices that sit nice and snugly over your existing teeth to correct or reduce any imperfections.

We dont have to give injections or drill any of the teeth and within a month you too can have that perfect smile.

The convience of the Snap on Smile is incredible as well as the price. Where a Single veneer can cost you up to 700 pounds or more, you can order a full row of snap on teeth for just 895 Pounds.

What Else Should i Know?

A Snap on Smile does not affect the postion of your teeth so those who look like the Disney Character Goofy will find that the appliance will accentuates the problem. For most patients, However, Snap on Smiles could instantly provide brighter, whiter and straighter teeth in an instant.

Call Dr J Basrai on 01375481000 for a Free Consultation.

Snap on Smiles

How do 6 month Smiles Work?

How do 6 month Smiles work?

Many dental braces will take more than a year to work. However, with the 6 month Smiles Brace it can take on average from 4 to 9 months to get your teeth cosmetically straight and aligned.

The 6 month Smiles uses Nickel Titanium wire to straighten the front 6 teeth and move them into their correct positions. These special wires have a memory that even when you twist or flex them, they will want to resort back to their original shape and form. Hence, once these wires are placed on tooth coloured brackets which are smaller than standard metal brackets, your front teeth will follow the tooth wire due to its inherent memory.

Because the 6 month Smiles does not work on the entire mouth like conventional metal braces, the time taken to align the teeth is considerably shortened!

With severe cases, it may take up to 9 months to straighten ones’s teeth.

Also. with any type of Brace , a patient’s mouth may get a few ulcers which heal very quickly with special wax that allows healing to take place. Your speech may be affected temporarily as well.

However, the 6 month Smiles brace is a useful tool for anyone who is thinking about getting their teeth straight in the shortest space of time.

Give us a call on 01375481000 to schedule a FREE Consultation.


The Advantages and Disadvantages of the Inman Aligner.

The Advantages and Disadvantages of the Inman Aligner

There have been many new techniques over the last few years which have greatly improved orthodontics to make them more efficient and work even quicker.

They have even replaced conventional metal braces which can be slow and may take up to 2 to 3 times longer than say the Inman Aligner which can straighten your teeth in as little as 12 weeks. The Inman Aligner is more interested in levelling and straightening your front 4 to 6 teeth to give them an enhanced cosmetic look.

The Inman Aligner is less conspicuous and visible than conventional ugly metal braces.
It has a set of springs which are attached to the premolars and the whole device has a single string which is visible around the front of your teeth. There is a translucent piece of plastic attached to the wire which holds the gums and teeth in their correct places.

The Inman Aligner works on Spring like technology. These exert low continous forces on the teeth which naturally then work quicker to move to their idealised postions.

The Inman Aligners are much cheaper compared to Invisalign braces and they are completely removable and can be worn at nights only if the patient should wish to.

You can get on with the rest of your day and life unhindered in any way knowing that at nightime the magical forces of the Inman Aligner can take place.

Give us a Call on 01375481000 for a FREE Consultation with Dr J Basrai


The 6 Month Smile UK

The 6 Month Smile UK

Ever wonder how certain celebrities and TV personalities go from having crooked teeth to perfect ones within the span of a few months? You might think that it is all due to the magic of veneers but this is not always the case. Not a lot of people are aware of it but there is a dental procedure available out there that is guaranteed to give people better smiles within 6 months! This procedure is what’s often referred to as the 6 month smile UK. Basically, it is a new type of braces but instead of the old fashioned metal ones that you commonly see, these ones are clear therefore allowing you to smile as freely as you want to without broadcasting to the world that you are getting your teeth fixed. By the time you’re done, people would be wondering about how it all happened.

These braces are made up of nickel titanium wires that safely and securely move your teeth towards the right position in order to properly align them. Unlike traditional braces, it makes use of a lesser amount of force which means that there is also a lesser amount of pain and discomfort. Also, it works in a much quicker fashion. Within 6 months, you would be able to show off the great improvements that it has done with your teeth. Do keep in mind, however, that there would be a short period wherein you’ll have to wear a retainer in order to keep your teeth from moving backwards. Of course, these retainers can be removed during the day if you want to.

So, what are the merits of using this instead of your traditional braces? Well, besides the fact that it works much quicker, it is also less distracting for most people. After all, not everyone is keen on having obvious metal devices inside their mouths. This is especially the case if they are working in an environment wherein they would have to constantly interact with people. Since the 6 month smile device is clear, you need not worry about people noticing it too much or pointing it out. Needless to say, it is as discreet as things can get.

Give us a call on 01375481000 for a FREE Consultation!


The Inman Aligner UK

The Inman Aligner UK

One of the most common causes of insecurity in certain people would be crooked teeth. It is the basis for which people often refuse to smile or simply shy away in order to hide their teeth. However, this shouldn’t be the case anymore. After all, there are various dental procedures out there that would be able to easily correct the problem. One such solution would be the Inman Aligner UK. As a matter of fact, it is seen by many as one of the most amazing breakthroughs when it comes to dental cosmetic surgery. It was designed to help straighten misaligned teeth and give people the smile that they want in the shortest time possible.

Unlike your typical metal braces, the Inman Aligner is not as visible and the amounts of wires used are a lot less in comparison as well. It is removable which means that you can take it off when it’s time to eat. After all, who would want to eat with a big chunk of metal inside their mouths? You can imagine just how uncomfortable that would be. So, how does it work? Well, it realigns your teeth by using force that’s continuously applied by a coiled spring located at the back of your teeth and on the bar located on the opposite side. Basically, these two springs help squeeze your teeth into the appropriate position.

Yes, there is slight discomfort during the first few days that you wear it but it’s nothing extreme. It’s just that you haven’t gotten used to its presence inside your mouth. People are advised to wear it for 20 hours each day to achieve the best results possible. The time in which people begin to see changes differ from one person to the next. But minor problems can are easily treatable within 8 weeks of wearing the device. If you’re still on the fence with regards to this product, do not hesitate to ask your personal dentist about it. He or she would be able to provide you with more information and further explain the benefits of using it instead of the traditional metal braces. After all, if you’re not keen on being a metal 24 hours a day then this is one option that you should be looking into.

Call us on 01375481000 for a FREE Consultation Now and get the straighter teeth you deserve!
