Dental Implants in Essex – All The Goodness Of Natural Teeth

Dental Implants in Essex – All The Goodness Of Natural Teeth

Have you got a gap-toothed smile that you just hate showing to the world? Do you restrict your smiling because you have missing teeth? Your missing tooth or teeth as the case may be, could be due to an accident or poor dental care or any number of reasons. What is important is that dental implants in Essex can help you take care of the problem. Do you wear dentures or a bridge? Not to worry, dental implants in Essex can help you as well.

Dental Implants in Essex

Dental implants are made from titanium and consist of a thin, metal rod that serves as an artificial tooth root forming the attachment for the replacement tooth. The major advantages of these dental implants are their extreme durability and they cannot be differentiated from the natural teeth. They perform exactly as a natural tooth does and you can have one or several implants using a bridge or over-denture.

Once you avail of the dental implants in Essex service you will need to treat the implants exactly as you would your natural teeth; brush and floss daily and make periodical visits to your dentist.

It is always good to know the advantages of a particular course of action, so we can evaluate the pros and cons of a decision to be made. The benefits of getting dental implants in Essex maybe summed up as below.

Benefits of Dental Implants in Essex

– Dental implants as a treatment are highly successful with the rate of success as high as 95% on average. Figures can vary based on which part of the mouth the treatment is being performed on. Treatment for the upper jaw is a lot more difficult than the lower one so success rate percentages will fluctuate accordingly.

– With dental implants in Essex there is no movement and the possibility of an ill-fit is not a threat, as is the case with dentures. With dental implants you have a very solid fixture that once it is fixed you can forget about it except for keeping it clean. This is not the case with dentures which can move around and give you pain and discomfort.

There are other benefits that include: natural tooth structure is not altered; the fit is an extremely natural one to compliment existing natural teeth; easy cleaning, just treat it like the rest of your natural teeth; reduces the risk of bone loss and functionality is at par with your natural teeth.

Are You A Suitable Candidate For Dental Implants?

When you are interested in getting dental implants in Essex you need to visit your dentist for an evaluation based upon which the dentist will tell you whether you are a suitable candidate or not.

Your dentist will check your teeth and perform other diagnostics that may include x-rays and scans. It is very necessary to assess the condition of the teeth and the jaw structure, etc. What the dentist is trying to assess is the bone density level which is essential for holding dental implants in place


Cosmetic Dentistry in Essex- What it can do for You?

Cosmetic Dentistry in Essex – What It Can Do For You

Cosmetic dentistry is one of the most sought after services in the dental field and as the demand grows so do the number of dentists who specialize in this field. Cosmetic dentistry in Essex can provide you with a wide variety of services that range from the simple teeth whitening process to dental implants, veneers, bridges, filings, gum surgery to correct misshapen or misaligned teeth and more.

There are many people in the world today who are too embarrassed or ashamed to smile boldly due to ugly teeth. Cosmetic dentistry in Essex will help you to completely transform your facial appearance and give you a lovely smile. All you need to do is get the help needed to effect the change.

There is another aspect to cosmetic dentistry in Essex called endodontics or that dreaded phrase root canal treatment. How many of us are too chicken to get a tooth taken care of, preferring instead to suffer in pain. Anything rather than undergo root canal! There is no need to go to such lengths, cosmetic dentistry in Essex will do help to clean the bacteria out of the infected tooth and save it as well.

Other procedures that are part of the cosmetic dentistry in Essex framework include orthodontics or periodontal surgery to reshape teeth either through surgery or the use of braces.

The most common procedure that cosmetic dentistry is used for is to whiten teeth. The dentist will make trays that mould perfectly to your teeth; the moulds will be filled with whitening gel and need to be worn according to the doctor’s instructions. This is an extremely painless and easy way to whiten teeth and get rid of ugly yellow stains and discoloration. Once you have visited the dentist to have the trays made you then complete the procedure at home. The other kind of teeth whitening process is the use of laser to whiten teeth and remove discoloration.

A patient whose smile shows more gum that teeth can have cosmetic gum surgery to rectify the problem. Cosmetic dentistry in Essex will help you by removing the extra gum tissue to expose the teeth. This process is performed with the use of laser surgery.

Do you have a chipped tooth or a cracked one right at the front for all the world to see? Would you like it repaired so the full effect of your lovely smile becomes visible? Dental bonding is the process by which cosmetic dentistry in Essex will repair the chips and cracks in your teeth; discolored areas can also be covered over. Composite resin is applied to the teeth in layers and allowed to dry; a laser is used to harden the material. This is followed by smoothing and polishing and then you are ready to dazzle everyone with your smile.
Cosmetic dentistry in Essex has many services on offer ranging from the simplest teeth whitening process to the more complex gum surgery and root canal treatments.


Cosmetic Dentist in Essex-Reliable Cosmetic Dental Care.

Cosmetic Dentist in Essex – Reliable Cosmetic Dental Care

There are many of us who are not really quite clear on what a dentist does and what a cosmetic dentist does. For people reading this article it is very good if you live in Essex as the article targets the audience; however, there is much useful information to be gained by anyone who continues to read on.

Cosmetic dentistry covers a whole range of dental treatments that are all aimed at improving the way your teeth look. Cosmetic dentistry uses bonding, bleaching, veneers, orthodontics, reshaping and implants to make your teeth look better and your smile brighter.
If you would like to know what a cosmetic dentist in Essex can do to help improve the condition of your teeth, believe me you are on the right page. We will take a look at all the various procedures that are used to treat specific problems.
A cosmetic dentist in Essex can use a variety of techniques to give you a cleaner, brighter smile. Maybe you are ashamed of your teeth and prefer not to smile because in order to smile you have to open your mouth showing your bad teeth. The discoloration and stains may be highly embarrassing and can cause a lot of other problems as well. People who don’t smile are perceived as snobbish or aloof; a total misconception really as the person has an entirely different reason fro not smiling. I am sure you are beginning to get how serious problems with teeth can be.
Well not any more – cosmetic dentistry offers you the chance to alter the way your smile appears. You can go from ordinary to dazzling in no time flat if you would just pay a visit to a cosmetic dentist in Essex.
Maybe you have cracked chipped or broken teeth from a fall or an accident. It does not matter; cosmetic dentistry will reshape and realign your teeth, giving you a smile you can be proud of.
A cosmetic dentist in Essex can do so much more than just give you a dazzling smile; there is a host of other services that fall under the umbrella of cosmetic dentistry. You can have the gaps between your teeth filled out; reshape uneven teeth; align uneven teeth; have a minor face lift to alter your smile; get dentures for missing teeth so you are not giving a gap toothed smile every time you open your mouth and so much more.
A cosmetic dentist in Essex can go a step further in an attempt to give you beautiful teeth, through the use of orthodontics. Cosmetic dentists make use of this procedure to reshape the entire line of teeth. This is not a quick process and may very well take as much as 6 months to complete. In some cases extracting a tooth may be the only solution to successfully reposition the teeth. Fixing braces to correct teeth that stick out and overbite are also part of the cosmetic dental procedure.

Cast off the shame you feel when opening your mouth to smile – go dazzle the world with your smile now that you have decided to pay a visit to a cosmetic dentist in Essex.

Give us a call on 01375481000 for a FREE Cosmetic Consultation! Visit us at


All the Information Regarding an Inman Aligner in Essex

All The Information Regarding Inman Aligner In Essex

According to a recent survey, seventy percent of the people selected their mates or companions based on his/her smile. Such is the power of a radiating smile. Even if you are not a star looking material, a million dollar smile could set a thousand hearts aflutter. A smile goes a long way in mending relationships. A smile goes a long way in getting work done. Some call it buttering, but I call it using the tools you have. A great smile comes from great teeth. But just like some people are not endowed with great looks, some are not endowed with a great set of teeth.

Thankfully though, by the grace of God, we have been making huge strides in every possible field. And the same holds true for the field of dentistry too. There are many options available to re-align the teeth. One such option is the Inman aligner. But before get an Inman aligner in Essex or elsewhere, you need to know something about this great dentist tool.
Inman aligner is basically a removable instrument which can correct badly shaped teeth. It has a proven track record of seven years and is used by prominent orthodontists around the world. So far, it has brought relief and joy to thousands of patients worldwide. But before getting an Inman aligner in Essex, you would be well advised to consult a good dentist first.
A qualified dentist would be able t o guide you about the exact procedure and the total cost and times involved in the treatment. Usually, Inman aligner treatment takes about 6-16 weeks. This is the biggest advantage of getting an Inman aligner in essex or elsewhere. The timeframe for the treatment is very less as compared to traditional braces of even clear braces.

However, to get Inman aligner in Essex, you need to search thoroughly before zeroing in on a Dentist. You can take the help of the internet to find the perfect practitioner to get Inman aligner in Essex. Search with the keywords ‘Inman aligner in Essex’, ‘Perfect smiles in Essex’, ‘Teeth realignment in Essex’ or any such keywords and you would get plenty of options to choose from.
Once you have got your options in the field of Inman aligner in Essex, shortlist two to three candidates based on their experience, accreditation and expertise. It is always recommended to go for an Orthodontist who has considerable amount of experience. Also, he should be well versed with the latest techniques in the field of dentistry and Inman Aligner.

A top notch Dentist to get Inman aligner in Essex is Dr. J. Basrai. He has brought a smile back to thousands of people out there. He has a silver Accreditation and has been practising for a very long time indeed. He is known for his expertise in non-surgical procedures in the field of dentistry.
Getting an Inman aligner in Essex or elsewhere for your crooked teeth is a sure shot way of setting them right. Go for it today and experience the difference in the way the world responds.


Consider Getting Invisalign Braces in Essex for that Perfect Smile!

Consider Getting Invisalign Braces In Essex For That Perfect Smile

Have you ever wondered what prompted the coinage of the term-‘Million dollar smile’? The phrase speaks for itself. A smile is worth a million dollars and much more. A smiling face can cheer up sagging spirits. A warm smile can ease off all the tensions in the world. A confident smile can convey what even a thousand words cannot. A smile is a language in itself. But everyone cannot speak this language perfectly. Not because they do not want to but because they are not confident of doing so. Reason for their diffidence- badly shapes teeth.
Now, you would retort that one can get those metal and wire stuffed into one’s mouth and the teeth shall be okay over time. But the truth about traditional braces is that are a pain to wear day in and day out. And more than that, they make you look so ugly that even a duckling would not notice you standing all alone. However, help is at hand. Thanks to progress in the field of dentistry, Invisalign is a mind blowing option for those looking to set their teeth straight. However, you need to know a few things first before you get your pair of Invisalign braces in Essex or elsewhere.
First of all, before jumping at the idea of getting Invisalign braces in Essex or anywhere else, it is essential to consult a good dentist. A well qualified dentist would tell you the exact treatment required and the total cost of the treatment. Invisalign braces have many advantages. The first and foremost advantage with getting Invisalign braces in Essex is that these braces are removable. So, one can wear them at his/her own convenience. After all, you would not want the braces to come in between while kissing your partner, would you?

Another advantage with getting Invisalign braces in Essex is that they take less time to straighten the teeth as compared to the traditional braces. That said, in some extreme cases, one could be forced to get traditional braces of metal and wire fitted into their mouth. A big disadvantage with Invisalign braces is that they are far more costly than the traditional braces.
Now, because the cost involved is so high, it is vital to select the right practitioner before going in for Invisalign braces in Essex. While zeroing in on a dentist, it is important that you check his qualification first of all. The dentists should be qualified enough in the field of Orthodontics. After the qualification, comes the experience. While selecting a dentist to get Invisalign braces in Essex, select the one who has been practising in the field of Orthodontist for a considerable amount of time.
One very qualified dentist to get Invisalign braces in Essex is Dr. J. Basrai. He is highly qualified, silver accredited Orthodentists who specialises in Invisalign braces. It would not be a bad idea at all to consult him before going in for any sort of treatment.


All About Clear Dental Braces in Essex

All About Clear Dental Braces In Essex
‘A smile can cure a million hearts’. This line is so true and we all have experienced it at some point in our lives. Even if we are a having bad day at the office a smile can out all our worries away and make us happy and loved. Verily, smile is as important aspect of a person’s personality as his hair or his style of dressing. In fact, smile is the dressing of the personality. And it is important that this dressing is in proper order. But everyone is not blessed with a perfect set of teeth. Even God can make mistakes. And that is why he created doctors and dentists. A brilliant option of fixing badly shaped teeth is to get clear dental braces in Essex.

But before you jump at the idea of getting clear dental braces in Essex, you need to know what exactly clear dental braces are, what procedure is involved and where to get clear dental braces in Essex.
The field of dentistry which deals with setting right misaligned teeth or teeth with any sort of gaps, crowding etc. is called Orthodontics. To get clear dental braces in Essex, you should always visit a recognized Orthodontist only. Also, the Orthodontist should be an expert about clear braces. Before selecting an Orthodontist to get clear dental braces in Essex check whether he is registered with the GDC or not. Also, a considerable amount of experience in the field of Orthodontics is another criterion before zeroing on dentists to get clear dental braces in Essex.
Now that you know how to select a dentist for the job, you also should know what options are available in terms of clear braces before getting clear braces in Essex or elsewhere. Presently, there are two options available when one talks of clear braces. The first option is the Inman Aligner. These are removable clear braces and a quick fix solution to straighten your teeth. The ext option in clear braces is Clear Step. These clear braces can help move the teeth and are a very good option if there is crowding involved.
You now have a basic overview of what exactly are clear braces and where to get clear dental braces in Essex. But there is a vital point missing here- the cost factor. After all, it is not possible for everybody to shell out huge sums of money for dental procedures. No matter how important that may be. The approximate cost of getting clear dental braces in Essex is 1,500 pounds. However, the exact cost can be told by the Orthodontics you have chosen for yourself.
Getting clear dental braces in Essex is a painless procedure and an effective one too. A very good Orthodontist who can do an excellent job of fixing clear dental braces in Essex is Dr. J. Basrai. He is a registered practitioner and has a vast experience and knowledge in the field of dentistry. Make sure to consult him once before you decide to do anything with your teeth.


Invisible Dental Braces in Essex- Your Options!

Invisible Dental Braces In Essex- Your Options

There is a famous phrase- ‘Smile and the world smiles with you, cry and you cry alone’. But with some unfortunate, the world shies away even when they smile. The reason being- their not-so-good smile. Smile is an essential ornament of a person. It is the first thing that a person notice in somebody- whether it is a potential partner, an employee or a casual acquaintance. Therefore, disfigured teeth can leave many a people heart- broken.
These were a bigger embarrassment than the imperfect smile. However, the field of medicine has progressed and there are alternatives available now. One can get invisible dental braces in Essex or elsewhere too. As the name suggests, these braces cannot be seen from a distance. There are three options available in terms of invisible dental braces in Essex.

The most popular invisible dental braces in Essex are the Invisalign. These are the most expensive option but do an effective job nevertheless. Invisalign are more like a clear retainer. They fix themselves on the top of your teeth and slowly bring them back in shape. One get these invisible dental braces in Essex at any good and qualified dentist.

The next option for invisible dental braces in Essex or elsewhere is the Lingual braces. These braces are not invisible per se. In fact, these are the traditional metal and wire braces but they actually go at the back of your teeth. Thus, unless and until a person comes very close to you, he/she would not be able to tell whether you are wearing braces or not. A person can get these invisible dental braces in Essex very easily and affordably. However, a big his metal instrument and it can be a great irritant to your tongue to start with. Nevertheless, these are a viable option in terms of invisible dental braces in Essex.
The third option one has when talking about invisible dental braces in Essex are the classic illusionary ones. No, I am not talking about magic here. I am talking about the ceramic braces which are tooth coloured and hence are invisible. Even the wire of these braces is the same colour as that of your teeth. So, perhaps, your girlfriend or boyfriend can only get to know about them subject to the fact that you let them come that close.
These are some viable options when one is talking about invisible dental braces in Essex. But one should be careful in selecting a dentist to do the job. It is highly recommended that you select a registered practitioner to fix your invisible dental braces in Essex. Also, a highly experienced dentist should be preferred over a novice while getting invisible dental braces in Essex or for that matter, anywhere in the world.
Experience gives one the surety that the work is in expert hands. One top notch dentists which can do an excellent job of fixing invisible dental braces in Essex is Dr. J. Barsai. He has been practising for a long time now and has the skills and expertise needed for the job.


The Truth About Six Month Smiles in Essex.

The Truth About Six Months Smile In Essex

So your school group photograph looks like you have beaten up. Your farewell party photographs look like you have just been dumped. And your marriage photo-ops look like you have been forced to marry against your wishes. And this is so because you are not smiling in any of them. Not smiling because you have not been blessed with great looking teeth. Not smiling because you did not have the courage to go through the painful process of getting ugly braces fitted on your teeth.
If this story has a striking resemblance to your life so far, chances are that you are one of the many people out there who are scared of dental treatments. People are scared of dental treatments because they are excruciatingly painful.

Well, the things are changing for the better. It is possible to get your smile back within six months in Essex. The six months smile formula is very simple, less painful and very effective. The six months smile in Essex procedure involves fitting of braces which can straighten your teeth within six months.
And if you are thinking that the six months smile in Essex phrase is just a scam and a marketing gimmick, you could not be more wrong. The truth is that it is actually possible. Let me explain you how. When a young child is fitted with braces, the motive of the dentist is to fix the bite of the child. Fixing the bite of a child is essential and usually takes more than a year. But when an adult is fitted with braces, the motive has nothing to do with the bite of a person. The target is to have a beautiful set of teeth in a straight row.
Straightening of teeth is entirely possible in less than six months. This is the reason I said that six months smile in Essex is not a scam. It is entirely possible. Now, the next concern people have about six months smile in Essex is that it must be a painful and a costly procedure. The truth is that this procedure involves lesser pain than the traditional dental procedures.

Six months smile in Essex procedure requires less of pulling and tugging and thus, lesser pain. However, it is important to go to a trained practitioner only to get the six months smile in Essex procedure done perfectly. A dentist worth consulting for this amazing dental technique is Dr. J. Basrai. He is an expert in the field of innovative dentist techniques and is known for implementing non-surgical procedures to impart beautiful smiles to millions. He is also known for cosmetic surgery procedures in the field of dental care.
And regarding the cost factor of six months smile in Essex, yes it is a costly procedure as compared to the traditional dentist techniques. But the cost is well accounted for. Because when one gets an effective, efficient technique with the minimum pain involved, I do not think anybody would mind shelling out a few extra pounds.


Why Choose Us for Invisalign Braces in Essex?

With so many dentists in Essex offering Invisalign Braces in Essex why should you come and see us? To put it simply, we want to give you the best and genuinely care about giving you a smile that stands out from the crowds!
These are the reasons why we consistently overdeliver on all our Invisalign cases.

1. We offer a completely FREE consultation for Invisalign with no hidden or hard sells.

2.We can show you many video testimonials of real patients and not fake models who have had Invisalign Braces here in our dental Office.

3.All our dentists have been certified by Invisalign to carry out your treatments.

4.We will give you FREE Home Tooth whitening kits with all our Invisalign patients to give you a Bright straight white smile that will simply dazzle your friends. This is worth 295 Pounds to you!

5.You will be involved in all the treatment decisions!

6. If Invisalign braces is not the best option for you then we can offer you other options from our array of clinical cosmetic experiences.

7. We can offer various payment options eg Interest Free 0% FINANCE for 2 years or a 5% Discount if paid upfront before treatment commences.
Before choosing your Invisalign dentist in Essex you should ask the following Questions when a Fee is quoted!

1. Are all my dental Impressions included in the price?

2. Are all my dental Xrays included in the Fee quoted?

3. Can i influence the end result?

4. Are all my adjustments included in the price at the end of treatment?

5. Will my refinement impressions be free?

6. Are the retainers included in the price quoted? We fit fixed as well as removeable retainers to ensure your teeth wont move or relapse!

7. Is my treatment going to be monitored every 6 to 8 weeks as recommended by Invisalign themselves?

8. Do you trust the dentist and have 100% confidence in him or her?

With Dr J Basrai and his team of dentists all these answers will be a resounding YES!!

Give us a call on 01375481000 to change your smile and your Life Now! You have no excuses left!


Everything you Need to About Tooth Bleaching

Bleaching at our dental office involves Carbamide Peroxide or Hydrogen Peroxide which brightens your teeth in the least destructive and most effective way to give you a rejuvenated smile. We may offer you in the office or home whitening or a combination of both depending upon how badly stained or discoloured your teeth are.

Bleaching is used to treat patients with yellow teeth rather than grey teeth as we get the best results with the former .

We often ask patients to bleach their upper teeth first so that they can see their progress and use their lower arch as a comparison.

A good tip to help with your tooth bleaching is to sit in the sun with your bleaching trays and let them absorb some of the sunshine which allows the whitening gel to work continously.

When bleaching your teeth you must avoid eating foods with too much citric acid such as fruit juices and soft drink beverages as these may slow down the whitening process.

Give us a call on 01375481000 for a FREE Consultation .
