Tooth Whitening Essex

Essex Teeth Whitening Methods: Why Everyone Has That Smile On Their Faces

Many people in Essex are getting confused about which products are more effective when it comes to whitening their teeth. This because of the number of them already exists.

Advertisements about these products can confuse people all the more. All of them are saying that they are the best whitening solution. Many people are enticed by what they are saying that they end up buying brands that are not suited to them.

Do all these products really work?

Some people can attest to the fact that their teeth were made whiter by the products that they use. On the other hand, there are those that say none works for them. Whatever their individual views are, only one thing is certain; if you have found the whitening product that suits you and is using that regularly for some time, there is a bigger possibility that it will work.

What are the causes of teeth discoloration?

Drinking coffee and tea are known to dull the color of your teeth. This is if you are a constant drinker of these for a period of time.

Additional factors that contribute to teeth discoloration are caffeinated sodas, smoking and tooth injury. The most common and accepted cause is age. No matter how well you clean your teeth, it will eventually become dull as you age.

What are some methods of teeth whitening that people in Essex can use?

1. Toothpastes with active teeth whitening ingredients.

For removing stains caused by foods you eat, whitening toothpastes are the best option. Toothpastes consist of baking soda and hydrogen peroxide. These are the important ingredients for whitening the teeth.

Gradual discoloration of teeth can be prevented if you constantly brush your teeth. Not only that, you will be free from germs and plaque that can also cause other tooth problems.

2. Teeth bleaching and whitening formulas.

Teeth whitening and bleaching products have the same ingredients that present in toothpastes. The only difference is that the level of hydrogen peroxide is higher. Teeth whitening has 10-16 percent hydrogen peroxide content while bleaching products have 35 percent.

There are a lot of teeth whitening products you can buy from drug stores and groceries. If you want to find out which one is best for you, you can try different products and see which will suit you best. You will find that they are generally cheap.

Teeth bleaching are done by dental professionals. Because of the use of higher amount of hydrogen peroxide, this method should be taken with caution.

It is best to consult with your dentist first if you want to have your teeth bleached. They will be able to give you advice on how best to proceed with this method.

3. Veneers.

This is one of the best known method whitening teeth permanently. Veneers are made from porcelain. These porcelains are affixed to the tooth.

The process can be very expensive. It normally costs around 600 Pounds for every tooth. This is the reason why not all people can afford this method. Those who do are those that are intent on permanently having whiter teeth in the fastest time.

Today, it is not difficult to have super shiny and super white teeth. You only need to choose the best method that you think will suit you and your budget. Then you can start looking for the best teeth whitening method in all of Essex.


How to Find a Cosmetic Dentist in Essex

How To Find A Cosmetic Dentist in Essex

Are you interested in improving your smile? Sometimes, a simple cavity filling isn’t enough. If you need a considerable amount of work done on your teeth, you may want to schedule an appointment with a cosmetic dentist. Although your NHS dentist may be able to provide you with assistance, cosmetic dentistry is often considered a completely different medical field.

As more individuals become concerned with the appearance of their teeth, cosmetic dentistry is increasing in popularity. For that reason, you should have a number of local cosmetic dentists to choose from. Do you know how you can find them though?

One of the easiest ways to find a cosmetic dentist is to ask your NHS dentist. Even if your dentist can perform the procedure that you are looking for more information on, like dental implants, he or she will still likely understand and respect your decision to seek care from a specialist. Asking your NHS Dentist for information and feedback on area cosmetic dentists, especially those that specialize in surgical procedures, is nice, as you likely won’t be sent to just anyone.

The internet is another easy way that you can go about finding local cosmetic dentists. To get you started, you may want to use online business directories, which are typically provided by search engines. You can search for a specific type of business, like a cosmetic dentist, and your location, like Essex. The information that you will be provided with may vary, but you should get the names, addresses, and telephone numbers of cosmetic dentists in or around your immediate area.

In keeping with using the internet to find a cosmetic dentist, namely one that specializes in surgical procedures, you can perform a standard internet search. When doing so, your search phrase should look like this ” cosmetic dentist Essex .” Your internet search will likely lead you to the online websites of area dentists. Not only should you use these websites to get contact information, but also examine them for sample rates, lists of procedures performed, as well as before and after pictures.

Your local phone book can also be used to find area cosmetic dentists. What you will want to do is turn to the back of your phone book. Here, you will find a business directory section, which is also commonly known as the yellow pages of the phone book. Under the heading of dentists, you should see information on your local options. Unless your local phone book categorizes dentists, like pediatric dentists and cosmetic dentists, look for listings with the word “cosmetic,” in them.

Aside from asking your NHS dentist for suggestions, your next best option is to speak with those that you know. Ask your friends, relatives, neighbors, or coworkers if they have ever been to a cosmetic dentist before. If they have, who did they visit? Were they satisfied with the results? Does he or she charge affordable rates? Getting recommendations from those that you know will lessen the amount of background and reputation checking and you will have to do yourself.

As an important reminder, you will want to do more than find a cosmetic dentist who specializes in surgical procedures. You will want to actually choose one. When making your choice, examine fees, qualifications, before and after pictures, and success rate versus complication rate.

Give us a call on 01375481000 and speak to our friendly cosmetic dentists in Essex for a FREE Consultation and visit us on


Tooth Whitening Products

Teeth Whitening Products: Pros And Cons

Choosing teeth whitening product amidst the different teeth whitening products available in the market today can be very confusing. And some of the teeth whitening products are not giving your desired result.

If you ask the experts, they will tell you that the best method of teeth whitening is still through your dentist. Not only is it the best, it is also the most effective and the quickest to have whiter teeth.

But then, not all people can afford the fees that come with each treatment. Another thing that hinders them from going to dentists is fear. It seems that as early as childhood, dentists are one of the most feared personalities that people do not want to encounter. This fear continues on in the adult years.

Although dentists do not advise people to choose teeth whitening products, they all agree in saying that these products are effective in some degree. According to studies, teeth whitening products, if used regularly and consistently can result in whiter teeth that can outlast any dentist-assisted procedure.

Another additional plus that teeth whitening products have is that they contain the same ingredients that are being used in professional whitening. Two of the active ingredients needed for whitening teeth are hydrogen peroxide and carbamide. These two are also the ingredients that are present in some of the products that are sold in groceries and drug stores.

The only advantage that teeth whitening products have over professional whitening is that they tend to be very cheap. Everyone who will tumble upon them can simply afford to add them to the list of their basic things.

Most of these products can be bought for $30 or less. Compare this to the $100 or more that you need to pay to the dentist. It will not surprise you why people prefer them over the high fees.

Still, teeth whitening products are found out to have some disadvantages. Some of these are:

1. Suitability.

Teeth whitening products cater to all. But then different people have different needs. What others found effective may not work for others. This is one of the problems that people will encounter with these products.

There are those that have sensitive teeth and gums. The reaction to the products will depend upon the suitability of the products to the persons using them. An option would be to try different products until you find the one that is suitable to you.

2. Strong chemicals used.

You will not know what your reaction to the product until you have tried it out. Since you do not know how sensitive your teeth are, you will also not know what might happen when you start using the product.

Better consult with your dentist first before choosing a certain product.

3. Tray may not fit.

The tray put in your teeth is not exactly fitted after you. So there is a tendency that it may either be too large or too small.

When it is too large, the formula may not work well. On the other hand, if it is too small, it may cause gum bleeding and side effects that will cause bigger problems.

Be sure that the teeth whitening precuts you choose is suited for you. If none of them works, then maybe professional teeth whitening will.


Toothache in Essex

The occurrences which constitute a dental emergency are many, so it is important to keep yourself involved with a dental office or professional who offers emergency services to their patients. The parts that make up the tooth are all equally important, and damage to any of them, as well as to the fleshly oral areas which support them, should be cause for immediate assistance. In cases where an untreated break or injury is not tended to right away, damage and undue pain can occur to the remainder of the tooth or connected tissues. Finding an emergency dentist should not be hard to do, and is crucial to your oral health.

The crown of the tooth is the outer layer that we see above the gum line. This is the hard enamel part of the tooth that protects the sensitive elements within. Cracks, breaks, or decay in the enamel can cause immense pain, discomfort, and damage to the inner tooth. If you can have this type of issue treated right away, before any pain begins if possible, that would be the ideal choice. The enamel of your teeth is the first and most important defense against decay, pain, and disease to the inner core.

The remaining parts of the teeth, working from beneath the enamel crown to the middle, include the dentin, the pulp, and the root canal within the root. Your teeth have many blood vessels and nerve endings stemming from the pulp all the way down into the jaw. When there is damage to your teeth that causes pain, this means that the injury has already reached the inner core, where the nerve endings are, and these types of situations will definitely fall under the dental emergency category. It is crucial to keep close track of cracks and breaks, because your dentist has a far better chance of mending your teeth at the onset rather than after the damage has become infected or otherwise elevated.

Dental emergencies will also include injuries, diseases, infections, or sores at the inner cheeks, gums, or tongue. Because everything is connected in your mouth, and because your dentist is trained to deal with and heal these sensitive fleshy tissues, it is important that you seek treatment on an emergency basis when there is pain or blatant damage present. Any dental work that becomes dislodged, damaged, or broken will also need to be addressed on an emergency basis in order to avoic further damage to this already vulnerable area.


Cosmetic Dentistry in Essex

The world of cosmetic dentistry continues to grow in leaps and bounds, becoming more accessible and more encompassing with every passing year. Many of the original concepts are the same, though tools, techniques, research, and materials have advanced far above what they used to be. With these rising technologies comes a rising cost for services, though statistically cosmetic surgery is more affordable now than it was thirty years ago. if you are considering one of the many options available to you today, a long and honest consultation with a proven professional will help you to discern what will and will not be suitable for your situation.

Cosmetic dentistry involves any condition or procedure that is not based on the health of your teeth, gums, or other oral parts. When a person presents with strong, healthy teeth, but is unhappy with their shape, appearance, alignment, or other aspects, this is when cosmetic dentistry comes into play. The most popular form of treatment along these lines is whitening, wherein the patient will opt for a procedure to improve the color of the teeth. This procedure is not for everyone, including those with sensitive, corroded, decayed, or otherwise weakened tooth enamel. Whitening weakens the enamel further and can be rather painful for those with preexisting issues.

Contouring has also become a popular alternative to other more costly and extensive procedures, such as braces and porcelain veneers. Those with overlapping, crooked, uneven, jagged, or otherwise unshapely natural teeth may opt to have the enamel filed down or shaved on some of them, while having a bonding agent applied to others, evening out and shaping the natural teeth so that veneers and braces are not necessary. This procedure has its risks, as often the dentin can be exposed and further troubles are possible. In all, this is considered as a safe and timely alternative.

Bonding plays a part in the cosmetic dentistry procedure described above, while other common treatments include dental bridges, veneers, and implants. The bridge is formed to fit between two existing porcelain or enamel teeth in order to create a missing tooth. Implants are perhaps one of the most invasive, though permanent, cosmetic elements performed today, entailing the screwing of manufactured teeth to the jaw in place of lost or removed natural teeth. Veneers are the most expensive cosmetic treatment for the teeth, but are also extremely dependable, durable, and natural looking.


The Truth about Cosmetic Dentures.

Cosmetic dentures may not always seem like the best option for most patients, as this denotes the permanent loss of all natural teeth at the upper jaw, lower jaw, or both. Many who are forced to think about this type of solution have been dealing with painful and humiliating tooth loss for years, and have concluded with the help of their dentist that full cosmetic dentures are the most cost effective, permanent, and painless solution available. With today’s advances in dental procedures and the building of false teeth, however, cosmetic dentures are no longer the frightening blob that used to sit in a cup on your grandmothers bathroom vanity.

Most people who are contemplating the fitting of dentures will need to go through a heavy extracting process before the healing and fitting procedures can begin. Most dentists will schedule one extraction appointment, offering heavy to full sedation throughout the procedure, and the patient will undergo the surgical removal of all remaining teeth and/or pieces of the natural structures. All nerves, roots, and live parts of the natural teeth will be extracted completely, leaving a pain free and clean area that will eventually support a new set of cosmetic dentures. This can be a scary thought to many patients, but once the initial surgery woes have gone, most patients are relieved of pains and aches that have plagued them for years.

Most dentists offer options to the cosmetic denture patient as far as the crafting and developing of their new teeth. Within reason, of course, patients are able to choose the new teeth that they would like to wear for the next twenty plus years. There will be a line drawn by your dentist in respect to extreme skeletal structures or other such limitations, but for the most part, the new cosmetic dentures that you end up with will be as close to your dream teeth as you ever dreamed possible.

There are also new methods of creating the teeth which offer a multidimensional build to the finish product, causing slight translucency changes, layers, and shades of color which mimic natural teeth very closely. In this way, it is guaranteed that the only people who will know you wear dentures are the people that you tell. With the help and guidance of your dentist, you will find that the process of gaining cosmetic dentures can be exciting and rewarding once the initial disappointment wears off.

Located in Essex, Dr. Jagmail Basrai provides the most up-to-date and innovative dental and cosmetic dental procedures available in the UK. Dr. Basrai has a special interest in creating new smiles and rejuvenating the face via non-surgical procedures and cosmetic dentistry.


Deep Bleaching Gives You A Super Bright Smile!

Deep Bleaching teeth is a technique to give you extreme tooth whitening that takes a certain period of time ie it is not an instant fix! It takes a certain amount of commitment on your behalf that will ultimately give you a dazzling white smile.

During the first dental appointment, impressions are taken and then sent to a highly specialised laboratory who make transparent , comfortable and especially self sealing so you dont have to worry about them falling out of your mouth during the night.

We advise you to wear them for at least for 14 nights straight until you see us again at our dental office.

These trays have small chambers or reservoirs pouches beside each tooth to catch and hold excess whitening gel thru the night.

The first 2 weeks may not give you the ideal result to start with but what you must understand is that you are getting oxygen into the teeth via the enamel before your final dental office visit.

You will still have to use the deep bleaching trays after the visit to give you the ultimate bright white smile in essex!


Snap on Smiles-Your INSTANT Fix!

The Snap on Smile is a patented device that changes the shape , contours , the colour and texture of your teeth.

This device has really taken the dental world by storm and we have had many patients coming from all over the world to instantly transform their confidence and lives without the need of injections or painful removing of enamel from your teeth.

Snap on smiles is really a cheaper alternative than veneers and give you the new look this year for a fraction of the cost.

Do you want to have a new look to your smile? Do you want to a brighter and whiter smile this year without the need to have expensive porcelain veneers?
We have the solution to your needs!
The Snap on Smile will give you the confidence to smile NOW!

Give us a call on 01375481000 now!


Celebrity Singer Visits Cosmetic Dentist Dr J Basrai

At Chafford Hundred Care in Essex, we celebrate the fact that we treat many celebrities and their families to give them the best smile possible before a Video shoot or going on the red carpet to get their hollywood smile to be the most dazzling and white they can be!

Marcella is a celebrity singer who had some composite artistry done to the front of her teeth before a new appearance on television. Just check her out on our video testimonial and then her videos on this blog.

Give us a call on 01375481000 to get yourself a Cosmetic Celebrity smile Now!

