Radiesse In Essex- A New Dermal Filler .

Radiesse is a relatively new dermal filler which is available at our practice for non surgical facial recontouring. It normally lasts on average from 12 to 14 months.

Radiesse is composed of calcium hydroxyapatite microspheres in a water based gel which causes the fibroblasts in your body to stimulate collagen production and hence make you look younger.

We apply numbing cream as well as providing a dental block injection to make the procedure as comfortable as possible.

The beauty of Radiesse is that it has been used world wide for over 8 years and has been clinically tested vigorously.
It is man made so there is no allergic testing is needed on you .

Radiesse can be used to rejuvenate your hands as well as the mid and lower face .

Radiesse can be also used for non surgical nose jobs .
The previous name for Radiesse was Radiance which smooths out deep creases and folds in the face to achieve that silky look.

Give us a call on 01375481000 for a FREE Consultation.


Invisalign Braces in Essex-The Advantages and Disadvantages.

Modern day dentistry is changing with new devices like Invisalign which help to straighten your teeth very comfortably and easily. Many patients often want to know why they should pick Invisalign over traditional metal Braces or Brackets. I hope this helps you in making an informed decision.
The advantages of Invisalign are as follows.
1. Invisalign Braces are transparent devices or plastic aligners which means that no one will know that you are wearing them! Cool Eh??
Compared to the Ugly Betty Braces that some wear, the whole world and his dog will know you are wearing them. Yuk! Notice the term Invisalign: the ‘ Invis ‘ stands for Invisible.

2. Invisalign Braces are very effective. Invisalign braces are made of high quality plastic which produce enough tensile pressure to move your teeth very quickly as each aligner is changed every 2 weeks so that these forces are never reduced.

3. You can eat whatever you want as you can take them out whilst chewing food. There is nothing you cant masticate as the aligners are removed from your mouth.

4. The Invisalign aligners make the perfect shields to whiten your teeth as they are so closely fitting with high quality plastic that the peroxide can do its magic on your enamel and give you a sparkling white smile.

The Only Disavantage of Invisalign is that it is expensive due to the technological advances made by the company in aligning teeth. However, with interest free options now available at our practice we can make it a financial viable option to you.
Give us a call on 01375481000 for a FREE Consultation Now!!


Affordable Cosmetic Dentistry In Essex

It can be quite expensive to keep up with the Jones’s – with their new Cars, Expensive Jewellery and Designer Clothes. You have to have that latest haircut , the appropriate nails and makeup but its a complete waste of time if your smile lets you down. We live in a world where you are judged within 3 seconds on your appearance so dont let your crooked or discoloured smile gives you no confidence in front of your co workers, family or friends.

We can give back you a beautiful smile that you can really be proud off and show off to your peers with a FREE Consultation worth over 47 Pounds. We have the facilty to offer you Interest Free Options on various cosmetic Dental procedures so help you with the latest look this year- A BRAND NEW SMILE! Forget the latest designer handbags or clothing and really re-invest in yourself in a new look that will change your life Now.

To make your Cosmetic Dentistry procedures in Essex even more affordable you may want to sign up with our Membership Dental Programme called SmilePlan which can give you a discount of up to 20%.

Forget the credit crunch and the negative press and give yourself a real gift this year and treat yourself to a new smile!


Botox Injections in Essex- 5 Tips to make Sure you have the Best Experience!

If you want the best experience in having Botox, here are some hints!

1. Do not go to have Botox injected at home parties. This is illegal practice in the United Kingdom.
The price may be very low and inexpensive and convenient and usually packaged along with a night of friends , wine and other spa services. Many of our patients who had their first introduction to Botox have had a bad experience. Poor lighting, Poor cross infection, Little education, Dilute Botox and short lasting effects are some of the complaints that patients have told us. You really get what you pay for!

2. Go to an experienced Botox Injector. Just check out Video Testimonials like ours at http://www.youtube.com/jagmail.
Dont chance it. Get personal recommendations from friends , families and co workers.

3. Remove all makeup and foundation where you want to be injected so as to avoid any complications from skin chemicals from creams .

4. Always make sure you fill out a medical form or questionnaire so that your injector knows if you are a suitable candidate for Botox injections. For example, tell your injector if you are on any asprin or warfarin which may cause extra bleeding and bruising.

5.Ask your injector to use Emla cream – a Local Anaesthetic cream to reduce the effects of pain from injections .

Give us a call on 01375481000 for a FREE Consultation!


Botox Injections- Essex Favourite Cosmetic Procedure!

Facial Botox Injections are the most frequent cosmetic procedure done in Essex and the most understood. Many patients thinking about Botox injections for the very first time are naturally a little apprehensive as they think that their face will be paralysed and have no expression. They do not want to have the look of a Stepford Wife! We at Chafford Hundred Dental Care always reassure our patients that this is not the case.

Botox is instead is a brilliant way to minimise deep facial lines and give your face a more rested and youthful look whilst still preserving both your natural appearance and the ability to express yourself.

We can use Botox to shape your eyebrows, lift the corners of your mouth and enhance the look of your lips.

We predominately use Botox in our practice in Essex to minimise your frown lines between the eyes- the Glabellar Region, the surprise horizontal lines in the forehead and the crows feet lines around the eyes.

Regular use of Botox Injections will keep your skin smooth in these areas better than any expensive creams you buy from a department store.

Give us a call on 01375481000 for a FREE Consultation Now!


Dental Implants in Essex.

Dental Implants are according to most dentists have a distinct advantage than dental bridges or dentures { which fills the missing tooth with a fake removable tooth} as they help to conserve natural tooth structure like enamel on teeth either side of the gap.

Consequently, they help the young and old to preserve the integrity of natural oral tissue. The best dentistry is no dentistry.

Dental Implants improve the quality of your life and help you eat more effectively and efficiently. No more gastric problems and indigestion which can be a thing of the past when you can eat your food properly.

Dental Implants are not just for cosmetic reasons but also for functional reasons .

Dental Implants stop teeth either side of the space in your mouth from drifting or overerupting which can lead to food getting trapped between the teeth and gum inflammation and infection which may ultimately lead to more tooth lose.

This will create a vicious circle which means more problems with inefficient ingestion.

Give us a call on 01375481000 Now to get a Consultation with your local Specialist- also known as an Implantogist.


Azzalure in Essex-Botulinium Toxin !

Many patients in Essex ask us about the dos and donts with Botox regarding their treatment with antiwrinkle injections.

Azzalure is Botulinum Toxin Type A which really treats frown lines with care. It is a purified protein which is meticulously injected into areas of the face like the glabellar lines, Forehead lines and the crows feet around the eyes. It helps the muscles of the face to temporarily relax and hence soften your facial features and help you to reverse the signs of ageing.

Although many patients in our dental practice in Essex have not heard of Azzalure, its active ingredient-Botulinium Toxin Type A has beenused cosmetically for more than 10 years and certain medical conditions in the United Kingdom for over 20 Years.

Azzalure is now licensed to treat frown lines but is on a prescrption only basis with a qualified doctor or dentist.

Before we use Azzalure on your face, we will remove any make up and disinfect your skin and then study your facial muscles to see how they work as everyone is different.

These injections are virtually painless as we use fine diabetic needles – however a local anaesthetic cream can be used prior to treatment. Tiny bruising or bleeding may occur which is very temporary.

The whole procedure will take approx. 15 minutes and you can usually return to work on the same day.

The benefits of Azzalure normally takes on average of 2 to 3 days to start working and usually last up to 4 months.

Give us a call on 01375481000 for a FREE Consultation.


Dr Chhaya Chauhan!

Dr Chhaya Chauhan joined our Dental Office over a Year ago and has a specialist Interest in Cosmetic Dentistry and Non Surgical Facial Rejuvenation techniques. She has many cases of Invisalign, Smile Makeovers with Veneers , Crowns and Bridges and Regular Dentistry and has an infectious sense of humour!

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Six Month Smiles In Essex.

Brace Yourself for the Smile you have always dreamed of!

The Six month smiles technique employs the latest technology and techniques in Dentistry to move your teeth quickly and safety. The key components of the treatment are the use of special nickel titanium wires and a primary focus of moving teeth that show when you smile!

We use tooth coloured braces and wires which are nothing like metal braces like Ugly Betty.

We use only low forces to move teeth comfortably. Six month Smiles places an emphasis on the cosmetic appearance of your teeth rather than the position of your bite.




Snap on Smile in Essex Before and After Pics

Dr J Basrai would like to show a before and after picture of a snap on smile he did on a patient in his state of art dental office in Essex.Snap on Smile in EssexSnap on Smile in Essex 2
