Belotero- A New Filler Comes to Essex
Are you in Essex and have facial skin issues? You can relax now because Belotero-new filler comes to Essex. Belotero is a new hyaluronic liquid facelift treatment. The treatment comes in three variations Define, soft and the composed biofermentation hyaluronic acid. The soft variation is comparable to Restylane as it smoothens out superficial facial lines and folds while define adds volume to the skin taking care of the deep folds and contours in the skin. Composed biofermentation hyaluronic acid is totally eco friendly as it is biodegradable making it very safe. So how does Belotero work?
Belotero treatment has been hailed as phenomenal because of its ability to lift nasal-labial folds and wrinkles, all the while helping the skin regain its lost volume especially in the areas of the chin, cheeks and jaw line. It also straightens out the nose, lip-sunken temples and sagging skin. Belotero attracts water from inside the body filling in the lines and wrinkles in the face. The surgeon injects it under the line area. One treatment is usually enough although subsequent treatments may be required once the filler has been absorbed by the body with the results showing lasting for up to nine months. If you experience some undesired effects, do not worry as your doctor can inject hyaluronidase into the filler to dissolve the acid. Mostly, doctors will not fully correct you until they are satisfied that the results are good. This in effect reduces the risk of dissatisfaction and time wastage but most importantly the feeling that you have wasted your money. Did you know that Belotero-new filler comes to Essex?
Belotero is ranked high above other facelift hyaluronic acid fillers due to its ability to treat superficial facial lines quickly. Some other forms of hyaluronic can cause a bluish shade if injected too superficially. Belotero can be administered superficially without the worry of shading.
Belotero has a few undesirable effects as with all drugs. The most common side effect is the irritation around the injection area, soreness, bit of redness and pain. There is a risk of an allergic reaction and its naturalness notwithstanding. It is normal to experience some discoloration and itching, which eventually subsides. It is best to discuss the effects of this treatment with your doctor to get the priorities right. Be sure to ask your doctor about the treatment’s side effects bearing in mind your allergic reactions and most importantly your hopes and expectations of the whole exercise. Belotero injections are quick as it takes about half an hour to administer the treatment. If you have any of the problems, beware Belotero-new filler comes to Essex.
The cost of Belotero may be a bit prohibitive but is worth the effort. It may cost about $500 per syringe but most doctors will be willing to review the cost downwards. Do your research on the doctors who offer Belotero treatment and compare their rates so that you can settle on the most affordable one. Belotero is the secret key to regaining your youthful looks. It has been tried and tested by celebrities and homemakers so go on try it on. Finally, Belotero – the new filler comes to Essex.