Tag: home teeth whitening in essex

Home Teeth Whitening In Essex

Home Teeth Whitening In Essex
There is not a doubt that millions of people have colored or dull teeth. This makes them uncomfortable in their social lives. This is why many of them spend a lot of money in search of a whitening solution. While the cost of such services is too high sometimes, many of these people do not want to part with the $500 for a tooth whitening session. This is why home teeth whitening in Essex is very popular. The fact that the procedure is done at home does not mean that the results are anything less compared to those from the dentist’s office.

Home Teeth Whitening in Essex

The most important thing is for you to learn a few tricks that will help you do the tooth whitening at home with little help from a cosmetic dentist. While you cannot do things like a professional at home, home teeth whitening in Essex is done by those people who are willing enough to learn a lot about the process before commencing on the whole process with a little help from the dentist. You will need to learn many of the methods that are available for teeth whitening. This will help you distinguish the methods that you can handle at home from those that only the dentist can do.

Home Teeth Whitening in Essex

Home teeth whitening in Essex is common because of the availability of the products that facilitate the whitening procedures. The most important thing you should take note of is getting the right product for whitening your teeth. The trick is in the ingredients of the products on the market. You can get confused because of the numerous products of this type on the shelves of many shops in Essex. One needs to understand the important ingredients or chemical components that facilitate the process of teeth whitening.
For most of the best products for home teeth whitening in Essex, the active ingredient is carbamide peroxide. This is a bleaching agent in most teeth whitening products on the market. When shopping for the right product, watch out for the right and essential active ingredients, otherwise you will remain with colored or dull teeth forever. Other common active ingredients include percarbamide and urea peroxide. It is important for one to understand any side effects or reactions these products may cause while using them. This will guard against using a product that can damage the gums of your teeth or tissues in the mouth.
Home Teeth Whitening in Essex

For your teeth to whiten, you will need to use a contact method. The whitening agent does not just work miracles on its own. Get the best contact items for the whitening process. You can buy trays, pens or strips to aid in making contact between your teeth and the bleaching agents. Try as much as possible to shop for the best tray from home teeth whitening in Essex. The right trays should be fitting on your teeth. Normally, a doctor custom makes some when you visit for tooth whitening. When you do this at home, you can only estimate the right size. However, you can still have some custom made for your teeth.


Top Tips in Home Teeth Whitening in Essex

Home Teeth Whitening In Essex – The Pros And Cons

A bright smile looks brighter with white sparkling teeth. People spend a lot of money to whitening their teeth and achieving that perfect smile. This helps one to look more attractive and boosts the self confidence. The oral hygiene improves too with whiter cleaner teeth. If you are in Essex there are several ways available to whiten the teeth. The home teeth whitening methods are easy and convenient and do not require much effort. But if you are considering home whitening in Essex- the pros and cons have to be considered as well.

Advantages of Home Teeth Whitening

Improves your appearance- This is decidedly the main advantage as nothing could look better than a clean and sparkling smile. Yellow discolored teeth look very unclean and can damage the overall appearance of a person. White teeth make you look dazzling and add to your beauty.
Makes you more confident- People with yellow or discolored teeth hesitate to smile and show their teeth. But when the teeth are absolutely white they need not have any inhibitions. This makes them a more confident person too.
Makes you look friendlier- When you smile more often people tend to think that you are friendlier and you gain more friends.
Instant facelift with whiter teeth- White teeth helps to give you an instant lift making you look younger and better.
Cheap and easy solution- Home teeth whitening methods are cheap and easily affordable. They are easy to administer and do not require much time or effort.
Almost instant results- The results of using home teeth whiteners are obvious within a few days of use.
Easy-to-use applications- The methods are easy and can be tried out at home effectively without having to spend time at the dentists’.
Methods can be reinforced- The home teeth whitening methods can be reinforced as and when required at a later date. Normally the whitening results are quite long lasting.

Disadvantages of Home Teeth Whitening

Bleaching with strong chemicals can result in sore gums. This is common among those with sensitive gums. It would be advisable to consult your dentist for a treatment that suits you.
Veneers and porcelain bonds work well for those with allergies and sensitive gums but these options are very expensive.
Some people also experience discomfort while using custom-fit tray. A slight non-alignment of the tray could cause this problem.
Whitening with instant bleaches could be temporary in nature and the teeth will look discolored again within a short span of time.
These methods are more effective in whitening yellow teeth but do not work on gray or brown teeth.

For home whitening in Essex- the pros and cons the pros and cons have to be considered. It is advisable to visit a dentist to determine your suitability for the home procedures. These tried and tested methods work well for most and produce almost immediate results. Teeth look whiter and better enhancing one’s appearance. This does wonders in boosting the confidence levels. The options are affordable and effective.


Home Tooth Whitening in Essex – Give Your Smile A Fighting Chance!

Tooth whitening is a mega business in the dental industry and it just keeps right on growing. New products are constantly being added, new technologies introduced and new method of tooth whitening implemented. For the people who have a naturally brilliant t smile they can consider themselves very fortunate. For the less fortunate like us, we need to find tooth whitening products to help us along.

Home tooth whitening in Essex is catching on pretty fast. You can buy over the counter tooth whitening products or you can visit your dentist for a tooth whitening solution. Sometimes we just need to clean the teeth ridding them of stains and discoloration that is not too deeply rooted. In this case laser whitening or other move serious methods need not be pursued.

Laser tooth whitening and other methods can be quite expensive and not everyone has that kind of money to spend. The best option is home tooth whitening in Essex which will be a cheaper alternative.

How does home tooth whitening in Essex work? Your dentist will make specially customized mouth trays for you. The dentist will take impressions of your teeth using dental putty or wax and then send it on to a laboratory to create bleaching trays specially fashioned for your teeth. The bleaching gel which is hydrogen peroxide based will be added to the trays and you can go home a happy bunny.

Alternatively you can take the gel in syringes and add them to the trays when you are ready to use them. The trays which are custom made fit snugly over your teeth and the bleaching goes to work whitening your teeth.

The trays have to be worn for a period of 14 days to allow the whitening gel to be effective and prepare the teeth for a final deep clean, which your dentist will perform at the clinic. You can choose to wear the trays during the day or night; it is entirely up to you.

How painful is the home tooth whitening in Essex treatment? Apart from a slight sensitivity you will not experience any pain; if you do experience pain stop the treatment immediately and consult your dentist without delay. Some level of twinges, slight pain or even a dull ache is considered perfectly normal and only temporary. The effects generally do not last more than a couple of days and you can help by not consuming very hot or very cold food and drink items.

There is always a danger in buying tooth whitening products online or even over the counter. If the bleaching gel has a very high concentration of the bleaching agent you can do some serious gum and lip tissue damage.

The main advantage in consulting your dentist for home tooth whitening in Essex is you get a customized product and reliable mixing of the chemicals for the cleaning gel. You need a trained professional handling chemical agents and stuff. Online purchases may sound like a fantastic deal till you actually use them and have to face the not so good consequences. This is not a blanket statement for all products so don’t get me wrong.
