Tag: laser tooth whitening essex

Deep Bleaching Gives You A Super Bright Smile!

Deep Bleaching teeth is a technique to give you extreme tooth whitening that takes a certain period of time ie it is not an instant fix! It takes a certain amount of commitment on your behalf that will ultimately give you a dazzling white smile.

During the first dental appointment, impressions are taken and then sent to a highly specialised laboratory who make transparent , comfortable and especially self sealing so you dont have to worry about them falling out of your mouth during the night.

We advise you to wear them for at least for 14 nights straight until you see us again at our dental office.

These trays have small chambers or reservoirs pouches beside each tooth to catch and hold excess whitening gel thru the night.

The first 2 weeks may not give you the ideal result to start with but what you must understand is that you are getting oxygen into the teeth via the enamel before your final dental office visit.

You will still have to use the deep bleaching trays after the visit to give you the ultimate bright white smile in essex!


Enlighten Tooth Whitening Now Available in Essex

We at Chafford Hundred Dental Care in Essex are now proud to introduce the latest innovation in Tooth Whitening called Enlighten Teeth Whitening.
We take an Impression of your teeth , which is sent to a special laboratory , where sealed bleaching trays { Shields to wear over your teeth } are made. You then wear these every night for two weeks, after you have a final one hour treatment at the surgery. Enlighten is great for those teeth which are in good condition but the wrong colour!

This particular company guarantees to lighten your teeth to the top shade of natural whiteness of their chart.

The results last indefinately as long as the trays are worn six nights a year after the initial treatment.
