Tag: Porcelain Veneers

Porcelain Veneers in Essex

Porcelain is something people often associate with quality. The word evokes fancy looking vases and precious antiques. What you may not know is that it is a material that is very useful in cosmetic dentistry. With porcelain veneers in Essex you can take advantage of this material to give your smile that extra stylish sheen! Continue reading Porcelain Veneers in Essex


Tips on Porcelain Veneers.

Tips for getting porcelain veneers

Cosmetic dentistry is a mixture of professional health care and artistry. It requires both careful precision and a certain degree of creative flair. This is why when you are looking for tips for getting porcelain veneers you need to remember you want someone who can get them put in safely but also ensure they make them look good in the process!

What are porcelain veneers?

Porcelain veneers may also be called dental veneers or possibly dental porcelain laminates. In simple terms they are a kind of shell-like coating placed over the front of the teeth in order to make them look more presentable and add a bit of lustre to your smile!

Why porcelain?

Porcelain tends to be more effective for veneers because the way it is stained is closer to the look of teeth than other materials. They are also thinner and this means less of your tooth needs to be removed in order to have them put in your mouth.

What are they used for?

Porcelain veneers can be used to-

Fix discoloured teeth
Replace teeth that have been worn down
Replaced chipped or broken teeth
Reshape uneven or oddly shaped teeth
Close gaps between teeth

How do I get a porcelain veneer?

Porcelain veneers may not necessarily be suitable for everyone. A consultant with a certified dental practitioner is strongly recommended to ensure you get appropriate veneers to suit your dental condition. Part of this consultation may include X-rays or dental impressions to see if veneers are suitable.

Once this has been done the dentist then removes half a millimetre of enamel in order to create a model of the veneer. After around two weeks the veneer should be ready for bonding (some people with severe problems can get temporary veneers while waiting to get their permanent ones back from the dental laboratory that makes them).

During the bonding process the dentist will carefully check to ensure that it fits properly before “cementing” it in place. A follow up may be necessary to ensure that the veneer has been properly installed in the mouth.
How long do veneers last?

Veneers should last between five to ten years, although can last longer if they are properly looked after. After the five to ten year period you can get replacements.

Do they need special cleaning?

Veneers do not require any specialist cleaning and can be treated in much the same way as your teeth. However you may want to cut down on anything that could stain them such as coffee and red wine.

Call us on 01375481000 to schedule a FREE Consultation with Dr J Basrai Now!

One of the best tips for getting porcelain veneers is to find a dentist who has experience and is certified in installing porcelain veneers. Book now for a consultation to see if these are best suited for your needs.


Porcelain Veneers in Essex – The most popular cosmetic procedure!

Porcelain Veneers in Essex – The most popular cosmetic procedure

Porcelain veneers in Essex are more helpful to solve many of our teeth problems like teeth whitening, dental bridges, clear step and so on in our dental office in Chafford Hundred Dental Care. Teeth whitening in Essex clinics help to cover stained teeth. Dental bridges can cover the gaps between the two teeth. Clear step helps to straighten your teeth. If you follow the right dental practices and take care of your pearly whites after undergoing the dental porcelain veneers, dental bridges, teeth whitening, etc. they will last for a longer period of time. Having your teeth cleared of imperfections like chipped, broken or crooked teeth will make you confident enough to face the world with a smile and become successful in all your endeavors.
Porcelain veneers are famous the world over. There are many dentists who are practicing the latest procedures having but Dr J Basrai and his team in the heart of Essex have specialised training from some of the worlds Best!. We are interested in creating new smiles and rejuvenating the face via non surgical procedures. If you are seriously looking for installation of porcelain veneers in the heart of Essex, consulting us for all options would be more helpful and make it easier for you to decide whether you can go ahead with this particular procedure or not.

Give us a call on 01375481000 for a FREE Consultation.


Are You a Candidate for Porcelain Veneers?

Are You a Candidate for Porcelain Veneers?

As you can probably tell from various commercials that you see every day, the dental industry is definitely not static. Fifteen years ago, all braces were unwieldy, ugly, and huge, but now you can get your teeth aligned using totally invisible braces. Our teeth are becoming straighter, wider, and prettier as the years go by and dentists discover new ways to making teeth look perfect. Porcelain veneers are one of those ways. If youíve been thinking about getting porcelain veneers in Essex, you should put some thought into the procedure, since it is not reversible and since it is not for everyone.

If you have serious tooth problems, such as staining, especially, on your front teeth, you could definitely be a good candidate for porcelain veneers. These veneers are basically super-thin pieces of porcelain that are bonded to the teeth to cover up problems. Before theyíre bonded, some of the tooth enamel is shaved off so that your teeth wonít be thicker than normal. If youíve ever seen a piece of laminate wood with a veneer on it, you can imagine a bit about what these veneers look like.

One problem with these veneers is that they actually have to be bonded to the enamel of healthy teeth. If your tooth problems are caused by more than just decades of drinking coffee and red wine, you might have to go with another option. Your dentist who specializes in porcelain veneers in Essex will be able to help you decide whether or not veneers could be used once some of your more major dental problems are taken care of.

If your teeth are already pretty, then veneers are probably not your best option. In fact, they might cause more harm than good. They canít ever be reversed, and if one of your veneers chips, which can happen fairly easily, you will have to absorb the cost of having a whole new veneer made, which can be pretty expensive. Plus, insurance might cover all or part of the cost of veneers for someone with very bad teeth, but it wonít cover the veneers if your teeth are already in pretty good shape.

Another type of person who might want to steer clear of veneers is the person who grinds his teeth. Tooth grinding is common and usually unconscious, and many people do it in their sleep. Since this problem can wear down or chip veneers, most dentists who specialize in porcelain veneers in Essex will recommend that grinders forego veneers or learn to control their grinding by day and to wear a tooth guard by night.
